Chapter 2497: Monk and girl

Chapter 2497: Monk and Girl

Jiangnan Jinlin, here is the headquarters of Yimen, and now it is also the place that all monks are most yearning for. Many people hope to enter Yimen, but unfortunately, the selection of Yimen is very strict, except for necessary talents. The most important thing is that the xinxing should not be too bad, and this is what Su Yan values ​​most.

It has been several days since the Beihang District was resolved, and Su Yan also returned to Jinlin. In the last few days, it has been a genius event of Yimen. The geniuses of all branches will come to Yimen headquarters to compete.

Since Su Yan is on the earth, he will naturally not miss such a grand event.

However, there is still a day or two before the event, Su Yan is not in a hurry, but is ready to see what the city has become.

A few years have passed, and now Jinlin has become more prosperous, especially because of the presence of Yimen headquarters here, which has stimulated the city's economic development.

Today's Jinlin Street is full of traffic, and Su Yan is also squeezed in the crowd. The pedestrians are in a hurry, and no one pays attention to him. After all, he is not what he is.

But soon, the crowd became noisy. A monk wearing a cassock squeezed through the crowd, his face was extremely flustered, but when he saw Su Yan, a light flashed in his eyes, and immediately He rushed towards Su Yan's direction.

Su Yan was also taken aback by the bald monk. The monk was very young, but he was only in his twenties, but his strength was very strong. If he entered a branch with this qualification, he could also become a genius.

"Donor help!" The monk yelled, and immediately hid behind Su Yan.

Su Yan was also confused by him. There are absolutely no masters in the vicinity under Su Yan's sense of consciousness. The remaining monks are less than one-tenth of this monk. What is this monk's life-saving?

Before Su Yan had time to speak, a young girl squeezed out of the crowd. There was a faint fragrance all over her body. It was obvious that she had also used up a lot of energy.

However, the strength of this girl is not very good, she is just a martial artist, and is completely incomparable with this monk, and it is not something that can be suppressed by raising her hand.

"Lu Ziming, you scumbag!" The girl yelled, her face extremely excited.

"This female benefactor, the past is the past. The little monk has already let go. Please don't entangle too much." The monk said the Buddha's name.

"Monk, you don't do anything to bully men and women, do you?" Su Yan said lightly.

A monk was chased by a girl, no matter how he looked at it.

Su Yan was also funny. At this time, he looked at Lu Ziming behind him.

"The benefactor is too worried. I have given my heart to the Buddha a long time ago. How can I betray the Buddha?" Lu Ziming smiled lightly, looking very pious.

"Lu Ziming, you are so shameless. Did you say that at the beginning? Are you brave enough to say what you said before?" The girl was also very angry, and cursed at Lu Ziming's nose.

Su Yan couldn't figure out the situation, but at this moment he could only stand in the middle, listening to the two people arguing.

"Girl..." Lu Ziming wanted to speak.

"Well, you Lu Ziming, don't you even want to say my name?" The girl frowned. At this moment, it seemed that something was broken.

She was no longer the savage image she used to be, and her big watery eyes seemed to rise like a mist, and they were no longer as bright as before.

Lu Ziming's mood also went down, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Tang Yuan......" Lu Ziming called.

"What's the use of calling it now?" Tang Yuan said coldly.

The two people feel like they are quarreling again, and Su Yan is also very big head. This is the middle of the road. He doesn't know when the two people will quarrel.

"I said you two, why don't you find a place to rest?" Su Yan said.

"Good!" Lu Ziming nodded hurriedly as if he had met the savior.

Seeing the smile on Lu Ziming's face, Tang Yuan couldn't help but sink.

"Lu said you wanted to marry me..." Tang Yuan said in a very low voice.

Lu Ziming's body trembled slightly, and then he looked at Su Yan as if he was okay.

"Where is the place the donor said? It's hard work." Lu Ziming said with a smile.

Su Yanbie gave them a deep look, but didn't say anything. He had to tie the bell to untie the bell, not to mention that he didn't know what was happening, so it was useless to say more at this time.

"It's there." Su Yan pointed in the direction of Yimen headquarters.

Both of them were slightly surprised, and they looked at Su Yan a little surprised.

They didn't know it yet. They didn't expect that Su Yan's place of stay was actually here, which shocked both of them.

Today's Yimen has become the strongest sect on the earth, and those who can enter it are the pride of heaven.

Su Yanbie took a deep look at Lu Ziming. This kid's expression was a bit too fake. This realm can be mixed everywhere on the earth.

In Yimen, no one dared to make noise, so this was undoubtedly the best place for him to hide. Su Yan also pushed the boat along the water and brought the two to this place.

Tang Yuan followed in silence, while Lu Ziming was asking Su Yan about Yimen, but it was obvious that Su Yan was not very clear. He had been the shopkeeper for a long time.

Regarding the internal martial arts competition, he also knows the news that he heard from Jiangzhou, and even the internal competition of this one has only recently learned the news.

However, he was stopped at the door of Yimen.

Su Yan is also a little helpless. He is used to disguising his identity at some point, so he always forgets to change it back.

"Old... ancestor?" The oneman was also stunned, and then screamed, but immediately reacted, "The little one lost his mind."

Lu Ziming's face changed, and Tang Yuan beside her was also very confused. She had never heard of anyone calling her ancestors.

And why did Su Yan make that disciple so excited?

Is it possible that Su Yan is really a high-level person, of course, the ancestor was naturally denied by him.

But now she didn't care too much, she just looked at Lu Ziming's back lightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Donor, I was in the Open Sect Competition in Yimen recently. I wonder if the little monk can stay and observe?" Lu Ziming asked hurriedly.

Su Yan also looked at Lu Ziming with a smile. How could he not know the monk's tricks, just to avoid the girl.

"Yes, both of you can stay, let's take a look at the strength of these bastards."