Chapter 438: Eye of Agamotto

Name:I'm Spider-Man (MCU) Author:
Chapter 438: Eye of Agamotto

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of now, the patreòn is 7 chapters ahead. /AlienWarlord


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The aftermath of Kaecilius's downfall left a somber tension in the air. The Ancient One stood beside Peter, her gaze fixed on the lifeless form of Kaecilius himself. A mixture of emotions churned within her. Satisfaction that her would-be killer was defeated, annoyance at Peter for intervening, and a gnawing uncertainty about what her future held now that her intended death had been thwarted.

Peter watched her in silence, his expression a mix of sympathy and understanding. He had known that his actions would not be met with approval, yet he couldn't bring himself to stand by and watch her die. As much as he respected her choices, he couldn't ignore the bond they shared, a bond that compelled him to protect her.

Meanwhile, the remaining followers of Kaecilius stood frozen in uncertainty, their eyes darting between the Ancient One and the exit. The air was thick with tension as they considered their options, realizing that they were ill-prepared to face the wrath of a sorceress of her caliber.

But before they could make their escape, the Ancient One's gaze turned toward them, her eyes ablaze with a fiery intensity. With a swift, almost casual gesture of her hand, she manipulated space itself, bending it with the force of her will. In an instant, the air around the Zealots twisted and contorted, and a sickening crack filled the room.

The trio of Doctor Strange, MJ, and Lily could only watch in shock as the scene unfolded before them. The Ancient One's mastery over mystic arts was beyond anything they had imagined, her power a force to be reckoned with. The air seemed to scream as the twisted space bent reality itself, and in the next moment, the remaining Zealots collapsed to the ground, their severed heads tumbling beside them.

Silence descended upon the room, broken only by the sound of lifeless bodies hitting the ground. The Ancient One's gaze remained fixed on the fallen Zealots, her expression unreadable. She had taken her anger out on them, a silent display of the rage that simmered beneath her calm exterior.

Doctor Strange's jaw hung open, his mind struggling to process the sheer magnitude of what he had just witnessed. His training had brought him into contact with extraordinary power, but this was on an entirely different level. After all, each of those zealots was a sorcerer with much more experience than himself. Killing them so easily was a huge blow to his ego.

MJ and Lily stood beside him, their eyes wide with a mixture of awe and a little bit of fear. Thankfully, MJ has seen death before and Lily was an AI, so the gruesome decapitations that just unfolded before them wasn't that big of a deal.

The Ancient One slowly turned to face the trio, her gaze piercing through them with an intensity that sent shivers down their spines. Her lips parted as if to speak, but the words remained unspoken. The tension in the room was palpable, a heavy weight that bore down on them.

Peter, sensing the unease that hung in the air, approached the Ancient One, his expression a mix of empathy and determination. He could feel the storm of emotions within her, and he understood the conflict that raged within her heart. With each step he took, he closed the distance between them until he stood before her.

Taking a deep breath, he met her gaze with a calm resolve. "I know you're angry at me, but I couldn't just stand by and watch you die. You're like a second mother to me, and I couldn't let that happen."

The Ancient One's eyes softened, a hint of vulnerability flashing across her features. She averted her gaze for a moment, seemingly lost in her thoughts. Then, with a sigh, she finally spoke, her voice laced with a mixture of resignation and acceptance. "You really won't let me go, will you, Peter?You know, they don't call me the Ancient One for nothing. I've already live a very long life. Thousands upon thousands of years, in fact."

Peter's lips curved into a small smile. "Well, then what's another century or two to a bald hag like you?" He said as he dodged a slap. "Besides, there's so much more to do. MJ and I will get married sooner or later, and Lily is only just starting her life. You can't miss it."

Peter smirked as he let her hit him. "Now who's the one with the ego?"

The Ancient One let out a small chuckle, ignoring his words completely. "But I have one question. How do you plan to sever my connection to Dormammu?"

Peter shrugged nonchalantly, his plan was already formulated. "I've got a plan. I just need to borrow something from you."

As his gaze fell to the Eye of Agamotto that hung around her neck, the Ancient One raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "The Eye?"

Peter nodded, his eyes glinting with a mix of mischief and determination. "Yeah, with this and another trinket in my possession, I think I'll have a better shot at handling Dormammu."

The Ancient One considered his words for a moment, a wry smile touching her lips. "Very well, Peter. But you must promise to return it when you're done."

Peter sighed in exasperation. "Aw, come on, you're no fun."

She simply raised an eyebrow, her unspoken retort evident in her gaze.

With a defeated sigh, Peter relented. "Fine, fine, I'll bring it back." He huffed in mock-annoyance. "Jeez, I just saved your life and you're so stingy..."

As the Ancient One removed the Eye of Agamotto from her neck and placed it around Peter's, there was a moment of connection between them, a silent understanding that transcended words. It was a gesture of trust, a recognition of the bond they shared.

With one last nod, the Ancient One turned to leave, but Peter's voice stopped her. "Hey, thanks for not dying on me. I'd be really sad if you left..." he spoke honestly.

Her gaze softened, and a tear slid down her cheek. "Go, Peter. Do what you must."

As the Ancient One departed, the room seemed to exhale, the tension gradually dissipating. Doctor Strange, MJ, and Lily exchanged bewildered glances, still puzzled by the entire exchange.

"How was she going to die?" Strange mused aloud, still utterly confused.

Lily shrugged. "I don't know..."

As they spoke, Doctor Stranges gaze lingered on the Eye of Agamotto, a confused look filled his face as he felt a connection with the odd necklace. Though the longer it remained in Peter's possession, the less he could feel this connection, as if Peter was slowly taking something away from him.

A/N: 1734 words :)

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