"What are you doing"

The Rocket stared at Kamora, because Kamora had already taken out the weapon and looked like he was about to participate in the battle, and Kamora's answer verified Rocket's conjecture.

This undoubtedly made the Rockets extremely annoyed.


Rocket said irritably, "I didn't see how the previous group of guys did not ask you to participate in the war to our people. As a result, if you didn't say anything, Baba ran to help others not only...not grateful to you, but also scolding you for taking care of your business! !"

Kamora shook his head and said coldly: "Rocket, did you do those things to gain the approval of others, I don't care what the Xander Stars think, like you said before, I don't want to be a hero at all."

"I just want to feel good about myself!!"

"And kill these doglegs of Thanos, and finally kill them. For my old lady, this is the best thing!! If you don't want to participate, even if you leave, I won't persuade you, let alone look down on it."

Whoosh!! In the cold voice, Kamora has already rushed towards Nova Plaza, where there is Queen Adora, and the core high-level members of the Nova Legion, and the vanguard also has a brain. What can be done to destroy Xandal Star the fastest.

There is the main battlefield!! Star Lord, Rocket, Drax shook God, and Camora had already rushed out.

"Wow, cool!"

Xingjue shrugged, complimented, and followed

Pulled out his elemental gun: and charged the rocket again, Drax said, "Although I am also very angry, I think Kamora is right.

We are not doing all this to gain the approval of others."

"Actually, what the heck is it, I just want to make myself cool!!"

"I want to go too, you can figure it out."

Before he could finish speaking, Drax had bloodshot eyes, holding two daggers, like a bull, rushing towards the vanguard.

He is also good for himself, but he is not only good for himself.

0 Actually, Thanos started his plan many years ago, but the efficiency is not very high. Whenever he goes to a place, he will kill half of the people in that place, just like the planet of Kamora, Drax The planet.

Both Kamora's parents were killed by Thanos, and Drax's wife and children were all killed by Thanos.

For this big guy, anyone who can kill Thanos can make him madly excited.For example, right now, he has completely lost his reason and entered a state of complete runaway.

Star Lord, Rocket looked at Drax who rushed out with anger, a little speechless.


Xingjue was still a bit embarrassed. Camora was the first, so he should be the second behind. I didn't expect the big guy Drax to get the first place, and said, "Rocket, you are free, I will go too. , Kill those strange species!!"

He activated the Star Jue's Battle Armor and flew out.

Rocket, speechless! He looked at the Groot potted plant he was holding, it seemed to move, and then turned to look at his three comrades who had already started the killing. Standing idly by, let alone escape.

If this is the case, then I am sorry not only for my three **** companions, but also for the Groot Eight who sacrificed to protect Xander Star.

Remind you: three things to read, collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter 647 This is definitely the last time! (For subscription)


The Rocket looked awkward, yelled and gritted his teeth, "Well, you won, but this is the last time, I tell you, this is definitely the last time, there will be... such a **** thing in the future, I I will never interfere!!"

Immediately afterwards, he placed the Groot potted plant in an absolutely safe place, then took up his Gatling machine gun and killed it towards Nova Plaza.

Boom! Boom!! When the vanguard guards "zero zero zero" through space

Suddenly, Sudden appeared on Xandal Star.After jumping off, the tragic fight had begun.As Kamora said earlier, the Vanguards were not entirely stupid, and their attacks were also very tactical.

The Rising Star Legion was completely caught off guard, and it didn't even react for a while.

Of course, there is still a certain resistance, but it doesn't have a big effect.

Because, they are completely unprepared.

Under the leadership of Judge Faerun, the Kerry people launched a nearly devastating blow to Xander's Star.If there were no galaxy guards to take action, it is really hard to say what Xander's Star is like now.

Finally, I managed to overcome the offense of the Kerry people. At the moment when the Sandal Star was thriving, he did not expect that an attack that was stronger than before would come again. How can they do the cold salad! There is no way! Don't It is said that they did not have any preparations, even if they were prepared before, they are definitely not the opponents of Vanguard Guards, and at this moment, the number of Vanguard Guards like locusts has reached one million, and it is truly vast and endless.

When the last Vanguard monster jumped off the interstellar battleship, the huge space gap slowly closed, getting smaller and smaller.

The arrogant posture of Ebony Maw is still overlooking the earth.

A graceful mechanical girl appeared, it was-Nebula!! "Wow, the battle is fierce."

"However, the Rising Star Legion has not been used, even if you don't have any preparations, it shouldn't be collapsed at once. The Kree people are all **** from top to bottom. I really don't know how to lose."

"Trash is trash, let me see who else is, oh!!"

While talking with a chuckle, Nebula's eyes suddenly burst into light, because she saw the quartet of the Guardians of the Galaxy in the New Star Plaza, more accurately her sister Kamora. .

As for the other three people, they were completely ignored by her.

"Isn't that my dearest sister? We finally met again, do you know how much I miss you?"

The most tender words, but the most gritted tone 0.

You can imagine Nebula's hatred for his sister.

Ebony throat said blankly, "Nebula, the space is about to close, you'd better immediately.


Also, I know what you want to do, and I don't care, but I must remind you that it doesn't matter if you want to kill Kamora, but you must remember your mission."

"Compared with killing Kamora, the most important thing is to get the cosmic spiritual ball and complete the task assigned by the leader."

Nebula sneered disdainfully and sneered: "Don't worry, I will definitely wash the Xandal star and get the cosmic spiritual ball.

But for me, killing my dear sister is the most important thing!"

Whoosh!! The words fell, Nebula jumped, and at the moment the gap in the space closed, he entered the space of Xander Star and came to the battlefield, killing a few zeros in one go.

8 New Star Legion fighters, and then issued combat orders to several high-level Vanguard Guards.

Their task is to eliminate as many of the Nova Legion as possible, and capture Queen Adora and the top of the Nova Legion.

As for her, she fulfilled her previous words. For her, killing her sister is indeed the most important thing. The guards fought together.
