Li Bufan didn't deny this.

He really underestimated Thanos.

Whether it's Tony, or Little Spider, Johnny, they all think Thanos is just an opponent similar to Ronan, and to die is just a little stronger than Ronan, but after listening to Li Bufan finished, they realized that , That's not the case at all.

Regardless of their strengths, the reasons for doing evil are completely different.

Chapter 684 He is terrible! (For subscription)

Ronan was a simple invasion, purely evil, but the tyrant guy, he was completely based on a lofty and great motive, that can even be said to be his unwavering belief.

Metamorphosis is not terrible, but such a metamorphosis with a firm belief is the most terrifying! Tony took a few deep breaths, and then said: "Our journey to the universe may come to an end for a while, we should now.

Return to Earth to prevent Thanos from suddenly attacking! Now that he has acted, we are going to be so leisurely again. If anything happens on Earth, we will be guilty for the rest of our lives."

Little Spider said: "Yes, I also agree to return to Earth."

"Plus me."

Johnny raised his hand.

Well, for Li Bufan, this is the worst situation.The reason why he didn't say it before was because he was worried about it.

The three of them 3 are worried, and they no longer have the leisurely mentality of traveling in the universe.


Li Bufan also nodded and agreed to return to Earth

A few days later, Li Bufan, Sol and his team arrived on the planet in an interstellar spacecraft and were welcomed by the Heroes Association.

Long before his arrival, Li Bufan contacted the professor, Nick Fury got in touch and informed them of the ins and outs of the matter.The request was also very simple, that is, to find a piece of land in Northern Europe and arrange for the Asgardian people to live there.

This is too simple, and even makes the Nordic countries ecstatic.

Because northern Europe is a vast land and scarce people, it is in short supply. Now that more than 100,000 people of Asgard are suddenly sent, how can they not be ecstatic. Every Nordic country strongly applies, and you can bring his The people settled in their own country.

This actually made one for Sol

Little trouble, he didn't expect them to be so popular.After all, so many people settled on the earth at once, and there are still more troubles.

Sol, Loki, Valkyrie and other Asgardian leaders held a grand meeting. The core theme was to discuss where to settle. In addition, they also gave the Asgardians a little bit of science on the current situation of the earth. .

This is mainly to allow the Asgardians to integrate into the earth faster.Of course, they are still proud Asgardians to the outside world, and this will not change.

When the interstellar spacecraft arrived on Earth, Sol, Loki, and the Valkyrie took the Asgardians to their new home, and Li Bufan, Tony, Little Spider, and Johnny 4 rushed back at the fastest speed. The Heroes Association Headquarters is zero.

A month ago, when I learned that Li Bufan was going on a cosmic journey, Ji, Nick Fury, Hill and others all twitched their mouths and were extremely speechless.

This is really a good thing to throw away, people are more damned than people.

They can rest for twenty-four hours a day, and it is good to be able to rest for five hours, but Li Bufan's idle egg hurts, and the idle egg hurts, and he is alone, but now he has to drag Tony into the water.

It's really good, even if you are helpless, you must agree.


A few days ago, they received a message from Tony, telling them that they will be with Sol and will bring a large number of Asgardians to the earth. Let alone mention the Asgardians, and say yes. Is it because of what happened in Asgard that they are going to return to Earth? This is not Li Bufan’s character. There must be something big!! But no matter what they ask, they don’t disclose anything over there. No matter how curious, I can only endure it and wait until everyone comes back.

Remind you: three things to read

Chapter 685 There are so many expressions! (For subscription)

Chapter 686: Destroying His Owners! (For subscription)

Some witty words,,,


,, eased the scene, and after the tense atmosphere, Nick Fury continued to smile and said: "Who is Li, I know, and you guys know that his plan will never change, even if it is a landslide."

"But now, he changed his plan because of someone. This only shows one thing. That person is very strong and abnormal."

"I know all the heroes want to know, who...who the **** pervert is and what he wants to do, so I won't talk more nonsense, and leave the next stage to them, Lee, Tony, whoever of you talks."

Nick Fury turned his head and looked at Li Bufan and Tony, Little Spider, and Johnny was there.

It was the first time that the two encountered this situation. They were both excited and nervous. In fact, they wanted to say, otherwise the limelight would be ours, but they knew that this could only be thought in their heads. Eight possibilities.

Tony looked at Li Bufan and asked him whether it was you or me.

"Go ahead."

Li Bufan said lightly and lightly, "Tony, you know me, I don't like to show off too much."

Peat!! Tony said that he really wants to hit people, and you don't like to be pushy, hell, he swears that he has never seen anyone who likes to be pushy more than himself in his life, the only exception is the one in front of him who says he doesn't like to be pushy Kid.

The corners of the mouth twitch.

"All right, I'll do it."

Tony said, and then walked to the front of the stage. He knew what the heroes care about and didn't want to talk nonsense, so he was more direct than Nick Fury, and said at the beginning: "That pervert is called Thanos, and he will kill half of the universe. people."

"I'm worried about someone misunderstanding, so I will add and repeat it again. Yes, I didn't say it wrong, and you didn't hear it wrong, that is, a pervert called Thanos needs to collect six infinite gems.

Then snap your fingers and kill half of the people in the universe."

"this is all."

Everyone, dumbfounded!! Ha, they heard what a guy called Thanos, who wants to kill all-you are sure that you are not joking for the whole universe, can it be that... Thanos, he is a creation-level **** or what? It may be possible! Tony is definitely joking, it's a pity that Tony Stark's next words will shatter all their fantasies, followed by Tony's fastest speech, and quickly said everything.

The main content is three points:

First, what is the origin of Thanos' metamorphosis is not very clear, but it is enough anyway.Even Hela, the **** of death, was hanged by him, and Odin, the king of gods, was not his opponent.

0 Second, what is he going to do? This has already been said before, to kill half of the people in the universe.

Thirdly, what he wants to do to the last and most important point is the six infinite gems.As for the origin of the infinite gems, Tony also spoke in a transparent way. When he said this, his eyes were still on: Doctor Strange Strange Ranchi swept around.

The 0-time gem was right there by Doctor Strange, and Doctor Strange also felt it, squinting his eyes slightly, and fell into thinking.

Tony didn't just say to himself, in order to improve the efficiency of the speech, he also allowed the heroes to raise their hands and ask questions, knowing everything is endless.

Half an hour passed, Thanos, Infinite Gems, everything was figured out.

In the staircase meeting room, there was a short silence.

It is of course impossible to be afraid.There are so many heroes, each of them is smashing, no matter how much strength they have, they are confident to the sky, how can they be afraid of a Thanos in a small area, and they have not fought against Thanos.