Chapter 1953 The Power Of News

Name:I'm the King Of Technology Author:
Chapter 1953 The Power Of News

What does it feel like to report first hand news in one of the most Epic Battles to go down in Hertfilia's history?

Olivia was sleeping and snoring her life away, not knowing her fame would rise up 50 notches by the end of the night. Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!~

What the devil? Who is banging at her door at this unholy hour of the night? Olivia had a good mind to let whoever is outside die out there, as she grabbed her pillow and placed it over her head. Don't they know that as a News reporter whose face is always shown on National television, she needs her beauty sleep more than anything else? Olivia, because of how valuable her 'face' was, began sleeping as early as 8 PM whenever she had morning news reporting shifts. 8 hours of beauty rest was a must. On weekdays, AKA Mondays to Fridays, if she had the morning shift, she slept at 8 PM. Olivia had her beauty mask on her face, her hair wrapped up in a very sturdy protective sleeping bun, her lips smeared with a leave-on lip moisturizing mask, and her face sleeping upwards. Of course as a News reporter whose face was extremely delicate, how dare she sleep on her sides, or worse, sleep face-down planted? What do you take her for? An amateur? All reporters know that keeping your face away from any object while sleeping, reducing risk of germ transfer and so on, gives you bumps or pimples. Although she changes her bedsheets after every 3 days, one can never be so sure that the oils from her hair would rub into her silky pillow and then later rub onto her face when she presses against the pillow. She trained herself to sleep in an upright position, that now,... that was all she knew. How can one sleep on their belly or on their sides? As a channel 5 news reporter who had her own crew and a reputation to live up to, how can she allow anything to happen to her face? Tsk. If she did, those pesky channel 1, 2, 3, and 4 news bastards would definitely laugh at her to death! . ALL new chapters on nov(e)lbin(.)com


Olivia's heart thumped wildly while allowing the soldiers to cloak her with lightweight protective gear. And as she and her team were getting strapped and protected, a familiar voice echoed in her ears, causing her to freeze. "Well, well, well... if it isn't poor Olivia and her ever-late channel 5 news team." Dammit! Olivia didn't need to turn around to know that the voice belonged to the dazzling Petra from Channel 2 news. Why? Why did she always run into one of her nemesis in times like these? "Oh? You channel 2 And channel 3 backwards turtles are already at each other's necks this early? How uncultured!" This time, the speaker was the famous Bozar Winston from Channel 1 news. His suit, his good looks made several women turn on the news everyday just to see his face. He was their 'Opa,' their dream man in the flesh. He had a crazy following and was much more celebrity-like than any of them could ever imagine. Olivia was about to defend her news crew when more and more news teams popped out, causing her anxiety to rise.

"Hold it! The History Channel is here, to capture the epic battle that is about to unfold." one extremely good-looking middle-aged 33-year-old man appeared with a slight smirk on his lips.

"History?... Well, this is a matter for National Geographic." A stunning lady in adventure khaki wear voiced out. "What? Do you think we will allow all of you to have all the fun? No way! The National Geographic channel is here to capture man in one of his most primal state – A state of War." "Well, well, well, I couldn't agree with you more old woman," A burly youth appeared, grinning hard with his broad shoulders flexing gallantly. "We at ESPN 200, find war to be a sport. Why shouldn't we join the fun?" "_" [Soldiers] Who knew the news anchor world was so competitive?