Chapter 2700: The stronger the war

Chapter 2700

Only after practicing "Nine Heavens Chaos Jue" can Su Yan transform the power in his body into various types of power at any time, and then target his opponent!

The evil thing in front of him was different from Youquan Blood Demon. So even the method of dealing with it will change accordingly!

At this time Su Yan's sword light was filled with a holy atmosphere!

This holy sword light seems to represent the punishment of heaven!

Sure enough, just like Su Yan thought, this monster is an ugly thing that grew out of the gloomy ground. No matter how strong it is, it will eventually be restrained by the Holy Light!

So Su Yan's sword light immediately turned into a sword of sanctions!

This kind of sudden change will change. If there is no support from "Nine Heavens Chaos Decision", it is absolutely impossible to do.

The general powerhouse, even the powerhouse who crosses the tribulation realm, can only use two to three powers at most.

Most powerful people have cultivated a power to the extreme, and it is impossible to change their power attributes.

These arguments are of course the one who knows best, after all, it is already a five-fold existence, and it is even enough to compare with the Pope of the Holy City!

But Pegu realized that he couldn't see through Su Yan at all!

When dealing with Youquan Blood Demon before, Su Yan's power attribute was pure destruction, but at this time it changed into a sanction by the Holy Light!

The difference between the two is huge, and there is almost no possibility of concurrent training!

But... things that surprised Pegu even more were yet to come.

With a light flick of his finger, Su Yan actually sent the long sword in his hand!

After the golden sword light flew out of Su Yan's hand, it immediately turned into a long dragon!

Although the golden real dragon was transformed by the sword light, it was extremely vivid!

Regardless of whether the dragon chant or the dragon might radiate, it is easy for people to have a strange illusion: the long dragon transformed by this sword light is already a living thing!

Long dragon rushed directly to the monster's body.

That strange existence like a sarcoma.

Although there are many tentacles around who are desperately trying to stop them, only when they come into contact with the long dragon's body, they have been turned into fly ash by the holy sword light!

The long dragon slammed on the monster's body fiercely!

The surrounding mountains are shaking!

Only Yu Wei caused more than a dozen buildings to collapse, and the tentacles spreading in the walls waved frantically!

Immediately afterwards, almost all the surrounding buildings began to collapse frantically.

This scene suddenly got bigger!

The rumbling sound carries a lot of smoke and dust!

After a while, there was only a huge hole within five miles!

And in this cavity, there was another extremely sharp sound!

The monster made a screaming sound after eating pain, just like the sound of a baby crying, just sharper and more terrifying!

After the surrounding buildings completely collapsed, they could be seen very clearly. There is a bottomless pit under the monster.

This big pit must be corroded by its weird slime.

Pegu also found Su Yan in the first place. He didn't know when the long sword had already returned to Su Yan's hands, and Su Yan's expression was still quite leisurely.

It seems to be brewing a killer move that can completely knock down this monster.

Just now, after the monster was hit by Su Yan's sword in front, it was Jianguang Hualong's ultimate move. It was actually only having more mucus on the body, making it look even more disgusting!

This defense force is many times stronger than Youquan Gorefiend!

The slime on the surface of the monster is also very corrosive to the sword itself...

If it was just a general magic weapon, I am afraid that the first face to face would have been corroded by this slime and was completely useless.

The monsters in the Lost City are really strong!

Su Yan once again raised his evaluation of this monster in his heart.

Just now Su Yan's sword move was enough to make Emperor Shitian's Tribulation Realm powerhouse fall. It could be said that it was a killer move with little reservation.

It doesn't matter if you can't kill this monster. Judging from the current situation, this monster can only be slightly injured at best.

In other words, to kill this monster, Tai'a's power alone is definitely not enough.

"Are you going to take out the conviction halberd before you get here?" Su Yan asked himself in his heart.

If you want to ask which of Su Yan's magic weapon is the most destructive, it is undoubtedly the conviction halberd at present.

But the conviction halberd is a gift that Su Yan intends to leave to the immortal demon tree. It would be a bit too shame to take the conviction halberd here before even reaching the core area of ​​the Lost City.

What weapons and methods are the best to deal with this monster?

Su Yan suddenly had inspiration, and then there was a huge sickle with an extremely exaggerated shape in Su Yan's hand!

Perhaps the death sickle is the best weapon against this monster!

This weapon exudes a strong and incomparable death aura, and the power in Su Yan's body has also gradually changed, from the power of holy judgment to the most gloomy death aura!

"This..." Pegu looked at Su Yan's gaze at this time obviously more surprised.

If you consider it from a certain angle, Su Yan should be considered a monster now!

How can someone like Su Yan, who can convert the power in his body from one extreme to another at random?

This is too exaggerated and bizarre!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Pegu would definitely not believe that there would be such an incredible existence in the world!

Even if Su Yan cultivated the supreme level of forbidden practice, it shouldn't be so exaggerated, right?

Could it be that he is the projection of the gods of the upper realm in this world?

Pegu is worthy of being the five-fold existence of the degree realm, and at this time it is very close to the truth.

But this kind of thing was too bizarre, and Pegu immediately denied this idea. The man in front of him is indeed very powerful, but he is not yet close enough to rival the gods!

Unless he can uproot the immortal demon tree!

The monster has realized the powerful threat Su Yan brought to it.

So this time the monster didn't have any reservations. At least a thousand tentacles around him slowly moved towards him, intending to completely surround Su Yan!

If you really sit and watch this encirclement take shape, even if Su Yan possesses the supreme swordsmanship, I am afraid it will not be spared.

Because no matter how magical swordsmanship is, at least there needs to be room for display.

If there is no room to swing the sword, then Su Yan is very likely to fall here.

The weird tattoos on the body of the bones have become brighter. This is a strange bright white, just like the color of the stars in the sky!

At the same time, there is the breath of the bones!

When the first warrior of the Yasha clan no longer suppressed the power in his body, that huge aura unexpectedly flew many yellow spring ravens above!

Pegu is now ready, if the situation develops in an unfavorable direction, he will definitely support Su Yan as soon as possible!