Chapter 1942 Eyes In The Sky

Name:I'm the King Of Technology Author:
Chapter 1942 Eyes In The Sky

Side to side... the seas rocked the many galleys in rhythmic movements. Bahahhahahahah~

Laughter echoed all across the seas, as the many sturdy decks became alive with merriment. The numerous lanterns strung from the masts, casted a warm glow over the crew, who are dancing, singing, and feasting. The sound of flutes and singing filled the air, accompanied by the rhythmic clapping of hands. Morwen the conqueror, Alexander Lockhart's famous guard dog, a beastly-looking, tall, and rugged man with a commanding presence, sat with legs spread at the helm, a rare smile on his face, and a nude woman in his lap. He had his one large hand groping the woman's breast, and another on his massive cup filled with ale.

His First Mate, Bakthoza, was also grinning widely when kissing a young kidnapped and captured boy who was struggling for freedom. The Boy was about 8 years old, and Bakthoza liked them that young. "Master, It's not often we get to celebrate, Captain."

"Hmmm..." Morwen nodded. "They'll only get this one time celebration, so they enjoy, eat, and have merry before we get serious. But... we must keep an eye on the horizon. The seas are unpredictable."

Morwen wasn't like others who do their standard celebratory festivities so close to enemy territory. While they were still a good month or 2 away from their targeted site, he preferred to give them their battle celebrations. It was customary for all warriors to enjoy before any battle. Think of it like a prisoner having their last meal. This way, if you survive or you die, you can at least go down knowing you've had your fill of good things in this world. While others celebrated when they were 4 or 5 days away from reaching their enemy's territory, Morwen chose to do so several months away when they were still in International waters that don't belong to any territory. .

"To the Captain!"

"To the Commander!~... the greatest General of Lingingburg has ever known!!!" "Hyah!!"

Several people raised their tankards high, laughing and dancing around the decks. Some proceeded to rape captured women and children they stole away while leaving, having 10 men gang up on t1 at a time. So what if they die in the process? The dead bodies are still good for a few minutes for a good time before they throw the bodies into the waters below. Everyone was in high spirits, when suddenly, a dim sight in the far distance caused their celebrations to stop short.

"Captain! Ships on the horizon!"

"With a temper like yours, you're bound to have a heart attack one of these days, Commander Morwen. But just as the sea has a way of surprising us all, life also promises such surprises too." "For you see, just as you're heading for Baymard, we too are headed for Baymard, with the sole goal of destruction!" .

Morwen stared at them in silence, before releasing a large grin on his lips. And then–


Morwen laughed so hard, his belly almost exploded. And of course, even if they didn't understand why Morwen was laughing, his crew also erupted in laughter, laughing so hard their eyes became teary.

"I see... I see... so all this talk was just to ask for help?... Marvelous! It sure is marvelous, to see the great Morgany, as likely old me for help." Instantly, the temperature around the triplets rose by several degrees higher. "Watch your tongue, dog!"

"Morgany is too great to ask for help." "What we want is to offer you a chance to join the fight, since you're already heading that way. And if you don't want to, then stay clear of our way and make a U-turn now!.. the choice is yours!!"

It's just that when they are done with their victory, don't even think they will give prince Skye back to you!

So what's it going to be? –Silence–

Now, Morwen was no longer laughing. All he was sent to do was to teach Baymard a lesson and retrieve the prince. Should he say no, the Morgs will definitely refuse to return Prince back after destroying Baymard. Morwen swore inwardly that one day, he would trample on all these bastard Morgs. "So Morwen the conqueror, will you join, or will you make a U-turn now?" "Join..." Morwen chuckled grimly. What other choice did he have?

Like so, Morgany had roped in another 40,000 fleets top join the war on Baymard.