We are still discussing the matter of the Earth Kerry Organization and the [Eternal Substitute Arrow]."

Li Bufan curled his lips and said, "What is there to discuss about this matter? They will be at three tomorrow afternoon:, aren't they going to hold a conference in Washington? I'm looking for an identity and lurking in and not "seven six zeros."

That's it.

I lurked first, and when I found the clue of [Eternal Substitute Arrow], I took them in one pot."

"Yes! Thank you very much Mr. Death."

"I agree!!"

"If Mr. Grim Reaper is willing to make a move, then it will definitely succeed!"

"Thank you."

After Li Bufan said it, the high-level people in the conference room started talking, very excited.

This is not to blame for them. Li Bufan is really too lazy. In the past half a year, he has not done one thing in the preparations for the establishment of the Heroes Association. .

After the agreement is reached, it is the specific action matters.There is no need for anyone else, Nick Fury, to be directly responsible, and the two will report to An Zhenzhen.

Thus, the meeting adjourned.

Nick Fury, the teacher discussed briefly, and then sought Li Bufan's opinion, and finally called in the black widow Natasha.She was in charge of the intelligence department and served as the director of the intelligence department.She knew the whole thing best.

Especially the more than a thousand people in the Earth Kerry organization.

Although not everyone's information is clear, but 30 people are held.Of these people, which can be replaced and which are suitable for replacement, she is the most, so she is the most suitable guide for Li Bufan.

Not to mention, these two people still have adultery, and when they work together, they must have a tacit understanding than the others.

Nick Fury, teach only negative, the specific operation details, don't care at all

, This is not to say that they are unwilling, in order to make the plan smooth, they are really too, they also do other tasks.

But the problem is that Li Bufan is Li Bufan.

Nick Fury, the teachers are all human beings, how can they be ignorant of Natasha before entering the meeting room, she did her job well, she chose two people, currently living in Manhattan, one named Daisy A female engineer, a super hacker teenager named Phelps, the former is about her age, and the latter is about the same as Li Bufan, and she also disguises casually. It is Natasha who looks at Li Bufan with a smile and jokingly said: " Mr. Grim Reaper, you have to pretend to be Phelps, but you are a genius young hacker who became famous in the hacker world at the age of nine. It is difficult for you to pretend to be him. You basically don't touch the computer much."

This is true, Li Bufan rarely touches the computer, and has never shown his computer skills in front of everyone.

But in fact, a long time ago, he extracted the top hacking skills through the real-life red envelope system.Even geniuses such as 09 Tony Star and Reed Richards are not his opponents.

It's just that there has been no chance to display it.

Li Bufan said weakly in his heart: I went, originally thought that the hacker technology would never be used anymore, and I didn't expect that there would be such a chance to pretend to be.

His slight hesitation fell in the eyes of Shi, Natasha, and Nick Fury, and it was naturally embarrassing.

Remind you: three things to read

Chapter 503 Hacking Technology? Understand a little, understand a little! (For subscription)

It's right to think about it, Li Bufan's horror is really horrible, what can be said is his strength, hackers stop, stop, don't joke, he has been working hard to improve his combat effectiveness, how can there be leisure to study computers.

I couldn't help but smile and deliberately said: "Li, I didn't expect that there are still things in this world that you are not good at."

"Hey, how can you say that you are not good at it."

Nick Fury deliberately sullen his face, and seriously corrected, "Perhaps Li has already mastered the top hacking skills, and he is also an inexperienced hacker evildoer, but there is no chance to play it."

The two looked at each other, and they all showed knowing smiles.

2 I didn't expect that in their lifetime, they would still be able to see Li Bufan deflated, which is really interesting.

Natasha was not happy anymore.

She just wanted to make fun of her own man, but Nick Fury, tell me what this is doing, her own man said it was okay, but others said that it wouldn't work.

Even if you are extraordinary friends, even if this is just some kind joking, it won't work! Natasha frowned, and she glanced at her with dissatisfaction. Nick Fury glanced at him and said, "Mr. Do you also know hacking skills?"

Very direct, very impolite, and very unsatisfactory! Nick Fury shook his head.

Also shook his head.

Natasha said: "Then why are you embarrassed to run others like this, don't you feel ashamed?"

Well, being able to say such a thing also proves that the relationship between Natasha and Nick Fury is definitely not only a superior and inferior, but also a very good friend.

It's all for this, but Nick Fury, it was so funny, the two shrewdly understood what Natasha meant, but they didn't have the steps to go down and give him

Leave a side here.

Shaking his head, he said: "I don't need to pretend to be Phelps."

Nick Fury said: "I don't need Phelps either."

Natasha: ""

Damn it, you two guys!! "You guys!"

Natasha's eyes widened with anger, and exclaimed, "Even if you want to pretend to be Phelps, you just need to be successful in disguise. Will those guys test him in public and let him perform hacking skills? "

Nick Fury, the teacher laughed at the same time.

"Hahaha Xiaona, we are joking with you, what are you doing so seriously"

Nick Fury smiled.

However, at this moment, Li Bufan said to Natasha, "Give me the notebook."

Natasha didn't think too much, so she handed the laptop to Li Bufan.It was just a very ordinary laptop, and there was nothing special about it.

His brows frowned, 27 almost thought of something, his eyes widened instantly! Nick Fury was the same.

He said: "Damn, Li, you, don't scare us, what are you planning to do?"

I saw Li Bufan flying his fingers like flying, and quickly danced on the notebook's built-in keyboard, but his eyes never looked at the keyboard. Instead, he looked at Nick Fury and Shi with a smile, and said, "What are you doing?"

"Hey, you are all talking about this, if I don't show my computer skills, wouldn't I be sorry to you, and to myself"

"I plan to hack the power system of the Heroes Association headquarters within ten seconds 1!!"

Chapter 504 Oh God, what else can you not? ! (For subscription)

Nick Fury, the professor's face changed drastically.

Hacking the power system of the Heroes Association, what are you kidding about? Know that this is the Heroes Association. The various firewall levels are higher than the White House. Nothing else. Not only is the impact of the Heroes Association on the world has exceeded the country, but also Because the Heroes Association has absorbed talents from all over the world, of course, this also includes various hacker evildoers.