"Well, my hometown, we can go to the next base. I found your friend's position in this guy's head." Long took back his hand from the head of eunuch, then raised his head and said fiercely to his hometown.

"Is this man still alive?"

The township fiercely wants to rescue tomorrow incense immediately, but when preparing to leave, still saw that transformation person who fell on the ground and asked.

"There's no way. This guy has long been out of that control, but he's not going to leave this life." Long replied, shaking his head after he got up.

Power is a kind of thing that is easy to let people indulge in it, and the brainwashing of card repair is also based on the power of addiction, so there will be the problem that the township itself is out of control.

"Well, this place is the base of basic resources for card repair manufacturing. We will destroy this place before we leave. The power of card repair will definitely be severely hit."

Long was about to run to the exit of the base and took a look at the quiet base.

"Do you have a bomb there?"

Of course, Xiangmeng knows that destroying this base will have a great impact on the dark forces, but with their strength, it is impossible to destroy the base hidden in the mountain without powerful weapons.

"No, but don't worry. I'll let you know what is the real power. After all, repairing the card means that the sphere of influence is relatively large. If they dare to get together, I can eliminate them alone."

When the two people came to the entrance that just came in, long lifted his transformation and called out his belt directly.

"Saga, it's about to start."

"Let's go together."

Long is in the final showdown position, before long appeared in the face of that fenrier.

When long raised his hand, the hill seemed to be oppressed by some huge force, and its volume was almost instantly reduced. With the action of Long's palm clenching, the hill, which was half as small, had disappeared from its original place.

After long's transformation, the hill has now become a little bigger.

For all this, my hometown Meng knew for the first time that there was such a powerful force in the world, and there was no way to hide the shocked eyes.

"Well, don't be shocked. Your friend is still waiting for us to rescue him." Long patted Ben Meng on the shoulder.

The two men boarded the locomotive one after another.

"With that power, why don't you indulge in it as much as we do?"

In long driving a motorcycle toward just tomorrow incense was taken to the base, the township fierce or can not help asking.

"Is it interesting to indulge in it? The reformer driver I made has reached 15 tons in punch force and 40 tons in kicking force. However, I am still learning, because if it is this kind of obsession, I have always been. But if it is said that when I have strength, I will do what I want. When I see stronger power, I will die. Human beings should always keep in awe of the world, or else it will only destroy themselves. Otherwise, why do you think the repair cards are still hidden in the dark? They have a lot of power now, but the world is still not under their control. "

Long has never had the situation that he started waves because he gained strength. Maybe it is because he was an ordinary person in his last life. Now he still has a part of ordinary people's psychology.

Hearing Long's reply, it seems that my hometown Meng understood something.

"People, you can see more clearly only when you stand at a higher place. If you have only a little achievement, you will be complacent. That kind of person has no chance to become a real strong man."

The two men sat on the locomotive and headed for the other base.


"Ke Yan..."

From the coma in the open eyes of tomorrow incense in the side of the closed eyes of a text.

"I'm not your boyfriend, but I don't mind being your future boyfriend." A text opened an eye to see to tomorrow sweet answer way.

"You are the man just now!" Tomorrow incense some panic to shout.

Although the fierce fight between the Falcon and her hometown was only for a short time, she could see clearly in the car.

"Yes, I don't know why. I suddenly felt that you were very beautiful, so I brought you out of the base."

The Falcon man went to the bed where tomorrow incense was lying and whispered softly.

"Base? What base? " Tomorrow incense touched the wound that had been covered with gauze.

"Your car was knocked over by the organization, and you were caught by the organization and went back to prepare for transformation. I rescued you, so I intend to be my girlfriend?" A word tender like water looking at tomorrow incense.

If long is here, I can only say that I don't know what tomorrow incense has to be able to make her infatuated with Xiang Meng and a character falcon.

With their hometown, they came to the base where they had just escaped."There seems to have been a fight here just now. We need to get in quickly."

After parking the car in the distance, long and his hometown suddenly came to the gate of the base. They saw the traces left by the battle just now. They were puzzled in their hearts.

Ding Lingling

Long's mobile phone suddenly rings.

"Mr. long, the three people in the base began to quarrel again. They said that someone had betrayed the repair card again. It seems that the fierce friend of our village was rescued by that man."

After long connected the phone, meidaizi's voice came out directly.

"Like this? Meidaizi, please help me to see what the label of this base is. This is the only base that has been infiltrated. I should have done it Long replied immediately.

"There are a lot of people inside. It seems that there are people who are being transformed." After the sound of keyboard tapping came from meidaizi, his answer soon rang out.

"Is it? So this base must be destroyed. "

"Well, Miyoko, let me know if you have any news." Ron hung up after he said that.

In the village Meng some puzzled eyes, long toward the side of his motorcycle ran past.

He took down the tablet computer that had been put on the locomotive and opened the same icon as his own computer.

The screen instantly cuts to the picture of the room in this base.

"Is this?"

Xiang Meng also ran back to see the images on the tablet computer. He saw the three familiar faces.

"My little robot is in this base, but in order to steal more information about the repair card, I have been collecting their information as much as possible."

Instead of manipulating the robot, Ron is inputting data.

With long's input, the screen is gradually divided into two parts. The image inside the base slowly disappears, and the area occupied by the program code gradually increases.

When the program code completely occupied the screen, long stopped the action in his hand.

"Originally, I planned to wait until the information of this base is available, and then try to invade the network of repairing cards. However, since the base is ready to be destroyed, the robot is useless."

Long put his tablet back on the locomotive.

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