Chapter 708: Hokage’s Request

Name:I'm Spider-Man (MCU) Author:
Chapter 708: Hokage’s Request

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As the portal shimmered and closed behind them, Peter stepped out into the Uchiha District alongside Itachi and Shisui, the soft orange glow of the setting sun casting long shadows across the village. The streets were quieter now, the day winding down as families prepared for dinner, and the sounds of evening life filled the air.

Peter glanced around, expecting to see Madara somewhere in the distance, but there was no sign of him. It seemed Madara hadn't returned yet from his task, which Peter had anticipated would take most of the day.

Noticing that Madara wasn't around, Itachi turned to Peter, his expression thoughtful. "Sensei, would you like to join us for dinner? My mom should be cooking by now." Itachi asked, his tone polite but hopeful.

Shisui, standing next to Itachi, nodded eagerly, clearly looking forward to having their teacher join them for a meal.

Peter opened his mouth to respond when, out of nowhere, an Anbu appeared beside them in a blur of motion, kneeling with a bow.

"Sir," the Anbu began, his voice respectful but urgent, "Hokage-sama requests your presence. He asks that you meet with him as soon as possible."

Peter shrugged, completely unfazed by the sudden appearance. "Sure, tell Minato that I'll be there soon."

The Anbu nodded and disappeared just as quickly as he had arrived, leaving Itachi and Shisui staring after him in silence.

Turning back to his students, Peter smiled reassuringly. "I'll meet with Minato first, but don't worry—I'll join you both for dinner afterward."

Itachi and Shisui smiled at his response, bowing in respect. "We'll see you soon, Sensei," they said in unison before rushing off toward Itachi's home, eager for dinner and the chance to unwind after the day's excitement.

Peter watched them go, a fond smile tugging at his lips. Once they disappeared from view, he turned toward the Hokage Tower, his thoughts shifting toward whatever business Minato had for him.

'Well, let's see what Minato wants to talk about this time,' Peter mused to himself, taking a step forward as he prepared to head toward his meeting with the Hokage.


Peter walked through the corridors of the Hokage Tower, his footsteps light and unhurried. Soon enough, he reached the door to Minato's office and knocked lightly. A moment later, he heard Minato's voice from the other side.

"Come in."

Peter pushed the door open and stepped inside. The office was lit softly by the setting sun, the rays highlighting the shelves filled with scrolls and books lining the walls.

Behind the desk sat Minato, the Fourth Hokage, his usual calm and determined demeanor in place. Beside him stood his wife, Kushina, her long red hair falling over her shoulders. She smiled warmly when she saw Peter.

In a small cradle behind the desk, baby Naruto slept peacefully, his small chest rising and falling with each breath. The sight of the sleeping child softened the room's atmosphere, but Peter could immediately sense the tension in Minato and Kushina's posture.

Minato gestured for Peter to take a seat, and once Peter was settled, Minato leaned forward, his hands clasped together.

"I appreciate you coming, Peter," Minato began, his voice calm but with an undertone of curiosity. "I wanted to ask how everything is going with the other villages. How's the terraforming coming along? I know it's a massive task... do you think it'll take much longer?"

Peter smiled casually, leaning back in his chair. "It's already done."

Peter looked from Minato to Kushina and back again. "I'll help," he agreed easily.

Minato and Kushina both let out a breath of relief, their tense shoulders finally relaxing. "Thank you," Minato said, gratitude clear in his tone. Kushina nodded eagerly, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "We knew you'd be able to help."

"It's no problem," Peter smiled back. "There are a few ways we could go about it. I'll lay out the options for you, and you two can decide which route you want to take."

Minato and Kushina exchanged a glance, excitement and curiosity building between them. "What are the options?" Minato asked, leaning forward slightly, eager to hear what Peter had in mind.

Peter held up one finger. "The first option is the most straightforward but comes with some complications. I could erase Obito's memories—completely wipe them out. This would give him a second chance at life without the trauma, brainwashing, or any of the baggage he's carrying right now. He'd have a fresh start."

Kushina and Minato's eyes widened at the idea, and for a moment, they looked hopeful. But then Minato furrowed his brow, sensing that there was a catch. "That sounds promising, but... what's the problem with that?"

Peter sighed. "The problem is that while it would give him a clean slate, he probably wouldn't be able to stay in Konoha. Too many ninja here know his face. Word would spread quickly among the villagers, and people would remember that he was involved in the Nine-Tails attack. Even if he didn't have his memories, others would, and it would make things... complicated."

Kushina's expression faltered, and Minato frowned, understanding the gravity of the situation. "That could be a real issue," Minato murmured, glancing at his wife. "He'd always be seen as a threat, no matter how much he's changed."

Peter nodded. "Exactly. Even if he's no longer the same person, the village might not be able to see past what he did."

Kushina pursed her lips, clearly troubled by the potential fallout. "What's the next option?" she asked.

Peter held up two fingers. "The second option is a bit more traditional. We can help him the old-fashioned way—with therapy, support, and guidance. It's the slowest method, but would allow him to work through everything at his own pace."

Minato nodded thoughtfully. "How long would that take?"

Peter gave a small, apologetic shrug. "It's hard to say. Therapy takes time, and with the level of trauma he's gone through, it could take years to see any real progress. And honestly, I don't have that kind of time to stick around and see it through."

Kushina bit her lip, her gaze shifting to the cradle where Naruto slept peacefully. She wanted to help Obito, but she knew Peter had his own obligations. "Would we be able to handle it without you?" she asked, her voice soft but filled with determination.

Peter smiled reassuringly. "I'd make sure you're well-equipped before I leave. I'd help set everything up—give you the tools and resources to work with. But yeah, I'd have to leave before things really started to show progress."

Minato looked conflicted, understanding that while this option was the safest, it was also the longest and most uncertain. He turned to Kushina, waiting to hear her thoughts.

Peter held up three fingers now, signaling the last option. "The third and final option is a bit more extreme, but it could solve most of the issues we're facing. I could use my powers to revert Obito back into the body of a child and erase his memories, like in the first option. That way, no one would recognize him, and he could have a completely fresh start—no baggage, no bad memories, and no reputation to follow him around."

Kushina's eyes lit up at this option, the idea of giving Obito a true second chance without any of the weight from his past clearly appealing to her. "That's it," she said immediately, her voice firm. "Let's do that."

Minato blinked, surprised by her quick decision. "Kushina... are you sure? If he's turned into a child again... who's going to take care of him? It's not like we can just drop him off somewhere..."

Kushina turned to Minato, her expression incredulous as if the answer were obvious. "We will, of course!"


A/N: 2025 words :)
