At this point, Li Bufan can be sure of one thing: this ‘chief’ Evans, he is here to be funny!! But Evans still escaped.

The Kerry organization incident has temporarily come to an end.As far as the family is concerned, there are a lot of things they need to do next.They need to investigate in detail and find all the members of the Kerry organization.

Get rid of.

The Heroes Association also has a lot of things to do.The interrogation is based on the mountain, and all the Kerry organizations including Edward Hoss.

There are too many things to do

.1, the Kerry Empire!! Yes, for them, the Kerry Organization is not counted at all. The Kerry Empire is the top priority. This is a much stronger existence than the earth civilization. The Kerry Empire invaded the earth. Before, they must understand their opponents.

2, Stand-in Arrow! Yamano Tachie said that they have found the [Eternal Stand-in Arrow]. It turns out that she was just fooling the Heroes Association, just wanting to increase the bargaining chip for the next negotiation, so that the Heroes Association dare not act rashly. .

Sorry! Of course, there is no [Eternal Substitute Arrow], but [Substitute Arrow] does exist. This involves the third thing.

, Evans! That's right, according to the interrogation, the Heroes Association has learned that Evans still has a "Standby Arrow" that has never been used, so the next task is simple.

Do everything possible to find Evans! Get the [Standby Arrow]! But since Evans fled that day, he seemed to have evaporated from the world and completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

The current intelligence network of the Association of Heroes is more than that of S.H.I.E.L.D.

It was amazing, but even the Heroes Association did not find any clues.

Three full months! The Heroes Association has been searching for three full months, but there is still no clue. Some people doubt that the guy has escaped from the earth.

Three months later, things turned 0.

8 machine, the clue comes from Reid.


This guy is a local with a funny and interesting personality.

After Li Bufan developed, he was naturally able to ascend to heaven alone.

With the help of Li Bufan, various physical qualities have been strengthened, and now it can be said that it is a weakened version of the captain's physique.

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Chapter 538 Hell's Kitchen Is Not Peaceful Recently! (For subscription)

The reason why Li Bufan helped him in this way was not only because of his previous love, but also because he needed an eyeliner buried in the hell's kitchen to be aware of all changes at all times.

He has already settled the golden union, but it is not enough.It is not that he is worried that he can't control the golden union, but the kind of...the king who is too ambitious.

If you don't pay attention, the ghost knows what will happen.

Reed is Li Bufan’s eyes in Hell’s Kitchen. Jin He also knows this. He was naturally unhappy at first, but people had to bow their heads under the eaves. He had already seen Li Bufan’s harsh methods once, but I don't want to see it a second time.

Li Bufan doesn't care about Jin and what he thinks. He only looks at Jin and does what he does. If you dare to mess around, 01 will replace you directly.


Everything that happened next surpassed everyone's expectations, and the guy Reid actually became friends with Jin with his extraordinary skill and exquisite personality.

They are not ordinary friends, but very good friends! The relationship between the two is getting better and better, which is not to be counted, Reid actually succeeded in introducing Jin and introducing a blonde woman named Daisy, who is Jin Bin on the surface. In fact, his secretary has gradually entered Jin Bin's heart.

If in the past, this was impossible, after all, Jin didn't think he was too weak, it was because of the family, but now it is different.

It was also because of Li Bufan! He suddenly discovered that no matter how hard he tried, he could not reach the height of Li Bufan. That really made him desperate. Slowly, he accepted Daisy.

Closer to home, Li Bufan suddenly realized something through the news given by Reid.

They look for Evans all over the world, but they never thought that your guy is hiding under their noses!! Hidden in the city! The most dangerous places in the world are often the safest!! "You guy, kind of funny Ah Li Bufan laughed.

Queens, at home.

After tossing all night yesterday, Wanda is still not awake, Li Bufan got up and moved his muscles, secretly said

:: "After three months of rest, it's time for activities."

Hell's Kitchen! Office.

After Jin He surrendered to Li Bufan, immediately.

He began to conquer the city, and now he has taken charge of the Hell's Kitchen.Since he has decided to do this, of course he has to make a big business.

This is not only to fulfill the promise to Li Bufan, but also to prove his strength.

Jin divided the Hell's Kitchen into the first area, the second area, the third area and the eighth area.In this way, there is no ideological barrier, all are numbers, and all are under the control of him.

If anyone has an opinion, just say it and promise to kill you.

Jin Bin completely controls the Hell's Kitchen.Of course, Reid follows Jin Bin to eat and drink.The market is naturally rising, and he has climbed to the second in charge of the Hell's Kitchen.The power is second only to Jin Bin.

The base camp of Jin Bin, the base camp of Reed in the eighth district, is located in the first district.

At noon this day.

Reid rushed to the eighth district, the private residence of 93 Jin Bin.

Reid arrived in a hurry, pushed the door in, and saw Kim and his secretary Daisy.

Reed glanced at Daisy meanly, he laughed, and yelled dissatisfiedly: "Old Jin, what happened so violently let me come over and let you say on the phone, you still refuse to say it, it won't be The sky is falling down, right"

Daisy smiled at Reed, not caring about his wretched gaze.

Jin Bin said indifferently: "What kind of character Reid I am, others don't know, you don't know yet.

If there is nothing particularly important, how could I be like this"

Reid's face changed, and the state of the whole person instantly became: solemn, solemnly said: "Old Jin, innocence is about to collapse"


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Chapter 539 What's The Situation? ! (For subscription)

Golden Union.

He is not... an ordinary boss, he is the emperor of Hell's Kitchen!! During this time, Jin He has risen to fame and has a strong edge. Who dares to embarrass him and who has the ability to embarrass him, but he still reacts like this, also In other words, something really happened, and it's not a normal thing, just like I said, it's a big event that the sky is about to fall!! Jin Ryo's expression is as usual, and his eyes are on the chair in front of the desk. Nu, said: "Sit first."

Reid pulled the chair back and sat down, saying: "What's the matter?"

Jin Bin said lightly: "What to drink?"

Reid was anxious and said: "Hey, Lao Jin, my brother, when is this, you still have a leisurely drink, do you want to be anxious to death without seeing me? In the words of my boss, this The emperor is not in a hurry, the **** is in a hurry."