Back home, uncle Ren immediately rushed into the laboratory.

Long is very easy to walk in the back, and said to the seven feather elder sister who is watching "super changes and changes" there: "sister Qiyu, Ren's body has returned to normal."

With that, long went straight to the underground laboratory.

"Uncle Ren, maybe you can have a child earlier this time. As for the name, it doesn't matter if it's thousand wings." Long walked upstairs and thought happily.

Still that topic, the masquerade Knight's life is full of sadness, and long is doing his best to make the knight he can contact away from the sadness.

Now, in this excessively sad world, the fate of the most amazing uncle Ren has been changed, and then there are the other two small partners. As for the expulsion of those big bastards of ban, long is not worried at all.

When long came down, he saw Uncle Ren who was testing his blood sample there.

"No problem, Ren." Although long picked up the white coat on the stool, he said.

"There are no Amazon cells in this blood sample, but there is no way to determine whether there are really no Amazon cells in my body." Uncle Ren's face was filled with some excitement and replied.

For his own fate change, uncle Ren is very happy.

If possible, he would not choose to turn himself into a monster in his own eyes, but because of the huge power of the nodoza pharmaceutical company, he could only make a choice for his sense of responsibility.

Now long's sudden appearance has given him more choices about Amazon's handling methods. Especially now uncle Ren is still trapped by sister Qiyu, so he has no reason to object to his continued existence in this world.

"This is a good solution. My trial version can be tested. That's all about Amazon cells, and a little bit of difference doesn't work. " Long said, pointing to a test tube on a test bench.

Long's answer makes uncle Ren feel that he should not ask him.

However, benevolent uncle thought about it, or picked up a test tube and poured the liquid into his mouth.

Gu Du

uncle Ren drank the liquid without hesitation, and was waiting for the time when the medicine would work.

Looking at Uncle Ren drinking the medicine, long took out a protein concentrate Zhuowei prepared. At the same time, he opened a cabinet under the experimental table, took out a suitcase from it, opened the suitcase and took out a test tube containing red liquid.

This is what long prepared for uncle Ren, in case of any adverse reactions, it can be equivalent to killing uncle Ren himself.

However, after more than 10 minutes, uncle Ren did not show any adverse reactions, long put those things back, and uncle Ren also opened his closed eyes.

"This should be the last time I eat this kind of food. Although it's a little fishy, it seems that I've been used to it for a long time." Uncle Ren picked up a cup on the table and put it to his mouth. After drinking, he said to long.

Long knew that the cup contained raw eggs prepared by Uncle Ren in order to ensure his daily protein supply. Although there were aseptic eggs to eat in Japan, there was no way to avoid the smell of eggs.

After eating the raw eggs, uncle Ren's pressure seemed to be released. He fell back straight and sat down on the test bench behind him.

Now that Amazon has designed a new driver, it is very important for you to solve the problem Long to see such a relaxed uncle Ren had to tell him a not so good news.

Although the usual benevolence uncle appears to be very natural and unrestrained, but the pressure in his heart, as long as you contact him more for a period of time, you can feel it.

Now, more than half of Ren Shu has been liberated. Anyway, his future outcome is bound to change.

"Ah? Is there such a problem? " Ren uncle's face with a surprised look at long said.

"So, I'm going to start working. I'll draw a tube of blood for me. I have a lot of spare drives. I just need to make some modifications." Long took out a driver that had not been colored and said to Uncle Ren.

"Is that so? So what a bother? In this way, I will study the cells of the little lizard, and his cells are very interesting to me Uncle Ren picked up an unopened syringe, opened it and drew a tube of blood for himself. Then he rolled off his sleeve and went to the computer next to him to show his talent.

Long heard that uncle Ren was going to study Xiaoyou's cells. He also knew that uncle Ren's idea was gradually changing from a military solution to a scientific solution. Uncle Ren, who is back in the research industry, can definitely surprise everyone.Long started his research with a syringe filled with Uncle Ren's blood. However, this work is just like long's need for uncle Ren's cells. As long as he studies the characteristics and changes the driver a little bit.

In this underground laboratory, the light has never been extinguished, and two young and middle-aged people in white coats are doing their "work" there without rest.

What is the victory of the Xiuxian party? This is the victory of the Xiuxian party.

As long as you don't sleep, any work can be efficiently solved. Can you compare with our zero seven.


"Shou Jun, your reason for fighting is really Hamburg. Is there anyone else?" Xiaoyou looks at the small guard who is eating hamburger there.

"Well, it's best for you to be together. Although protein concentrate can make me full, hamburger is better. Here you are." Xiao Shou swallowed the hamburger in his mouth and immediately replied.

Finish the words and pass a hamburger to Xiaoyou, but now Xiaoyou has three hamburgers in front of him.

Xiaoyou, who hasn't eaten seriously, is very full now. After all, he has seven or eight hamburger wrappers on his back.

"Hello, Xiaoshou, these hamburgers were just bought yesterday. How can they eat so fast?" After finishing the exercise, I saw the inside of the hamburger box, and immediately felt to Xiaoshou.

"Ah? The amount of food in these two days seems to have increased, but only when we are full can we protect everyone. " Xiaoshou looked at him as if he had done something wrong and replied.

"I can't do anything about you." Looking at the white towel over his head, he came and rubbed Xiaoshou's hair.

"Protect everyone?" Xiaoyou once again heard the words of Xiaoshou, and the face of shuize Meiyue appeared in his mind at this time.

"Is that the reason for the fight?" Xiaoyou seems to understand what he should do.

"Shuize, I have applied to let you leave. Your existence makes me very uneasy, so please go back and continue to be your young master." Zhiteng came in from the outside and said to Xiao you.

"Mr. Shito, please give me a chance. I have found my reason to fight, so please give me a chance to show in the next battle." Xiao you heard that Zhiteng was going to drive him. He got up and ran to Zhiteng.

Because the problem of his identity has made Xiaoyou no longer want to go back to that home, and he hopes to find the answer he wants. The guard in front of him is a very good landmark. , the fastest update of the webnovel!