Chapter 7: Castle Investigation (1)

Name:Immanent Ascension Author:
Chapter 7: Castle Investigation (1)

When the old servant said his master was expecting the convoy, it didnt mean he was waiting with open arms to receive them. Instead, the servant led them through the gate into the courtyard then stopped and turned to face them.

Stablesre thataway, he said, pointing to a smaller side gate. Just go out, turn right, and follow the wall. Planning to stay the ole night?

Sergeant Tamharu, having been given the order to take the lead, said, We dont wish to inconvenience Master Ligish, but if he has places for us to bed down, it would certainly be appreciated. We can use the stables if necessary.

The old man grunted a laugh. The Masters poor but e aint that uncivilized. He turned and started trudging toward a doorway opposite the one wed entered. Well, follow me.

Dismount, Sergeant Tamharu called. Private Ap, leave the cart here. Then you, Private Miljan, and Private Danijel care for the horses. Everyone else, lets go. Mages up front with the captain and me.

The servant led them inside the castle and through a few corridors.

The interior wasnt as bad as Xerxes expected it to be. Apparently, only the extremities of the castle were suffering from rot, although it was still possible to catch whiffs of mold and mildew. The east side of the place had guest rooms. Sergeant Tamharu split everyone up between them, with officers sharing one room, mages another, and the soldiers split up between the other rooms.

The old servant disappeared at some point.

Xerxes, Gandash and Bel surveyed their room, within which were four beds, some wardrobes, as well as other random furniture pieces such as tables, chairs, and the likes. There were tapestries on the walls, a few rugs, and some lamps as well. The room was cozy without being cramped, even if it did smell quite dusty. Bel even sneezed.

Gandash lit the lamps as Bel and Xerxes distributed their traveling packs.

A few minutes later, Commander Ishki stuck her head in the door. Mages, change out of your traveling attire and get into your uniforms. The real work starts soon.

Yes, sir, the three young mages responded. Mages werent soldiers, but they did have uniforms for formal occasions.

Ladies first, Xerxes said, stepping to the door. Ill wait out here.

Right, Gandash said, face flushing a bit as he hurried to follow.

Outside in the corridor, Xerxes elbowed his friend and said, You should have stayed.

Shut up.

Seer Bel? said Captain Ligish. Can you do the formalities?

Bel tapped into her mage sight and looked over the food. Its all clean, she said a moment later.

Master Ligish smiled. Please, eat first. Then well discuss the matter at hand.

Xerxes poured himself water and took some lamb, flat bread, and diced vegetables. Of course, he surreptitiously checked everything with his own sight first. It wasnt that he didnt trust Bel. Rather, their training called for them to exercise such caution at all times when on missions.

At first, everyone focused on eating. Then Master Ligish and Captain Ishki engaged in some small talk, discussing current events in the kingdom and Mannemid in general, and the weather.

Did you notice the meteor shower last night? Master Ligish asked.

We did, Captain Ishki answered. Unusual for this time of year.


A few minutes later, the captain apparently had enough of the chitchat.

Ill forgo bringing out the official paperwork, she said. As you know why were here.

Master Ligish nodded. I do. I assure you, these charges are completely ridiculous. I suspect they were concocted by Master Korash of Castle Korash. Hes been trying for years to undermine me.

Regardless, formalities must be complied with. Well need to do a full inspection of your work facilities, and the castle in general.

I would expect nothing less. When would you like to begin?

Now, if possible.

A look of surprise appeared on Master Ligishs face. That soon? Id hoped to throw a banquet of some sort for your men.

Captain Ishki gave him a tight smile. Im sure youd prefer us out of your hair as soon as possible.

In that case I suppose we might as well start now.