Chapter 1856 Who?

Name:I'm the King Of Technology Author:
Chapter 1856 Who?

What? Enemy attack? In here?

The Overseer was dumbfounded when feeling his body jerk backwards. His heart was beating so rapidly that he swore it could fly out of his chest any moment from now.


Looking up, he saw his Majesty Sirius's chiseled chin and couldn't help feeling touched. His Majesty actually saved his lowly life rather than using him like a shield. Sure enough, his Majesty Sirius was different from that chaotic tyrant, Alec Barn, who would never save ordinary folks even if the world's survival depended on it.

'Gallahand! Flatus! Cover them!"

Sirius gritted his teeth, grabbing the Overseer very hard and throwing them sideways to another group. He knew these assassins were after him. So him running with everyone only made things worse for them. 'This is the only way they will make it out.'

Right now, they were within a massive warehouse that was as long as an entire housing street block. The air was thick with tension as the young Sirius surveyed the dimly lit warehouse. His eyes darted between the towering stacks of wooden crates and metal shipping containers that lined the cavernous space. "Your Majesty!!" Someone bellowed from their hiding place while trying to make their way toward Sirius. Their faces showed their desperation when seeing his Majesty all alone with the Overseer.

Dammit! Who could have bypassed the many guards guarding the Ports, as well as their own guards just to get to his Majesty?

What powerful forces were behind it all?

Several people instinctively refused to leave his Majesty's side, disobeying his orders without care. "Leave now! That's an order!!!!"

Sirius pushed them away while making his way in the opposite direction. .

"Your Majesty!!!"


Sirius screamed inwardly when feeling a small spiky disk pierce into his back thigh flesh. His heart pounded chaotically when trying to defend himself after realizing 11 shadowy figures now surrounded him in a twinkle of an eye.

"Your Majesty!" Galahand felt his body grow cold when seeing Sirius' predicament.

No!!! He regretted obeying his Majesty's orders so much that his guts became twisting in knots. Several others couldn't see his Majesty due to the many high shipping containers, but could imagine it all from Galahand's cry. Sirius on the other hand, also had his pupils dilated 10 times their size, instantly knowing he miscalculated. Several cold lights flashed around his body, and Sirius already began seeing his entire life flash before his eyes. This was it, wasn't it. He was really going to die. Time stood frozen in place, as Sirius already missed his wife, son, family and friends. 'Sorry... I wish I could see your faces one last time.' Standing his ground, Sirius waited for the many hidden weapons to do their worst. He, His Majesty Sirius, will not die a coward! "Bring it on!!!!"



He stared his enemies dead in the face, even though he knew they must be cocky underneath their masks. But... but what he expected, didn't happen at all! Ting!

A dazzling metallic sound bellowed through his ears, followed by the sounds of painful grunts from around him. Bang!!! Several masked men dropped to the floor in horror, confused by why it was them who ended up dying instead. No! No? They were unwilling! They, TOEP killers, can't just die in the measly hands of a lowlife like Sirius or his guards! Poooufff!~

Whether they liked it or not, their hearts were heavily beating and pumping blood to make up for the fatal injury, and their entire bodies had also turned sweaty in a second. So painful!!! The weapons they sent out somehow got sent back to them in the same line thrown. Only... the weapons were sent back with 5 times more force than one can ever imagine. Oh My God! If they understand Modern weapons, they could have sworn it felt like someone had bombarded them with Bazookas. No joke, the spiky hidden weapons that pierced through their bodies left giant holes, too surreal to believe. What sort of force was this? Who? Who is this man that appeared from nowhere? "Surround him!!!" The orders were given by their leader who was calmly sitting on a high and far away Shipping container. And like a blanket of darkness, Sirius swore he could see over 80 shadows appeared from all around. "It's you!!" Although Sirius didn't know who the masked man was, he recognized his movements to be the same masked man who saved him once in the past, some years back. It was his sworn brother, his Majesty Landon, who sent the masked man to his side back then. Eh? So now could it be that his brother Landon got wind of the matter and sent this guy to his side again? Sirius felt his entire body boil with gratitude, always knowing his bro had his back. Landon's many actions over the years was the reason why Sirius would never believe anyone who ever made false rumors of Landon wishing him dead. Impossible! He felt it was as impossible as a man going to the moon. It wasn't just him, but many Monarchs, Ministers and others in the UN also felt it was impossible. It was as though Landon had brainwashed them so hard that they couldn't see any bad in him. They weren't saying he was perfect but he was the closest to perfect in their dictionary. He was also upfront, generous, and also very protective of them too. Hey, who doesn't like such a person? Say what you like about his Majesty Landon but in their time of need, he always showed up to save the day. And that for them showed them where his loyalties lie. Can this masked fighter take them all, while still protecting Sirius? Heh-heh-heh. Sirius slowly sat down, leaning against a metal shipping container, while allowing the masked man to stand before him. Hey... experience taught him that he would just be in the way of this guy. Additionally, he was also injured on his thigh. So why hop into the action again now? Ooops, where is his popcorn? (^π^)


Landon looked at the swarm of killers in fury! Firstly, he was still solving the matter of the Dome of the Fierce before getting alerted during his sleeping time that Sirius's life was in danger. Dammit! Can't he, a babysitter, catch a break already? Landon wished he could strangle them all to death.

Luckily for these bastards they didn't pull this stunt when Lucy was giving birth a few weeks ago, or their comrades would have been picking up their driving bodies from the undersides of the roof. 'Good, good, good... Come at me all at once! I don't have all night.'

Landon held his sword lazily, and soon... Ahhhhhh!!!!!