Yoshio Inoue, a Japanese jeweler, is worth less than 100 million yuan in Chinese currency.

In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy and the Chinese people's pursuit of jadeite, the market of jadeite has gone up all the way. In a common saying, buying is not only a profit, but also a model of investment.

As a jeweler, he was certainly envious of the profits of jadeite. This time, he did his best to raise a huge sum of money equivalent to 50 million Chinese dollars to come to Myanmar and prepare for a big fight.

He came early. The original stone plate came before the opening. When he was idle, he bought some stones to play with.

Only after this game can we know how deep the water is in the line of the original stone, which is equivalent to a huge investment of 10 million Chinese dollars. It doesn't even make a bubble. It's gone.

After losing one fifth of his cash, Inoue wanted to stop, but he was very unwilling. He not only wanted to win back the lost money, but also wanted to make a big profit.

He is a layman. He can only make money by luck, but his luck is bad and he is very anxious.

After hearing the conversation between Wang Hao and Ren Meiting, he is in front of his eyes. Is there such a powerful master in the gambling world?

He has self-knowledge and knows that with his status and financial resources, it is difficult to get close to people like Bianliang.

But now it's different. Now he has found a way to get close to Bianliang.

It is the so-called no first in literature and no second in martial arts. This kind of competition for fame happens from time to time among the Chinese who are good at face.

If he told Bianliang the conversation between Wang Hao and Ren Meiting just now, Bianliang would not treat him differently! At that time let Bianliang guide him how to buy the stone, then he can't make a fortune.

Ten thousand steps back, even if Bianliang didn't catch a cold and was indifferent, there would be no loss for him. It was just a waste of words. How could he not do such a thing?

Inoue Youwu approaches Bianliang's position. He hears that some beautiful women do not hesitate to tease Bianliang in broad daylight in order to win Bianliang's favor and let Bianliang help her. The more he confirms his idea.

A woman can sell her body for money. What's wrong with him for money to stir up the relationship between two Chinese? As long as he can make money, he is willing to do anything immoral.

Yoshio Inoue said in half baked Chinese: "let's give way, let's give way. I have something important to report to Mr. Bian!"

On the one hand, Yoshio Inoue squeezed in and suffered a lot.

The main reason is that he is relatively short, only about 1.5 meters, and the shortest women standing here in Bianliang are 1.6 meters, wearing high heels, a head higher than him.

He pushed inside. I don't know how much fart he smelled, which almost made him faint.

Anyway, he is also a billionaire. Yoshio Inoue has been living in Japan. How could he suffer such a crime.

But today, for the sake of money, for the sake of making a lot of money, he is willing to suffer any crime.

Short stature also has an advantage. It really makes Youwu Inoue squeeze in. Although he suffers a lot of abuse and blindness, he doesn't care.

"Mr. Bian, Mr. Bian, I have something important to report to you!"

Yogo Inoue said aloud.

Bianliang was puzzled.

Many people spoke, but they all flattered and teased him. Suddenly, he heard a voice saying that there was something important to report to him. He was very curious about what this important thing was.

But what about people? Where is the speaker? Why can't you see a man without hearing his voice?

"Is the difficulty behind?"

Bianliang felt that it was possible. Subconsciously, he stood on tiptoe and looked back. He didn't find anyone suspicious.

Inoue Youwu was so anxious that he wanted to become a giant this time, so Bianliang could see him.

But he was born short. He could grow tall if he wanted to.

"Mr. Bian, Mr. Bian, I have something important to report to you."

Bianliang savored this sentence carefully.

The voice is very close to him, which proves that the speaker is not far away from him, maybe right beside him.

He looked around for a week and saw that everyone was talking, but none of them said that they had something important to report to him. They were asking if he could help them to select the original stone and let him make a price at will.

For these, Bianliang is dismissive.

It's not that he has no money. He really wants to gamble with his own money. How can he help them make money.

Moreover, this time, he didn't come to gamble on stones to make money. Instead, the Burmese stone merchants asked him to come and identify a piece of stone, which was very meaningful to him.

If so, he may not be as immortal as his ancestors.

As for gambling to make money, he also wants to! But thinking of his agreement with Burmese stone merchants, he wisely gave up the idea.

Either make money, or fame, in the choice of fame and profit, he chose to be famous.

Once people become famous, are they afraid that they will not benefit?

At this time, standing beside Bianliang, a man who looked like a bodyguard said, "Mr. Bian, it's getting late. Shall we go first?"

"All right!"

Bian Liang nodded. Compared with the important things in the population he had never met, he was more interested in the original stone, which was the cornerstone of his fame.

Hearing that Bianliang said he was going to leave, Inoue Youwu rushed up and hugged Bianliang's thigh and said, "Mr. Bian, Mr. Bian, I have something important to report to you."

Bian Liang lowered his head and saw a short man with a runny nose. The tearful man said that he had something important to report to him. He felt speechless for a moment.

Just now, he really looked up at each other. He had known that he bowed his head. How could he find this short boy.

He was in a hurry, but he didn't have to talk for a few minutes.

Bian Liang asked, "what's the matter?"

Yoshio Inoue is not surprising, dead endlessly, deliberately exaggerating: "some people say that your level of gambling stone is not good."


Who is Bianliang? The first person recognized in the gambling circle also proved his strength with actual achievements, and no one in the gambling circle disagreed.

But now, some people say that Bianliang's level of gambling stone is not good. It's not the best in the world.

The effect is good. Yoshio Inoue is proud of himself. Just now, he was thinking about how to calm everyone and attract Bianliang's interest. Judging from the current results, he has achieved this goal.

He knows how to strike while the iron is hot!!

Inoue Youwu said angrily: "Mr. Bian, you don't know. Just now there was a boy who was so hateful. He not only said that you were not good at gambling, but also said that you were not the descendant of the founder of gambling. He said that you were a person who fished for fame and fame, a man who had nothing to show."

Bian Liang was angry.

He is a serious Bianhe and his descendants, and his family also has the gambling stone Scripture left by Bianhe. It is because of his thorough understanding of this Scripture and his efforts to study it that he has now gained his fame and strength.

It's too much to doubt his level of gambling. Even his birth should be doubted, and there is still sarcasm. My uncle can bear it, but my aunt can't.

"Who said that?" Bianliang gritted his teeth.

Yoshio Inoue volunteered: "I'll take you there!"