Chapter 4: Mud and Blood (2)

Name:Immanent Ascension Author:
Chapter 4: Mud and Blood (2)

Biru slashed the sword wildly, Xerxes dodged, and then jumped forward and slammed his shoulder into Birus solar plexus.

Biru collapsed, and Xerxes fell on top of him. Even before they hit the ground, Xerxes hands were on Birus, trying to wrench his fingers off the hilt of the weapon. One finger came back. Then another. Taking advantage of the angle, Xerxes smashed his elbow into Birus jaw. The big man yelped, and released a hand to try to protect his face. That was just what Xerxes needed. His fingers slipped around part of the bronze swords hilt, and he pulled away hard.

The sword jerked out of Birus hand. Xerxes rolled to the side, jumped to his feet, and held the sword out in front of him.

Fucker! Biru spat, then pulled his long knife out of its sheath as he got to his feet. Wiping blood off his mouth, he tried to stab Xerxes.

Wrong, Xerxes thought. Acting almost purely on instinct, he sidestepped, then slashed the short sword toward Birus head. To Xerxes surprise, the sword bit into the mans neck just above his collar bone. Blood started pouring out. More blood than Xerxes had ever seen in one place. Gripping the sword in two hands, he prepared for Biru to lunge toward him again. But the man didnt.

Instead, he clamped his hand onto his neck and staggered to the side.

You he said, then slipped in the mud and fell. Blood kept pouring through his fingers. You.

He tried to get up, but failed, and fell onto his back. He groaned, and then his hand fell away. He spasmed visibly, and Xerxes looked away from the red waterfall.The man was dead. He dropped the bronze sword as a wave of numbness seeped through him. He exhaled shakily.

In his peripheral vision, he saw the other woodsmen stumbling away into the nearby alleys.

Birus got imself killed! one of them said, his voice trembling.

Fuck him, another said. We gotta get out of ere!

He tried to take another deep breath.New novel chapters are published on

Someone was yelling. Screaming. It was Bel.

Gem! she shrieked. Gem, are you alright?

Xerxes turned and saw the portly soldier lying on his side, with Bel next to him on her knees, leaning over him.

Xerxes walked toward them, shaking his head to try to gain clarity. Whats wrong? he said.

Bel looked over her shoulder, and he saw blood smeared on her face.

No, Xerxes murmured. Looking down he saw that Gem was still breathing. Dont die, Gem. Just a matter of seconds, really. Belll be right back.

He watched Gem breathing, and felt the blood flowing through his fingers. How had this happened? Why had it happened?

He looked briefly over at Biru, who lay there just as before in a pool of bloody mud. He looked back at Gem.

Bel! he shouted. Bel, hurry up!

Gem went still. No breathing.


Xerxes let loose a hoarse shout of rage and frustration. It did nothing.

The blood had stopped flowing. It still seeped out a bit, but Xerxes could tell it wasnt being pushed out with force. Gems heart had stopped beating. He took his hand away, grabbed the mans shirt, and shook him. Start breathing again!

He heard the slap of footsteps, and then Bel slid to a stop in the mud next to him.

I got it! she said. He saw her shove her hand into her component pouch and pull out a handful of green sand.

Its too late, Xerxes said hollowly.

She looked down, and a stricken expression took over her face. She stood there frozen for a moment. Then her expression hardened. Might still be a chance.

Cupping her hand in front of her, she began to draw the Balatu Isten rune into the sand to cast Minor Restoration. A moment later, Xerxes saw melam flowing out from Bels hand. Delicate spirals encompassed her forearm as she dropped down to both knees and then touched Gems chest.

The melam disappeared into him, and Xerxes heart leapt briefly as he saw some of the flesh around the wound twitching. But that was it.

Nothing else happened. Healing spells only worked on the living.

She exhaled sharply. I can try again. Maybe my rune was off.

It wasnt, Bel, Xerxes said, and suddenly he realized tears were streaming down his cheeks. Nonetheless, he reached out and took Bels hand. He squeezed it. Hes gone.

She squeezed his hand back.