This time, Wang Hao did not choose to use the cover up method.

Although the blinding method is good, it can only be concealed for a while, and its duration is limited, only a few seconds. You need to constantly increase your mana, otherwise you will immediately show the true face of Lushan Mountain.

What he heard just now was that the Japanese said that the Chinese patrol boat would not arrive until 20 minutes later. It was self-evident that he would have to stay on the gambling boat for more than 10 minutes.

No one knows what will happen in these ten minutes, and he doesn't know if there is anyone to pack up the gambling equipment. In case there is no one, is it difficult for him to keep playing tricks here?

Even if he wants to know whether the Japanese will give him this chance or not, he will not be able to add magic if the Japanese do not. Once the gamblers are not cleaned up, the consequences will be unimaginable.

What's more, Wang Hao thinks that there is a high probability that no one will clean up the gambling equipment.

This deck of cards directly let Matsuyama Qinghui lose 10 billion, can he be willing? Don't you keep this card as a lesson?

Once the face of the card becomes another look for no reason, Matsuyama Qinghui will immediately realize that it's his ghost.

Don't say that no one will watch it 24 hours a day. There are only a few high-definition cameras on this casino. They monitor every corner of the casino all the time. What happens can't be concealed from these dedicated watchers.

Of course, I found out later that Wang Hao was not afraid. He was afraid for more than ten minutes. Once an accident happened in these ten minutes, it was not that he could not win money, but it would affect his reputation.

Obviously, this can't be done. He can't do anything about losing the face of China. He will only win glory for his country.

Wang Hao uses the most basic magic, and does not move like a mountain.

In an instant, the weight of the three dice increased by hundreds of times, not to mention that the Japanese couldn't touch them lightly. If he tried his best to move one of them, he would not be able to move it.

It's too heavy. Wang Hao estimates that the weight of a dice is about 200 Jin now. Can it move?

When the Japanese leader uncovered the cover, his index finger went in under the cover of the cover.

He gave a little push.

The person in charge of Japan is so stupid that he can't push it? Why is the weight of dice so heavy?

The person in charge of Japan didn't give up and pushed hard, but the result was still the same. He still didn't push the dice.

Such a strange phenomenon made the head of the Japanese leader sweat. His heart was full of bitterness and melancholy. He could not help crying out: "what should I do?"

There's no way. Can't you let him take off the lid? If you open it, you lose.

More than ten seconds later, the scene was booed. It was obvious that he was doing something.

Who dares to gamble in such a place? It's not that they have so much money to spend that they deliberately come to send money to the Japanese.

The reason why they gambled on the boat was to win money, but the Japanese tried every means to prevent others from winning money, so they did not hesitate to use extreme shameless means. This is no different from the black shop.

Matsuyama Qinghui said with a gloomy face: "Mr. Koizumi, why don't you open the treasure box? Can't you see that everyone can't wait? "

Person in charge of Japan

He is suffering, he can't tell Matsuyama that the dice in the box is too heavy, he can't push it with his fingers!

Can you believe it? No one will believe him even if he is killed, let alone he can't say it now.

Situ Yu snorted: "Mo Mo Mo Ji is like a girl. You can see that you want to make trouble. You don't dare to expose it. I'll expose it."

When situ Yu came forward, the Japanese leader was shocked. If situ Yu came and suddenly lifted the lid, his restless fingers would not be found immediately.

The person in charge of Japan hastened to take back his fingers, and then snatched the cover in front of situ Yu.

The cry of surprise!!

They never thought that it would be like this. NIMA is unscientific! Did they misunderstand the Japanese just now? People don't even think about cheating?

No cheating? So what's the delay for? Just for fun?

I can't figure it out. They are 10000 people who can't figure it out. They feel that today's events are beyond their cognitive scope.

Compared with these people, the heartless situ Yu didn't think so much. Seeing that the number of dice in the box was a little, he immediately said with ecstasy: "a little, a little, my brother guessed it, guessed it."

Situ Yu directly took the bank draft on the gambling table. He didn't mean to be polite at all.

See this scene, Matsuyama Qinghui face uncontrollable twitch for a while, how he wants to stop, but the result is there, what reason does he take to stop?

If you want to lose, you have to admit it. If you lose, you have to admit it. The bad thing is your reputation.

However, he is willing to lose like this? Songshan Qinghui is not reconciled at all.

Songshan Qinghui pointed to the overlapping dice and yelled: "Mr. Koizumi, what's the matter? Why do dice overlap? "

Person in charge of Japan

It is clear that Matsuyama Qinghui ordered him to do so just now. Now Matsuyama Qinghui asked him, who will go?

At the same time, he also understood that another meaning of Matsuyama's words was to ask him why the dice were still together and what happened to his plane just now.

Songshan Qinghui gritted his teeth and said, "well, you eat something inside and outside. Tell me quickly. Did Wang Hao tell you to do this?"

The person in charge of Japan was stunned and instantly understood what Matsuyama meant. This was to let him pour dirty water on Wang Hao!

What's up? Why not?

Do you still need to choose?

He made such a big mistake that Songshan Qinghui lost more than 10 billion yuan. Once Wang Hao took the money away alive, he would die.

Only by leaving this huge sum of money can he survive.


The person in charge of Japan knelt down on the ground and cried for mercy: "Mr. Matsuyama, I'm wrong. I shouldn't accept Wang Hao's money. I shouldn't promise Wang Hao. I shouldn't conspire with Wang Hao to dig up the money of the gambling house. Please let me go for the sake of working for the gambling house for many years. I'm forced. It's all Wang Hao's fault. He kidnapped my family to threaten me."

This speech, Hua sound, gamblers are shocked, there are such things?

This melon comes too suddenly, too unprepared to prevent it! How dare you believe that?

The Chinese dare not believe it, but the Japanese doubt it. They feel that the shameless Chinese can do such a thing.

For a moment, there were different opinions, which made the originally clear situation turbid.

Situ Yu's face turned black. He was so angry that he didn't want to. It was just throwing dirty water on Wang Hao!!

Situ Yu pointed to the nose of the person in charge of Japan and said, "don't pour dirty water on my brother there. My brother came to Donghai city the day before yesterday. Today is his first time to gamble on a boat. He doesn't know you. How can he kidnap your family? How can I collude with you to make money in the casino? "

"Say it! If you can't say a good or bad thing today, I want you to look good. "