Chapter 676: Spider’s Vs Kang’s

Name:I'm Spider-Man (MCU) Author:
Chapter 676: Spider’s Vs Kang’s

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The battlefield, once a peaceful Queens neighborhood, was now a scene of surreal confrontation. As Peter stood with the newly arrived Spider-People flanking him, he couldn't help but feel the undeniable urge to pull out his infinity stones and snap each and every one of these Kangs into dust, but he stopped himself, at least for the time being.

Peter's gaze turned to the Spider-People behind him. 'I promised them revenge, so I can't just kill all the Kangs myself.' He concluded, though he found it hard to restrain himself, his eyes lingering on the ruins that his city had become. 'I'll definitely use the stones to fix all of this, though'

The army of Kang variants across from him waited impatiently as their leaders, Immortus and Rama-Tut, prepared to break the heavy silence.

"Ah, the famed Spider-Society," Immortus's voice echoed mockingly through the chaos, his gaze sweeping over the group with disdain. "I thought you'd disbanded, but here you are, answering to a new master"

Rama-Tut smirked beside him, "What happened to your former leader What was his name again, ah, Miguel wasn't it?" He asked, clearly trying to get under their skin. "He was such a good pawn of our late comrade, Centurion. It's such a shame you've all chosen to throw him to the wayside"

The surrounding Kangs chuckled, their laughter a harsh sound against the backdrop of smoldering building. The derision was clear, their confidence unshaken by the numbers that now faced them.

Peter, his mask hiding his frown but not his annoyance, stepped forward. "Well, you would know about throwing comrades to the wayside, wouldn't you? Isn't that what you did to Kang the Conqueror?" he retorted, his voice calm but edged with a sharp point.

Peter's retort about Kang the Conqueror had struck a nerve. Immortus's expression tightened, his eyes narrowing, while Rama-Tut's smirk wavered, his gaze flickering with a hint of anger.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I hit a sore spot with that one?" Peter asked, his smirk widening as he waved his hand.

With a flick of his wrist, he opened a small, swirling portal right before him and reached inside. The gathered crowd watched in bewildered silence, the Kangs' interest piqued as Peter's hand reemerged holding a small, wriggling rat.

Confusion spread like wildfire through both the ranks of the Kangs and the Spider-People. Immortus and Rama-Tut exchanged a glance, their earlier confidence giving way to curiosity and a touch of amusement.

"A rat? Is this supposed to be a pet of yours" Rama-Tut jeered, his voice echoing mockingly around them. "Would you like to say goodbye to the little rodent before your inevitable death?"

But the laughter was short-lived. As Peter held the rat up for all to see, and it suddenly spoke, its voice strong and unmistakable, even in its new, tiny form. "I wish that I could say it's good to see you again, Rama-Tut, Immortus, but just the sight of you traitors makes my skin crawl" it declared, its small eyes gleaming with intelligence and rage.

A collective gasp rose from the ranks of the Kang variants, their faces a mixture of shock and disbelief. Immortus stepped back, his composure slipping. "Impossible... You were dead," he stammered, pointing accusingly at Peter. "He killed you!"

In the midst of chaos, their spectral allies, Knull, Silver Surfer, and Tiamut, emerged from the shadows. Knull, embodying darkness itself, enveloped a squad of Kangs, his form expanding and contracting like a living nightmare.

The screams of Kangs were muffled by the dark mass, only to silence abruptly as they were consumed, vanishing from existence.

Silver Surfer swooped low, his shadowy board cutting a dark arc through the air. He moved with otherworldly grace, intercepting energy blasts and redirecting them back where they came from. Each reflection not only killed or injured an enemy but also saved the lives of the Spider-People, whom they were tasked with assisting.

Tiamut, towering and imposing, used his sheer size to his advantage. With each step, the ground trembled, and with a sweep of his arm, he knocked a phalanx of Kangs off their feet, their armor clanging loudly as they collided with the concrete. But it didn't stop there, as they were quickly squashed like bugs under the undead Celestial's feet.

The Spider-People rallied, inspired by the formidable display of their shadowy protectors. One young hero, wearing a suit dyed in all black, thanks to his new symbiote companion, flipped over a beam, landing a devastating kick to a Kang's helmet. The impact cracked and dented the visor, sending the Kang flying into a nearby car.

Another Spider, masked and mysterious, spun webs with tactical precision, ensnaring weapons and pulling them from their owners' grips. The webs, stronger than steel, resisted the Kangs' attempts to break free, leaving them vulnerable to her allies.

As the battle raged, the Kangs began to falter. Their initial confidence waned under the relentless assault of the Spider-People and their spectral protectors.

Despite their superior technology, and numerical advantage, the raw power and unpredictability of Knull, the Silver Surfer, and Tiamut proved far too overwhelming for them.

Watching the beginnings of their battle, Peter floated high above the wreckage, smirking as his shadows cut through the enemy lines with ease, allowing his Spidery subordinates to run wild. "Things aren't looking too good for you guys, huh?" He asked, his gaze on the Kang leaders.

Rama-Tut and Immortus, their pride bruised and schemes slipping through their fingers, stood on their floating platform, which began to morph with a series of mechanical whirs and clicks into an advanced, heavily armed, yet small ship. Their eyes fixed on Peter, burning with a mixture of rage and desperation.

"You think you won just because your lackeys killed a few worthless variants?" Immortus spat out, his voice trembling with fury, "Let me tell you, the war is just beginning!"

With a flourish, Rama-Tut slammed his hand onto a control panel, igniting the ship's arsenal. Instantly, the air was filled with the deadly whine of powering up energy weapons. Lasers, cannons, and an array of ballistic missiles locked onto Peter, their intent deathly clear.

Peter simply arched an eyebrow beneath his mask, his disappointment palpable even from afar. His gaze, quick and unimpressed, swept over the menacing armament. "Really, is this it? You came all this way, brought an entire army with you, and even trashed my city, yet this is all you've brought? You think this is enough?" His tone mixed disbelief with a hint of mockery, clearly underwhelmed by their efforts. "Come on, guys. You can do better than this..."

Immortus's smirk faltered as anger flared in his eyes, Peter's taunting words stoking a fire of rage. His hand clenched into a fist, hovering momentarily over the control panel. "Very well," he hissed, his voice seething with fury. "Let's see how you handle this!" With a swift, decisive motion, he slammed his fist down, causing the ship be glow, its power rising by the second.

A/N: 1821 words :)