Daisy was taken aback! Jin Bin and Reid's expressions were all dark, and sure enough, the previous respectful, docile, all pretended, now finally the fox tail is about to be revealed, but no one expected this guy to be like this. do

After a daze, Daisy recovered quickly and chuckled softly: "Boss Anthony, I was joking, what can I do with you?"


Anthony smiled slyly: "Sister Daisy, look at what you are talking about. If you see it outside, it's not that we have anything to do with whom, why don't you allow me to miss you if you make a phone call?"

"!! I accidentally said what was in my heart."

Daisy clenched the phone suddenly! "Sister Daisy, why don't you speak anymore? Don't tell me you are angry, no way, my sister Daisy is not...a stingy person, just allow gold and that... old If a man misses you, can't I think about it?"

"It doesn't make sense, right, sister Daisy, my sister Daisy"

Daisy's eyebrows couldn't help beating, and her face was filled with anger.

Remember to save

Chapter 542: Tonight Is Destined to Sleepless! (For subscription)

Jin Bin's face changed suddenly, and he smiled, and said in a negative test: "Anthony, I am Jin Bin, what happened today? You are in a good mood."

On the phone, Anthony exaggerated: "Oh, Boss Kim! You are here. Sorry, I was drunk and said something drunk. I didn't say too much to Sister Daisy just now. If so, I apologize. Sincere apology."

Jin Bin chuckled and said, "No."

Anthony said: "Really not"

"Nine Three Zero"

Jin Bin said: "Really nothing, what's the matter, just tell me."

Anthony said, "Boss Kim looks at what you said, who doesn't know that your old man is the heaven of the hell's kitchen, the king of the hell's kitchen, what can I do?

Not to mention anything else, in our Hell's Kitchen this one-third of acres, even a dog, it depends on the face of your old man!"

"What I didn't say, just two words: awesome!"

Jin Bin frowned slightly and was a little unhappy. Why did this guy suddenly become the mad dog Anthony on the side of the mad dog. He didn't feel anything, and continued madly: "Boss Jin, if I didn't say anything about drinking just now, it might be possible now. I will say, I will give you a vaccination first, but don't care."

"Who is Anthony, you don't know, I am a dog of yours, what you say is what you say, I will bite whoever you ask me to bite."

Jin Bin chuckled and said, "Anthony, what are you talking about? I always treat you as a brother."

"Hey, yes yes."

Anthony smiled: "Xia Guo has an old saying, brothers are like brothers and feet, and wife are like clothes. I still lack a piece of clothing. How can you really let me wear your clothes? of."

Jin Bin's pupil shrank suddenly, no longer...Zhan was angry inside, gritted his teeth and said: "An! Dong! Ni!! Don't think that you have awakened your stand-in ability, that's it. If you dare to bite people like a mad dog, I can't spare you!!"

Anthony smiled and slapped his head: "Hey, Boss Jin, I was talking about drinking again just now. Sorry, sorry, really

I'm extremely sorry, but don't take it to heart.

Tell Sister Daisy for me, so she doesn't care about it either."

"Let's talk about business, what time is it now"

Jin Ping glanced at the Rolex on his wrist, snorted coldly, gritted his teeth and said: "8:47 in the evening, what's wrong!"

"8:8 forty-seven, that is to say, it is more than an hour before ten:10, the time is just right."

Anthony nodded over there and said, "Boss Kim, you can leave now. Reid is also next to you. Take him with him. Come to Margaret Western Restaurant. I have booked the room. It’s your favorite 101."

``You know, I have now awakened my stand-in ability, and I can no longer stay in Hell's Kitchen. "

Jin Bin's eyebrows beat, and he quickly thought about the purpose of Anthony's move.

On the phone, Anthony continued: "Hey, what, Reid, my dear Reid brother is also with you, I saw him in, let him come together.

Oh, yes, the other six 66 district bosses don't need to call, not because I have called them all in advance."

"Boss Jin, originally only you have this qualification, don't blame me for exceeding my authority, I am a person, you know, unscheduled, loyal, and honest.

8. It's a very useful dog."

"I think, since it's a farewell ceremony, it must be the more people the better, so it's lively."

"I don't want to worry about this kind of trivial matter at all.

If you really care, you are here and slap me a few times to vent your anger. I must stand there without moving!"

"Come on, you guys, say hello to Boss Kim."

Remind you: three things to read

Remember to save Boss

Chapter 543: Accident, Accident! (For subscription)

On the phone, the voices of the other six 66 district bosses were heard, but Jin did not listen.He and Reed looked at each other, all eyes were shocked and surprised.

Damn it! What the **** did that guy do? He is watching them. He called Reid over, but it was temporary, and most people would not pay attention at all, and he repeatedly told Reid that he must keep it secret, and he must not tell the second person, but Anthony The guy pointed out with precision and certainty that Reid is here! That... **** pervert!! Jin was shocked, and Anthony's voice sounded again: "Boss Kim, don't be so surprised, calm, be calm, This is where and where, even more surprised, 01 is behind.

Okay, let's not talk about it."

"Time: ten o'clock tonight.

Location: Margaret! Waiting for you!"

Phone, hang up.

In the office, the atmosphere is deadly silent, everyone has a complicated expression, and they are thinking about something.

Kim glanced at Reed and motioned to Reed to say something.

Reid gritted his teeth and said: ``First, he must have been monitoring us a long time ago, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for him to know my whereabouts so much.

I didn't say it before, just say this time, I didn't even say the sea or the animals, absolutely no one else knows! But he does."

"Second, since he has already started surveillance, it means that he wanted to do something to us a long time ago. "

Jin Bing smiled and said, "Reid, then you say we are going or not"

Reid smiled bitterly: "Kim Nam, do you think we have another choice, since he chose to attack tonight, he just didn't want people from the Association of Heroes to intervene.

Now unless we hide our heads as a tortoise, we must go to this grand feast."
