Chapter 1951 An Unbelievable Number

Name:I'm the King Of Technology Author:
Chapter 1951 An Unbelievable Number

Time flew by in a flash, and soon, the Coastal boats, as well as the Land and Airports, were all closed for the night. Coastal Guard Leopold, had long signed in for his night shift and was busy working the far seas as per his schedule. First, he scoured the main water lines where a majority of ships use when heading into Baymard. Well, so far, so good. This part of Baymard's international waters was alright. It wasn't just him on night patrol, but several other Coastal guards in what they called a Flying boat. They called it so because it rose up so fast it gave the illusion it was flying above the waters when it moved. Well, she was a beauty, his second love. Leopold was truly in love with these boats. He felt he would prefer to live in a boathouse than to keep living in a block house. Imagine living in a boathouse, waking up, driving about and enjoying the salty sea air whenever you liked? The boat was small, and a true sea racer fit for rescue and other operations.

Leopold sighed, enjoying his current life very much, although he would love it if he could sleep and live in his beloved boat all his life. Blame him for being born in dangerous times when sailing out to sea can lead to loss of life at any given turn.


Despite the dull atmosphere, inky blackness of the night sky melded seamlessly with the dark waters of the ocean. The swift sturdy ship cut through the waves silently, its sleek hull barely visible in the dim moonlight. The vessel's advanced technology hummed quietly, a stark contrast to the medieval world it patrolled. 11:45 PM. After changing locations with several other Coastal Guards, he headed for another region, speeding out onto the high seas and distancing himself from Baymard greatly.

This path wasn't the typical path used by visitors due to the currents. Suddenly, he couldn't help twisting towards his radar screen that glowed an eerie green in the darkness. Soon, his face grew pensive and paper-white as though he had just seen a ghost.


He slapped his cheek to ensure his eyes were seeing=ng what his brain had registered.

What's going on? A glitch?

Glitch or not, this was a situation to definitely report back to his supervisor and the others. [This is Starstruck 57 along the Boygon Region, Code Red. I repeat, we've got a CODE RED on our hands.]

How dire is the situation? Well, let's just say, the amount of red dots on the screen were so much that they looked like tiny chicken-pox infestations across the screen. It was terrible.

This was complete destruction. Morg lumber ships were the tallest and one of the most advanced in today's Hertfilia.

Black on Earth, one of the largest and grandest medieval ships was called the Mary Rose, and could fit 500 to 800 sailors comfortably.

But in Morgany's case, as well as many Adonis ship cases, their ships were two and a half times longer and slightly taller than the Mary Rose, fitting 2000~2800 people comfortably.

Mind the use of the word 'comfortably.' If they decided to make everyone a little more uncomfortable with more people sleeping on the creaky floors like sardines, then they might be able to fit up to 45000~5000 people aboard the ship.

So Imagine just how many enemies were approaching when seeing such a fleet of 850,000 ships?


The enemy was in millions, the greatest Baymard had ever seen. And sometimes, technology was just not enough.

A good strategy was needed to deal with such a number.

But while some forces were planning to attack by sea, some were also attacking by Land... in particular, they were now ready to hit Baymard's great gates. Yes... tonight, Baymard would be hot from the waters and the land. It would definitely be a night to remember, one that even the future generations would reminisce upon happily or sorrowfully, depending on how the battle goes.


[Starstruck 75, stay on them at all times but keep a distance to stay undetected!]

"Roger that, Mainforce 005," Leopold replied, his eyes still glued to the drone's image relayed back. However, Leopold wasn't the only one who noticed something off.