Chapter 21: Another Clash with Abhorrent (2)

Name:Immanent Ascension Author:
Chapter 21: Another Clash with Abhorrent (2)

But before it could get a firm grip, he landed a kick on the things reddish face that shoved it back by half a cubit or so. He used that opportunity to spring away from it.

By this point, Satahsusar was on her feet again and reaching toward her fallen knife. Seeing her present her back to it, the Abhorrent turned away from Xerxes and attacked her. She shrieked again as her skirts were caught, which caused her to fall to her hands and knees. Her other knife clattered in the opposite direction. Now she had no weapon.

Meanwhile, another Abhorrent had appeared in the corridor, and Xerxes was sure he could see more motion behind it.

More are coming out! he shouted.

Get Sata out of there! Ninsunu said. Having shoved her hand into her component pouch, she brought it out with a handful of glittering dust. Xerxes wasnt an expert regarding spell components, but he knew Sinitu mages used gold dust as their base.

Having never seen a Sinutu mage cast a spell, he was curious about what would happen, but now wasnt a moment for casual observation. He swung his sword at the Abhorrent harrying Satahsusar, taking off a leg and slashing its abdomen. It squealed, spun toward him, and forced him back.

Another Abhorrent was now out in the open, with a third behind it. Worse Xerxes saw a glint that indicated yet another one was coming. Soon the courtyard was going to be so crowded he couldnt swing his sword properly.

Now more than ever Xerxes wished he was a High Seer. If he was, he could cast Minor Augmentation and turn the strong end of his sword into a burning expression of power, not just his fist. With a weapon like that, he could chop these Abhorrents into pieces with almost no effort.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

But he wasnt a High Seer. And there were now three Abhorrent to deal with. Probably more.

Satahsusar had one of her knives back and was hiking her skirt up while simultaneously waving her weapon in the general direction of the nearest monster.

Hya! Ninsunu shouted.

Ninsunu tossed the corpse aside, spun, and kicked the monster that was harrying her. It tucked its legs around itself as it rolled backward.

Send up the flare to call the soldiers! Satahsusar said.

No, Ninsunu growled. Theyd get slaughtered. We go.

She bent her legs and jumped straight up onto the rooftop.

Xerxes saw more Abhorrent coming out of the mansions entrance, some of them crawling right over the mangled corpses of their fellows.

To the side, Satahsusar slashed at some legs, severed one, then turned and made a leap for the rooftop.

Holding his sword with only one hand, he did the same, taking a running leap and then extending his free hand up. His fingers found purchase on a roof tile, and he pulled himself up, scrambling for a toehold on the wall as he did. Behind him, an Abhorrent stretched its legs out, but he pulled his feet over the top of the roof before it reached him.

Standing, he looked around to see at least six Abhorrent in the street courtyard below, and more coming out of the building. Some were small, similar to the ones Gandash had summoned at Ligish Castle. Others were larger.

A few cubits away, Satahsusar clambered up, dislodging a roof tile in the process but otherwise making it safely away from the courtyard. She only had one knife left.

We made it, he said. I almost cant believe we made it.

Vile things, Satahsusar spat, turning to look down. What do we do, Nina? Run back to the cart? Or wait to see how many will come out of

A white tendril shot out from the dark corridor and stabbed her through the thigh.