Chapter 123: Family Drama

Name:I'm Spider-Man (MCU) Author:
Chapter 123: Family Drama

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 126. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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As Thor and his trusted companions step out of the portal and arrive in Asgard, Thor walks slowly to the doorway and looks dazed at the beautiful city on the other side of the rainbow bridge.

He couldn't help but marvel at his home and feel a fond sense of nostalgia from the view. It hasn't even been a week since he was banished, yet his home seemed to have a new shine to it that Thor never seemed to notice before.

He truly appreciated his home world.

Before his banishment, Thor would have walked passed this view without a second thought, thinking nothing of his home, but now that's all changed.

The luster of Asgard shined before his very eyes.

'I'm home...' Thor thought as the warriors three joined him in the doorway.

"Are you alright?" Sif asks as she places a comforting hand on Thor's shoulder.

"Y-Yes..." Thor answers with a stutter as he snaps out of his dazed state. "We should get to the palace. Heimdall isn't at his post, which means Loki may be up to something."

"Mind if I tag along?" A foreign voice startled the Asgardians, causing them to draw their weapons and snap to attention.

When they turned to find out who was speaking, Peter stepped into the room as the portal closed behind him.

"Yo!" Peter says with a wave as he admires the place.

"Man-Spider, why are you here?" Thor asks as they all lower their weapons.

"I couldn't miss the opportunity to see an advanced alien civilization, so I hopped in the portal before it closed." Peter says as he walks up to Thor and admires the view of the city behind him.


"Damn, that is some beautiful architecture..." Peter comments as he admired everything from the city skyline to the mountains and the waterfalls that seemed to drop out into space. "This place is a flat Earther's heaven, isn't it?"

Asgard wasn't a planet like most places. No, it was a legitimate disk-shaped flat earth in the middle of space with waterfalls dropping off into the empty void of space.

"I don't know what a flat earther is, but yes, Asgard is a very beautiful place." Thor smiles, happy that his newfound friend appreciates the beauty of his home.

"You don't need to know." Peter says with a shrug. "Just some oddballs that think my planet is flat like yours."

"I see..." Thor nods in understanding.

After all, every civilization has its fair share of crazies and Asgard was no exception.

"So, should we get going?" Peter says as he motions toward the city.

Just like his fellow guard, the last Jotun in the room screamed in agony as his body ignites into flames. After a few moments, the charred Frost Giant falls to the ground, and his icy hammer shatters into snowy pieces.

Standing behind him with an angry look on her face, Frigga pulls her enchanted sword out of the Jotun's back and looks to Loki for answers.

"My son, what have you done?" Frigga asks, not noticing Thor and Peter standing at the door.

"That's what I would like to know as well..." Thor makes his presence known as he walks into the room with Mjolnir in hand.

"Thor!" Frigga exclaims in happiness as she rushes over to Thor and wraps him in her arms.

Thor returns his mothers hug, but his eyes remain fixed on his brother and the spear in his hands. Likewise, Loki looks at Mjolnir in his brother's hand with wary eyes.

'The drama is about to start...' Peter thought as he opened a portal to his snack stash and grabbed a bag of popcorn to enjoy the show.

"Found its way back to you, did it?" Loki comments as he gestures toward Mjolnir.

"No thanks to you." Thor answers back with a bit of sass in his voice.

Frigga immediately picks up on the tension building between her sons and tries to figure out what's going on.

"What does that mean?" She asks in confusion.

"Why don't you tell her, Loki? Tell our mother all about how you told me father was dead and I had killed him? How mother forbade my return because of it? How you sent the Destroyer to kill our friends? To kill me." Thor lays out all of his brothers dirty laundry.

A faint crunching could be heard in the background from Peter, who was leaning against a wall and shoving popcorn under his mask and into his mouth.

Of course, the family drama was too distracting for anyone to notice his behavior.

Frigga looks at Loki, alarmed, confused, and looking for answers.

"I only told it to stop you from returning, nothing more." Loki explains truthfully.

Either he wasn't thinking, or he left the command open-ended on purpose, leaving it up to the Destroyer to interpret his words.

"You're a talented liar, brother. Always have been." Thor has been lied to enough and wouldn't believe anything from his brother's mouth anymore.

"It's good to have you back, brother." Loki says with a smile that soon morphs into complete seriousness. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to destroy Jotunheim."

Loki suddenly raises Gungnir and fires it point-blank at Thor, launching him out of the open door and down the hallway.


Before anything else could happen, Peter had to come to a decision...

'Do I save Jotunheim or Loki? Maybe both?'

A/N: 1452 words