Tony rolled his eyes and almost didn't cry in anger. Do you send your face to someone’s hands?"

"You might do it, but I can't do it. I'm not that stupid."

war machine:""

The corners of the mouth twitch.

Extremely speechless.

Damn it, you just talk, why did you suddenly start a personal attack? The war machine shook his head and said, "Well, as long as you don't steal Pim Industries' technology, everything is easy to say.

.Then what are you doing?"


Tony said solemnly: "That **** Old Antique is afraid of me stealing his technology. Then I will tell him in half a year that his poor technology is not in my eyes, Tony Stark!"

"Even if I don't steal it, I can study the Pym particle in half a year. Oh, then it will not be called a Pym particle, but a Stark particle!!"

After talking angrily, Tony shook off the war machine, returned to the Stark Industrial Building, and worked intensively in the laboratory.

The war machine is completely speechless.

God! Originally it was a joke, why did such a big thing happen? Pim particles, this technology has been formed, and it will soon be owned by the Heroes Association. You are studying this now. This is not purely a waste of time and Energetic.


It's a nonsense!"

War Machine shook his head, but he was Tony's best friend, and he knew exactly what Tony's character was.

He knew that Tony had decided that he would never persuade him to come back.

Perhaps, only that person can do it.

Forget it, the anti-king is good now that the Heroes' Association is ready to be established, and there is nothing that needs Tony to come forward. He has finally found a job that kills time and is high-spirited, so let him go wrong for the time being.

Time is hurried, two days have passed since Hank Pim joined the Heroes Association.His jokes about Tony's prevention of Tony spread, and the fact that Tony wanted to develop Stark particles separately also spread quickly.

Make Nick Fury, the professor is extremely speechless.

Chapter 490 Li Bufan has a great plan! (For subscription)

Chapter 491 At this time, a weird and terrible thing happened! (For subscription)

At that time, when the archaeological team got the...mysterious, weird bow and arrow, the collective had an accident, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.Many people with weak physique went directly into fainting, frightening the archaeological team.

At this moment, something strange and terrifying happened! One of the young interns of the archaeological team, who was only in his twenties, suddenly heard a voice.

The voice of the devil!! "Pick up the bow and arrow, pick up the bow and arrow, pick up the bow and arrow"

That voice kept bewitching the young archaeologists, and the expression of that...intern gradually changed, from the initial panic, panic, to hesitation, the last weird red light flashed in his eyes. And pass.

Cruel!! The color of his eyes eventually became cruel, and a smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth, a weird and evil, cruel smile.

That... the young intern slowly walked towards the bow and arrow as the voice said.

Take it, get up!! Just after he picked up the bow and arrow, a second voice appeared in his ear: "Jie Jie! Very good, you have taken a solid step. Next, let us look at your teacher. , Friends, what talent do you have."

"Shoot their heads! Shot their heads! Shot their heads!!"

The devilish babble appeared in the ears of the young interns.

That... the young intern immediately.

Do the same, draw the bow, shoot the arrow, aim at the doctoral advisor who is closest to him, the doctoral advisor is gray-haired, and his face is pale with horror, and he trembles and yells: "Bruce, what are you going to do?"

The rest of the archaeological team were also shocked.

Someone immediately.

Shouted: "Bruce! Bruce!! Be sober, this is not you, this is not you!!"

"Bruce, throw that...bow and arrow, it's all him"

"That's not a bow and arrow, that's from Satan! Bruce, throw it away!!"

Exclaimed, screamed,

The wailing sounded at the same time, and all the members of the archaeological team shouted hard to restore the young intern to his senses. It was a pity that it was too late when that... the young intern picked up the bow and arrow.

The young student named Bruce said with a corner of his mouth: "No, it is you who don't understand, you don't know what this arrow means! It can create at least a thousand substitutes!!"

Whoosh!! Before the words fell, Bruce shot an arrow at his doctoral tutor.He didn't have any archery skills at all, and his arm strength was not good, but the ancient arrow with a simple shape accurately hit the teacher's forehead.

Moreover, it still penetrated!! It penetrated directly through his teacher's head, and his teacher fell to the ground.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

"Kill, kill! Bruce killed someone!!"

"Run away!!"

"Bruce is crazy, he has been controlled by the devil!! Hurry, run away!!"

"Damn it, Satan, that thing is definitely what Satan left on earth!!"

The exclamation sounded one after another.

The entire archaeological team, whoever was still standing, all scattered and fled.

Bruce looked at the mentor who had been killed by himself, and murmured: "Damn, do you have...the talent for awakening, don't die, otherwise I will stay in this **** ghost place again." Thousands of years"

"Don't die"

As he spoke, the red light in Bruce's eyes had gradually faded, and he could only listen to Bruce's murmur: "There is no time, there is not much time left and can't be delayed any longer. These people must be made aware of my value."

"I want to realize my value and my existence is to inspire the talents of as many people as possible, otherwise I am a door with no meaning."

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Chapter 492: This is how the avatar superpower is born! ! (For subscription)

Among the murmured words, Bruce immediately.

Stepping forward, he drew out the old arrow that... had penetrated the teacher, and pulled the bow again, aiming at the archaeological team member who had fainted on the ground, swish, another arrow.

It is still the deadly position of the head, and of course it is still penetrated.