Chapter 1864 HOME

Name:I'm the King Of Technology Author:
Chapter 1864 HOME

Far, far away from Baymard, in an entirely different continent, several people let out heavy sighs of relief, still panting with sweaty bodies. Their clothes were soaked, their bodies tired and their minds confused of where they were being led to.

It's been 3 months since their travels. And after months of trying to make sense of where they were going, a part of them gave up their questionable demeanors. Sometimes they felt they were going in circles, and other times, they felt the terrains they moved through didn't make sense at all.

Their minds were all in disarray, and even the brightest among the bunch also twisted his brows from time to time in defeat.

Sorry, but they were lost.

If you ask them to make an educated guess of where they might possibly be, they swore they wouldn't be able to tell you, even if they wanted to.

"Keep up, everyone... we are almost there..."

Several guards informed the now blindfolded group while leading them forward. Over 7 hours ago, the group left the wagons and continued their journey on foot. That's right, they have been walking blindfolded, under careful watch.

At first, some tried to escape, and even tried to take off their blinds, but were quickly caught and knocked unconscious.

The guards then nodded and took these bunch away from the group. Perhaps because of several months of travel, their previously firm hearts began weakening, wondering if they indeed chose the right decision to follow these mysterious strangers. And throughout the journey here, many who initially swore to join, soon asked to be released. Sure enough, they were then taken out of the wagons they were in and kept in other wagons where they would eat and pass out, only to wake up in strange towns or villages. Only... unlike the first group who were sent out, these people who chose to be sent out now, were let free with no money in their possessions.

And now that some still chose to escape or flee, the guards wasted no time putting them to sleep and sending them away. Bit by bit, the group marched on, and were provided ample food from time to time. Relieving themselves wasn't an issue either, as some guards were females who took on the task of accompanying females who felt pressed.

All in all, although the journey was long and tedious, their bellows were always full. Smart people could already see what sort of people these strangers were by the fact that they diligently fed them for several months now. This was the first time in many people's lives that they were going strong for 3 months with 3 square meals a day.

Showing no resistance, the group did as told. Despite the fear they still had in their hearts, they had to admit that these strangers treated them better than anyone else in a very long while.

If these strangers were truly evil, they would have been rushing them over while whipping their bodies and even placing heavy chains on their necks and legs for fear that they would escape. Again, who feeds slaves this well? And what about the warm blankets placed in every wagon? What about the hot water given several times to drink? Although they still had a wave of doubt and uncertainty in their hearts, they still thought those who opted to leave might have missed a great opportunity. Their intuition told them that they will definitely get rewarded for their resolution.


Left, right, left, right... Exhaustion weighed heavily on their shoulders, but a glimmer of hope flickered in their eyes, for they had been promised a new life in a land of freedom and prosperity

With blindfolded eyes, their feet never stopped marching forth until soon, they reached another location and were then sent into wagons once more. And right away, many people knew these were not the wagons they rode on earlier. These ones now had cushioned seats and were larger too. The young, like the children, quickly sat on the floor with warm blankets. In the wagons, they weren't blindfolded, but they still couldn't see the outside world since the wagons had no cracks or holes to show what the outside world looked like.

It was amazing that they stayed for several months as blind people with blind folds on all the time, except for the times they were in the wagons that had strange light torches (bulbs).

Slow and steady, the wagons moved unhurriedly.

And after another 3 minutes, the guards outside the wagons spoke, telling them to come out.

This fact shocked them greatly because for the past 3 months, the guards would always knock on their wagons, signaling them to put off the lights inside the wagons and lower their heads. From there, a few guards would come in, close the wagon doors and blindfold them before letting them out.

So how can their hearts not jump after getting orders to step out just like that?

"Have we arrived?" Many people questioned themselves, swallowing their saliva anxiously. And among them were old man McKenzie, his sons and their families.

Looking at the wagon doors, many now understood that just outside the doors, should be the Promised Land.. a so-called treasure land the Phantom Female Rebel King called their HOME.