Chapter 674: Kang Invasion!

Name:I'm Spider-Man (MCU) Author:
Chapter 674: Kang Invasion!

Check out early access chapters on my Patron, currently 7 chapters ahead! /AlienWarlord

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Yesterday's GIF winner(s): BenBagMan! (A/N: )

The sun was high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the vast expanse where the Watchmen and their allies had gathered. This wasn't just any meeting; it was a pivotal moment that could potentially alter the balance of power in their favor.

Peter stood at the forefront, his eyes scanning the crowd that included members like the Spider-People, Wakandans, Valkyrie, Avengers, Asgardians, and Justice League. The air was thick with anticipation, and a hint of skepticism, as they awaited the introduction of their potential new allies, which they'd only just heard about.

Knull, emerging from Peter's shadow, commanded attention without uttering a word. Behind him, a thousand Symbiotes flooded out, pulsing with an eerie life of their own. Their appearance was unsettling, to say the leastpitch-black entities that seemed to writhe and twist like sentient tar. Murmurs of concern and curiosity rippled through the crowd.

Peter cleared his throat, stepping forward to address the gathering. "I know what you're all thinking," he began, his tone light yet filled with an underlying seriousness. "They look straight out of a horror movie, right?" A few nervous laughs broke the tension.

"And you'd be right," he continued, "these creatures are a species of inorganic, amorphous, symbiotes, who are probably worse than most horror movie monsters you've seen. But, thanks to a bit of magic, they've been re-educated as of yesterday. They're no longer evil or predatory, but ready and willing sidekicks for each of you."

"Bonding with a Symbiote offers a few unique advantages," Peter explained, his voice sincere and encouraging. "Symbiotes empower the natural abilities of a host to the point where they far exceed that of normal members of the hosts' species. Your strength, speed, endurance, agility, healing factor, and intelligence could see remarkable improvements. Plus, there's the bonus of getting a pretty impressive suit upgrade."

A wave of skepticism washed over the crowd. The idea of merging with these alien entities was daunting, even for the bravest souls among them.

Seeing the hesitation, Peter turned to Knull. "Show them."

At his command, Knull gestured towards the Symbiotes. Slowly, they advanced, their movements cautious, almost respectful. One by one, they approached members of the Watchmen who had already agreed to the bond.

The initial reaction was a mix of fear and fascination as the black goo began to envelop their bodies. But as the bonding process took place, expressions of fear gave way to awe and surprise.

The first to fully embrace the bond was a young Valkyrie, her armor now enhanced with sleek, black tendrils that gave her an air of menace. She flexed her arms, marveling at the newfound strength coursing through her veins. "This is incredible," she exclaimed, her voice a mixture of shock and delight.

Next, a Wakandan warrior, his armor now a blend of traditional Vibranium and Symbiote, nodded approvingly as he felt the power of the bond.

As the last few early volunteers got their symbiotes, it was finally time to step things up. On Peter's instruction, the crowd had split into two distinct groups: those willing to bond with a Symbiote on the right, and those opting out on the left.

From his storage necklace, he retrieved a vial containing a thick, black substanceKnull's blood. Peter had collected samples from formidable beings throughout his adventures, each time using their essence to evolve, to become more than he was.

Today, he aimed to integrate the essence of Knull into his own, to absorb the godlike powers of the Symbiote king. 'Hopefully, it's not too painful' he hoped, though he knew that it probably would be

With a deep breath, Peter injected the black blood into his veins. The process was nothing short of torturous, filled with agony and strife. His body convulsed as it fought to accept the foreign essence, to weave it into his very being. But Peter, determined and resilient, endured.

As the pain subsided, a profound sense of power surged through him. He could feel his abilities amplifying, a direct conduit to the cosmic strength Knull once wielded. But this newfound power was not the only change.

Peter discovered he now had access to the Symbiote hivemind. It was as if a thousand whispers filled his mind, each one a Symbiote bonded with a member of his Watchmen. This connection was more than mere eavesdropping; it was a commanding presence within the hive, perhaps even surpassing Knull's own.

The implications were staggering. With this access, Peter could monitor his allies, offering guidance, support, or intervention as needed. It was as if he had installed cameras within each member, except these were alive, constantly feeding him information.

As he acclimated to this new ability, Peter couldn't help but marvel at the potential. "This could change everything," he muttered to himself. Not only did he have a legion of enhanced heroes at his side, but now he could ensure their safety, their effectiveness, their unity, and even their loyalty in a way he never thought possible.

However, Peter knew with great power came great responsibility. This ability was not to be abused; it was a tool for leadership, for safeguarding those under his command, and finally, for weeding out any possible traitors. "I need to use this wisely," he affirmed, recognizing the delicate balance between oversight and stalking his own subordinates.

As Peter familiarized himself with his new power and abilities, in the heart of New York City, suddenly, the normalcy of a bustling afternoon was shattered in an instant. Above the skyscrapers and the endless streams of traffic, thousands of portals burst open against the backdrop of the blue sky.

Each portal, unique in its design, painted a surreal picture above the city, leaving onlookers in awe and confusion. The city that never sleeps found itself holding its breath, eyes turned upwards, as reality itself seemed to fracture.

Without warning, the first figure emerged from one of the portals, his appearance as striking as it was terrifying. Dressed in what could only be described as high-tech tribal attire, this Kang variant brandished an energy spear with an aura of madness and fury. His war cry, a sound that chilled the bone, echoed across the cityscape, heralding the onset of chaos.

As pedestrians on the streets below stared in disbelief, the Kang fired his spear without hesitation, unleashing a barrage of energy bolts that rained down on the city. Glass shattered, cars swerved, and screams filled the air as the reality of the situation set inthis was an invasion.

One by one, more Kangs stepped through the portals, each as unique and as menacing as the last. They joined in the assault, their weapons of varying designs and origins all focused on the destruction below. The air filled with the sounds of their weaponry, a symphony of destruction that heralded a battle of unprecedented scale.

A/N: 1700 words :)