The two branches of animal boxing, exciting animal boxing and facing animal boxing, have unique internal Qi in the body after training.

Although there is an evolutionary version of extreme anger and anger at the back, it also needs to lay a good foundation. Moreover, the man that Akasaka long is following now is a man who has changed from extreme animal boxing to temporary animal boxing. Even after meeting the leading characters, he has a chance to improve his flying speed.

Li Yang, as a villain in the early stage, is different from other people who roar at the stage. Although his courage and strength are very strong, when the protagonists are stimulated by him, they will immediately eat the shriveled.

Of course, this also became the cornerstone of Li Yang's strong road.

"Li Yang, if you want to practice Linshou Quan, can you choose by yourself?" Akasaka asked behind Li Yang.

"When you hand over all your martial arts skills, I will give you the foundation of Linshou boxing. As for whether you can have Linqi and become a Linshou boxing player, it depends on your own ability." Li Yang replied calmly.

Akasaka long for Li Yang this usually is calm, can't do the state or very yearning, after all, looks very forced grid.

However, Akasaka knew that he was not able to deal with everything, and now he just wanted to think about it. He could live well enough to go home.

"It's just that my sudden appearance must surprise wujianlong. I hope he won't kill me as a threat. This big boss is really invincible. At least before Li Yang and Han Tang grow up, only seven boxing masters will have a chance to hold him back." Akasaka long in Li Yang after answering, turned to think in the heart.

Animal boxing is one of the main purposes of Akasaka's coming to this world. Akasaka will never let go of this ability, which can strengthen his physical combat power. Especially Li Yang's good hand is Lin Qi Jia Hua. Do you dare to be more handsome.

However, there is a certain danger in front of every opportunity. If you want to mix in the hall of beasts, you have to face the threat of the dragon.

As for Linshou Quan, it is much safer, but there is no way to guide Li Yang there. This powerful helper, Akasaka long, after consulting the system, got a very surprising news.

The color of temporary Qi is generally a feeling of evil. As a member of the beast boxing team, Ziqi zijianhao is deeply aware of his awakening color. His definition of himself is not a just man.

However, the deep insight hero should still be wandering around the world in the shape of a werewolf because of his use of the forbidden technique of animal fist, that is, the whole body transformation of animals. At least, it is difficult to solve this problem after he wakes up.

Akasaka ryuno is not a justice or a hero in his own position.

Akasaka does not choose to sacrifice himself for those who have nothing to do with him. Even in the face of the emperor Chrisis, it is only because nanguangtaro and qiuyuexinyan have lost their fighting power. If Akasaka does not make a move, then there is no doubt that he will die. Then Akasaka will have to do it.

Now, since Akasaka has joined the pro beast boxing, Akasaka will not choose to meddle in his business.

To tell you the truth, Akasaka really doesn't know why Hantang will not remember his family, because according to the time line, Li Yang betrayed Jishou Quan more than ten years before the start of the plot. All the people of his age can remember his brother, but he can't remember it. It's worth thinking about it.

Of course, it is useless for Akasaka to think about these problems. After all, as long as there is a pot, it will be good if there is a pot.

Because he chose to join the temple of facing animals, Akasaka also has a room of his own.

Among the rooms of Ling Lin corpse in the hall of facing animals, there are statues of animals represented by their own boxing techniques. But Akasaka has not been gradually approaching animal boxing. Li Yang thought for a moment and let Akasaka long live in a room with a wolf statue.

Came to their own room, Akasaka can also be considered to relax.

In the early stage, the villain force of Linshou hall was relatively harmonious. Except for the one who was engaged in the business of viper boxing, others were all under the pressure of Li Yang and wholeheartedly carried out the orders of Li Yang.

Like other villains, there will always be one or two who like to make a fuss, and then they will do nothing. What's more important is that those villains are not human beings. The temporary animal hall with Li Yang as the leader can be said to be the most comfortable anti faction force.

"I still can't relax. Li Yang won't believe me so simply. What's more, the value I have now is my fighting skills." Akasaka sat on a chair and began to analyze.

In fact, when the system suggested that he could choose his own place of arrival, Akasaka was also very hasty to choose the temporary animal hall. As a result, he once again put himself in danger.

Therefore, Akasaka must also sort out his ideas, and then combine this special world to obtain as much resources as possible.The plan can't keep up with the change, but taking precautions will definitely make you have a preparation.

Akasaka also does not know how big a storm his little butterfly will blow in the world of super team, but he will try his best to change the fate of some people.

But now this little butterfly has no ability to make a great deal of trouble, so it can only toss and toss in the small bubble in the hall of animals. Maybe it has a lot of energy, and the dragon will be killed if he is not happy.

The potential crisis is that Akasaka may have some trouble sleeping and eating. Of course, after seeing the food in the temple of animals, Akasaka felt that even if there was no dragon, he would still be sleeping and eating uneasy.

"Sister Mei Li, is this the only way to serve the animal hall?" Akasaka, carrying a meal without any oil and water, found Mei Li, who was sitting on the steps in a daze.

"Ah? All your meals are given by Mr. Li Yang. If you don't want to eat them, you can not eat them. " Meili was almost frightened by Akasaka's words, and she was very unhappy when she answered.

"I'm growing up. If I don't have food, I'll have no strength. If I don't have strength, I can't show my martial arts to Li Yang. In that case, I'll delay Li Yang's plan..." Akasaka said with a smile.

If other people Akasaka long may also accept some, but to deal with Meili, ha ha, Li Yang is a universal word.

So, before Akasaka finished, Meryl interrupted him.

"Well, well, you can deal with it first. Originally, only Lord Li Yang needs to eat in the temple of animals. It's very troublesome to prepare another meal." Melanie replied somewhat discontented.

She really didn't understand why Master Li Yang would let this kid stay. The howling and fear of children are the best tonic for Linqi.

Hearing Mei Li's reply, Akasaka also felt that he was really speechless.

"Don't you have to eat, Melly?" Akasaka asked tentatively.

Although usually easy to be silly, but Akasaka long successfully asked a proposition.

"Those temporary corpses don't have to eat at all. Although I'm ling Lin corpse, my life is just a sham, so I don't need to eat." Meryl looked at Akasaka and replied. , the fastest update of the webnovel!