Edward Hoss said: "The two'substitutes' can only inspire a substitute ability of 150 people at most. On average, each arrow can stimulate about 750 people.

When the excitement exceeds the use."

Oh, are you about to lose the effect? ​​Evans smiled slightly and said: "This is also reasonable. Everything has a lifespan, but it has long and short.

Edward, keep staring

With [Red Arrow Operation]."

Edward Hoss nodded and said, "Yes!"

Evans continued: "Ophine, you are responsible for finding other'stand-in arrows'. This is a very difficult task.

We know very little about the'Standby Arrow'. We don't know if there is a third one in this world, let alone where the'Standby Arrow' is. There are too many things to do. Not only do we need to do it, but also Use your brain, it's hard work."

Ofine said: "It's not hard work, Master Chief, compared to you, what we have done is nothing. I will definitely not let down your trust. I will collect everything related to the'Standby Arrow' in the shortest time. intelligence."



Evans nodded. In the end, his eyes flashed, saying: "Before that, the Kerry organization can't do anything. All the 120 stand-in units will also undergo closed training, as far as possible. The stand-in ability has been improved to the extreme."

"Prior to this, they are not allowed to do anything, let alone to appear in front of the world!"

"Remember, you are not allowed to make any mistakes. Fortunately, there is no complete certainty. Without the certainty that the **** of death can be killed with one blow, and without the certainty that he is completely trampled to death, absolutely no action can be taken!"

"My requirement is: if you don't move, you will be shocked and shaken as soon as you move!!"

The loud and loud words made Edward Hoss and Ophein stunned. At the same time, he pampered with his feet and saluted Evans, solemnly swearing: "Your lord, rest assured, we will complete the mission successfully!!"

Chapter 510 Evans: I have a killer! (2 requests for subscription)

Chapter 511 is destined to make a sensation in the world! (For subscription)

"Master, what do you want to say"

Ofine, Edward Hoss was excited.

Evans still had that kind of mysterious smile on his face, and slowly said, "I have another assassin! At present, only I and comrades Tachie Yamano know about this assassin, and Comrade Tachie Yamano will be in a few days' time. Announced at the meeting!"

Assassin! Ofine, Edward Hoss was shocked, his eyes were hot.

They really want to know what, but since Evans didn't say it, it means it's not time, so even though they have 10,000 want to know in their hearts, they can only hold back.

"I know you want to know."

Evans smiled slightly and said, "But it's better to keep a mystery. Both of you must attend the meeting. At the meeting, Comrade Tatsue Yamano will tell you."

"This is, a, really big surprise."

Evans had said so, Ophein, what else could Edward Hos say, and the two replied loudly and loudly: "Yes! Master Chief."

They drew at least two conclusions from Evans' words.

1. Killer! 2. Meeting! In the meeting a few days later, maybe they will no longer just live in the dark, they will go from the dark to the light, so that everyone in the world can see them.

This is a meeting destined to stir the world and shine through the annals of history!! A luxury villa in the suburbs of Washington, this is the place where it was held. Core members from all over the world, either in a few days or yesterday, Arrived in Washington, I just waited for the meeting.

Li Bufan and Natasha arrived at the villa at 2:30 in the afternoon.

Now one of them is called Phelps and the other is Daisy.This time, Li Bufan has also seen the most cutting-edge disguise in this world.

The two walked into the interior of the villa. This is a huge living room with huge lights hanging in the living room.

Dozens of people.

The specifications of this conference are extremely high, and there are only sixty people who are really eligible to participate! They are not very familiar with each other, many people even met for the first time, and they used to contact online before. This is also this conference. One of the purposes of this is to hope that through the meeting, the core executives will meet.

It won't happen in the street in the future, and no one knows each other.

Natasha leaned in Li Bufan's ear and kept introducing him to the members of the Earth Cree Organization, but Li Bufan listened absent-mindedly, because in his eyes, this group of anti-humans were all miscellaneous fish, and he was too lazy to understand. .

0 In the chat, the time has come to three points: The spiritual leader of the Kerry organization, Yamano Tachie is about to appear! Yamano Tachie, sixty years old, can become a spiritual leader because she was the first to join Kerry. The Empire sent a signal, and it succeeded.

It was she who made contact with the Kerry Empire and created the Kerry Organization.

Regrettably, another great man did not come

That person is of course Evans, a rich second generation worth tens of billions of dollars, and a staunch environmentalist, because he has witnessed the destruction of the earth's environment time and time again.

No matter how much effort I made, it turned out to be in vain, and I was completely disappointed in humans, and the idea of ​​destroying all humans came into my mind.

It's a pity that there has been no way out.

It was not until during a trip that he accidentally met a member.After some in-depth exchanges, he realized that he had met a friend, and then passed various tests and successfully joined.

That's an old thing more than ten years ago, and it is from that time that financial resources have greatly increased, and development is like a rocket, flying straight into the sky.

Now, Tachie Yamano is the spiritual leader, and Evans is the real leader! Eight!

Chapter 512 That fellow must not dare to come! (1 request for subscription)

Li Bufan was wandering away from the sky, and Natasha suddenly looked up the steps and whispered: "Yanye Lie is here!!"

On the steps, an Oriental woman with silver hair appeared.

The scene,,, thunderous applause!! That...the oriental woman is naturally Yamano Tachie. Although her head has turned white, she has a special temperament. She exudes a gentle, gentle and intellectual, and at the same time reveals something. The inexplicable kindness and kindness make people involuntarily "nine-three zero"

The heart is close.

Such a woman, if she doesn't know her true identity, it is impossible to associate her with such an extreme organization in any way.

Shanye Lie was followed by a young man with a full body armor and blue skin.

The young man was named Lan Canghai. Like Evans and Edward Hoss, he was both a superpower and a stand-in.

To put it simply, he is Yamano Tachie's confidant.

It is also a very common story that the two met. Many years ago, Lan Canghai was still young, and the family was poor, not the ordinary poor, but the kind... Lost Lan Canghai.

Yamano Tachie happened to meet him, so she picked him up and gave him food and books to read.

Since then, Lan Canghai has set up a wish.His dream is Shanye Lie, no matter how time changes, no matter what Shanye Tachie does, he will follow her without hesitation.

Lan Canghai is the greatest reliance of Shanye Lie. Before the arrival of the substitute era, he awakened an extremely terrifying superpower, that is [Atomization]! The whole body can be turned into black mist, just like the smoke in the king. fruit.