Chapter 73: Let’s Get Moving

Name:Immanent Ascension Author:
Chapter 73: Let’s Get Moving

The rain had stopped, at long last. Even in the cave, the fresh smell of a post-rain storm lifted spirits. Clouds still choked the sky, but it was only a matter of time before the sun came out and dried the roads. Was it a sign that everything was going to be different going forward?

Gandash talked to everyone on an individual basis. Starting with Jad.

Xerxes wondered if a fight might break out. But when it was over, Jad and Gandash shook hands. Gandash even reached out to put his hand on Jads shoulder. Jad nodded and smiled.

Im sorry, Xerk, Katyoun said.

What do you mean?

I know that me siding with Jad put you in a hard position. But, like I told you before, Im not cut out for war. None of us are. If we can get back to the Gateway and call for help, everything will end sooner. And then you and I can get that apartment.

Xerxes smiled. I know. Kat, I wanted to ask you something.

She looked at him expectantly.

After this is over, theres no saying well be able to get that apartment we talked about on Sin-Amuhhu. What if we end up getting sent down to the lower starisles?

Were already here at the lower starisles, she said.

Feeling somewhat silly, he shook his head. I know. What I meant is what if we just get a place on Mannemid? Or hell, if you want to go back to your home planet, thats fine too. Its just that my dad has a good job in the capital on Mannemid. Maybe its not Sin-Amuhhu, but its not that bad.

You live by a harbor, right?

Yeah. You can get great seafood for cheap, right on the street. And rowboats are cheap to rent. I could show you some great island spots.

I think. She put her arms around his waist. I think we can make it work wherever we end up.

He kissed her forehead. Good. Then lets make that our plan. We can play it by ear, obviously. See how much we get paid. And make the final decision based on that.


One by one, Gandash met with all the other mages. Except Xerxes.

Xerxes felt partly relieved, but at the same time, somewhat offended. He was even tempted to take the initiative to go talk to Gandash. But then again, what was there to say? Everything had already been laid out in the open. Once they returned from the Gateway complex at the head of an army of mages from Sin-Amuhhu, Gandash would realize everything had been for the better good.

The next morning, they broke camp and prepped for travel. Theyd only been camped for a few days, but even still, it felt like they were uprooting and making a huge change.

It was as the troops formed ranks outside that Gandash came to find Xerxes. He wore his officers uniform, complete with all the accouterments. He looked impressive.

Xerk, lets talk, he said.

Xerxes, who had been packing Reds saddlebags, was caught by surprise. Oh, sure. Um, Kat, do you mind keeping an eye on Red?

No problem, Katayoun said, taking the horses reins.

Gandash was already walking away. Xerxes followed, being careful not to slip in the mud.

A few cubits from the mouth of the cave, the mountain slope led up to a boulder outcropping. Theyd originally considered using it as a watchtower, but the rain had been too heavy.

From this vantage point, the gathering company below was mostly out of sight, but the rest of the mountain stretched out in a panoramic view. Ignoring the ruined village below and focusing on the road stretching to the east, it imparted a sense of peace and hope.

Our friendship on Mannemid is something Ill cherish. But youre not the same Xerxes I played with as a kid. Maybe it wasnt just Bel that died that day. Maybe it was you, too. I wish you luck getting back to the Gateway.

Gandash turned, hopped off the boulder, and disappeared down the mountain slope.

Xerxes ignored the cold mountain wind that buffeted him. His stomach churned so badly he had to shove down the urge to vomit. Why had he sided with Enusat, who was now dead? Why had he gotten so wrapped up in life on Sin-Amuhhu that he never talked with Gandy about Bel and Gem?

Why, why, why?

He stood there for a long time trying to make sense of everything.

Theres still time to fix things with Gandy, he thought. Or was there?

Looking at the scenery, he tried to clear his mind. He focused on the horizon. On the clouds. On a bird that wheeled through the air. But despite those efforts, the questions and doubts assailed him.

What happened?

Xerxes turned, startled, to find Katayoun standing on the boulder with him, her fiery hair bound and hanging down her back, but a few loose strands dancing in the breeze.

He inhaled. Exhaled. Hes pissed.

I probably would be too, she replied.

Not just about the High Seer vote. About a lot of things. Between me and him.

I know. She took his hand. Youve been up here for an hour.


The rest of the troops are already moving down to the road. I finished getting Red ready for you. Kash has your sword.


She walked back down to the cave mouth and he followed. Sergeant Stratos was in the rearguard. He gave Xerxes a wave. Xerxes half-smiled and waved back.

Everything good, Xerk-man? Jad asked.


Kash tossed him his sword and sheath. He slipped the leather contraption onto his back and started buckling it.

Red was gone. After all, the High Seers wouldnt be relying on the speed of mounts to make their trek. I cant change anything now. The only thing I can do is go forward.

Xerxes looked to the West. The mountains that were their destination wouldnt be visible until theyd crossed leagues upon leagues of dangerous terrain. But all they had to do was reach that Gateway complex, and everything would turn around.

Are we ready? he asked.

Ready, Kashtiliash said, giving a tug to tighten a strap on his sheath.

Lets save the day, Dasi added.

Xerxes gave one last glance at the column of departing troops. Yeah. Lets get moving.