Chapter 1461: invite

"What the **** is this martial arts world?!"

Secretly asked at this moment, he has been a little hazy about this.

Su Yan looked at several people and said, "The less you know, the better."

The expressions of several people changed slightly, and naturally they knew some of the reasons from Su Yan's words, so they clearly stopped asking.

"Captain, since the ace of spades won't come out, let's go back first."

Bai now feels like an arrow at home, it's better for China, and they will have to take a good rest this time.

"Well, you should go back first."

Su Yan sat on a boulder and looked at the north very meaningfully.

"Captain, won't you go back?"

"It's not over yet."

"It's not over yet, isn't it all solved?"

Su Yan always likes to give them surprises and even doubts.

"The killing of the organization is solved, but there is an energy technology company behind them."

"The company that produced the poison?!"

The expressions of several people changed and anger emerged, but they were miserable.

"Yes, the existence of such a cancer will have endless consequences for one day."

Su Yan had killing intent in his eyes, and Chen Ning and others were harmed by the poison.

"Captain, let us fight alongside you." Bai begged.

"You go back and follow me is a drag on me."


A group of people are speechless. This reason is very powerful and powerful, so they cannot refute it.

Yun said helplessly at this moment: "Well, we will go back now, but you have to be careful, Captain."

Su Yan nodded, and it was indeed a burden to let them follow, because he didn't know what kind of people he would face next.

Energy technology companies do not simply exist, they can create such terrifying venoms, and they can also seize the market of Tashiya Group. This company is not generally very deep.

Several people left, but Bai was very reluctant, and finally she gave Su Yan a card.

"Captain, hope it can protect you."

Su Yan nodded, did not refuse, and directly accepted the card.

"Well, you can go to Yimen to play in the future if you are interested."

All five people left. In fact, this result is a blessing in misfortune.

Su Yan fulfilled his promise, and all five returned safely.


There are already many people waiting there for a few games in Huaguo Yanjing, because they are looking forward to it, waiting for someone to return.

Naturally, the head of the special department is the commander-in-chief of the special department. Together with the various powerful characters beside him, the rest are the families of Yun and others.

The loss of contact during this period of time made them extremely scared, and the news was that they were going to return. This group of people cried with joy.

When the plane landed, many people's hearts were beating violently. They were extremely excited, and the banners were drawn.

This is not a civil aviation, there are no other people, they are related people and relatives.

The commander-in-chief allowed the relatives to come this time, just to make Yun and the others happy.

Among all the people, there are a few celebrities who seem to be a little out of sync. They are here to meet Su Yan.

The leader is naturally Jin Shiya, beside him are Yuwen Xiongba, Lei Ming, Jiang Wenwen, Jiang Chao and others.

Jin Shiya's face was full of excitement at the moment, even ruddy, she waited for a long time, looking forward to the return of Su Yan.

Now that Su Yan is coming back, how he is not excited, of course there is another meaning in her heart.

The plane stopped, the cabin opened, and all five people came out of the plane and got off the plane one after another.

Seeing such a scene, the five people were a little confused and very surprised.

"Welcome home!"

The commander-in-chief personally put fireworks on the five people and saluted the military.

The families of the five rushed over excitedly and threw them into the sky.

Jin Shiya and others also walked over, but they did not see Su Yan, which made them a little anxious.

"Why didn't the boss come out?" Jiang Chao couldn't help asking.

"This kid is still rubbing inside, shy?" Leiming laughed.

"Don't worry, the adults will come out soon, and of course the most powerful will come out last."

But they waited for several minutes and still didn't see Su Yan, so they couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

The commander-in-chief also found that Su Yan hadn't come out, so he couldn't help asking Yun, "Where is Su Yan?"

Yun slightly changed color, and hurriedly said, "The captain has not returned."

The commander-in-chief's expression changed, and he said angrily: "Not back?!"

Yun and the others seemed to have made a mistake. They looked at the matter on the phone and only said they were coming back.

"The captain has something else over there."

The commander-in-chief also knew that Yun's inconvenience said this was a secret.

But this made him a little unable to face Jin Shiya and the others. Isn't this letting people out?

Of course Jin Shiya heard this, all the excitement on her face disappeared, and of course she was not angry.

"Why didn't Su Yan come back?"

"The captain also has to deal with the aftermath."

Yun did not dare to say that Su Yan had to solve the problem, because she was afraid that Jin Shiya was worried.

"It's okay, he might be back in a day or two," the commander-in-chief also said.

"Can you call him?"

Yun frowned, hesitated, and nodded.

The communication table is connected. Although it is connected, it is always in the answering state.

After several minutes, a paragraph came from Yun's communication list, naturally it was Su Yan.

"You left, I forgot to say one thing, now it's an explanation. After I go back, take me to Shiya and say, I'm fine, everything is fine, and I will be back soon."

Two simple sentences, but it was enough for Jin Shiya, and she felt relieved to hear Su Yan's voice.

The crowd at the airport gradually dissipated, and everyone left. Only the commander-in-chief knew that things would never be that simple.

"What on earth does Su Yan have to deal with?!"

In the top secret hall, the commander-in-chief looked at Yun and the others and asked, with an incredible tone.

Yun didn't know how to start for a while, but was speechless.

"Don't worry, speak slowly, and tell me all your experiences."

After a long time, Yun Ping recovered, and all the things he experienced in Country A were told, without missing a single bit.

The commander-in-chief Rao Yi has a wide range of knowledge and has encountered countless things, but after hearing Yun's words, he still broke out in a cold sweat.

"The strong Yin Dan is at war!"

"Not only Yin Pill, but Yang Pill powerhouses are here!" Yun said bitterly.

The commander-in-chief almost sat on the ground with fright. He didn't dare to think about the existence of the strong Yang Dan.

"The people in the martial arts world are really scary."

"The strong Yang Dan is from the martial arts world?!"

"Yes, but our martial arts world also has strong Yang Dan."

The commander-in-chief waved his hand, not letting Yun say any more, the strong yang pill in the martial arts world is a taboo for anyone, and you can't talk nonsense.

"You come back this time and take a good rest."


A few people left, but the commander-in-chief's eyes were worried.

But Su Yan, who was far away in Country A, received an invitation letter at this moment, inviting him by name.