Chapter 2719: Su Yan with Zhizhu

Chapter 2719: Su Yan with Zhizhu

The horrified words of the venerables were interrupted by Su Yan with thunderous words: "What is the noise! ​​Whoever dares to talk nonsense, I will blow his head."

Su Yan had a murderous expression on his face. What he said is also extremely rude.

What is "hammering a dog's head", except for Su Yan, no one has ever dared to speak to the Venerable of the Council in this tone.

"But they are Yasha... and my clan have always been at odds..."

Su Yan said: "The last warning. I am definitely not a very patient person. If anyone dares to say something else, I will kill him with one sword. In order to save you so-called venerables, actually I’ve already spent a lot of time on the rubbish. If anyone dares to make boring complaints in front of me, don’t blame me for being ruthless!"

All these venerables in the council closed their voices.

They are all smart people, knowing the possibility of survival is all in Su Yan's hands.

Under such circumstances, if you still engage in confrontation with Su Yan, you are really looking for death!

Under such circumstances, Su Yan didn't want to listen to these sacred words.

If there is a bad word, maybe everyone can explain it here. What is the use of these boring words?

Based on the supreme changes in "The Great Buddha Jue", Su Yan made a spiritual boat with his force.

All the old, weak, sick and disabled boarded the ship.

Su Yan once again said sternly: "Everyone is in the same boat now, so you can be regarded as people on the same boat. If you talk about those who are outside, don't blame me for being ruthless under the sword! Everyone has only one head. Think carefully before speaking and doing things!

Su Yan is murderous, everyone has no doubt that he can do it when he says it.

And now it is true that the danger has not been lifted, they are still inside the immortal demon tree, and it is best to gather everyone's strength to escape.

If they continue to doubt and fear each other, they might really fall into the interior of this immortal demon tree.

But Pegu also found all the remaining members of the Yasha team at this time. These few Yashas had not yet entered the Tribulation Realm, and there was no way to resist the power of the Immortal Demon Tree. At this time, they were still in a coma.

There is only one main question left now: how to get out of here?

The strange space here doesn't seem to have any exits, and the Immortal Demon Tree will certainly not let them out easily.

Su Yan said: "The Immortal Demon Tree will take the initiative to let us out! And now that we have occupied a favorable position, we should be more proactive."

"Proactively let us out?" Although they didn't understand the mystery in Su Yan's words, why didn't they feel that the current situation was the same as Su Yan said!

Immortal Demon Tree should not have the will to eat them out at all.

But Su Yan's words and expressions showed absolute Zhizhu in his hands, as if the whole situation had been completely under his control.

They didn't understand where Su Yan's absolute confidence came from, as if they didn't understand why Su Yan could crack the attack of the Immortal Demon Tree, and then awaken them one by one.

At this time, the sword light of Tai'a in Su Yan's hand has been condensed to the extreme!

Just looking at this dazzling sword light, you can infer that Su Yan's strength is far above these venerables!

Not to mention that they condensed the sword light to this level, they had never seen it before.

At this time Su Yan was really serious, and showed absolute strength. In this situation, there is indeed no need for any reservations!

Tai'a Jianguang, under Su Yan's command, began to stir frantically in the hive!

Countless corpses and destroyed hive fell from high altitude!

At the same time, the death sickle in Su Yan's hand also exudes a huge breath of death, making these venerables shudder.

"The strongest fortresses are often broken from within!" The dean finally understood Su Yan's meaning at this time.

The external power of the Immortal Demon Tree is very powerful, but they are now equal to the stomach used by the Immortal Demon Tree for food and digestion.

If they have been doing damage here, then the Immortal Demon Tree can't always ignore them!

No matter how strong the Immortal Demon Tree is, its internal organs are undoubtedly very vulnerable.

These hives are the core of the immortal demon tree's power. Once this place is completely destroyed, it must be something that the Immortal Demon Tree cannot bear!

So Su Yan's judgment was absolutely correct, and it was them who had the initiative now.

As many hives collapsed, the entire space slowly shook.

Sure enough, the countermeasures of the Immortal Demon Tree came, and the spikes in the hive shot towards the spirit boat transformed by Su Yan's mana!

Although the number of persistence is huge and contains toxins, it does not have the power of the branches and leaves outside!

Not only can't stop Su Yan's sword light, let alone swallow him!

Different organs have different functions. The branches and stems here are originally used for food by the Immortal Demon Tree, not for fighting.

Under Su Yan's full firepower attack, naturally there is no resistance!

These venerables were also surprised to find that things were exactly the same as Su Yan said, they had already turned their backs on the object!

In the fragile interior of this immortal demon tree, they had the initiative instead.

When fighting inside the Immortal Demon Tree, especially the feeding organ.

So no matter what the final result of the battle will be, the Immortal Demon Tree will be the loser.

Some of the venerables who recovered have begun to display their combat skills.

A fire unicorn made of fire from the sky rushed in the middle of the hive, causing a fire!

The wood attribute was originally restrained by the fire attribute, not to mention this fire is not an ordinary flame, it is almost impossible to extinguish it!

The sky fire was blazing in the hive!

Su Yan also created three types of fire fighting tactics with the help of "The Great Buddha Jue", and three different flames at the same time!

The immortal demon tree had to react, and the surrounding space began to shake!

This shock was weak at first, but later even the spirit boat in the void was greatly affected!

Many hives also continued to collapse because of this shaking.

Su Yan knew that the Immortal Demon Tree was about to use the power of prayer. This power rushed directly to all the people's heads, trying to wipe them out in one blow!

With Su Yan, how could the Immortal Demon Tree do what it wanted?

Su Yan's power woven into a sky barrier in the air, and the power of the Immortal Demon Tree was shocked together!

The strength of the two sides continues to increase, but the aftermath of the power has already made the surrounding hive more shaky!

If the fight continues, even if the Immortal Demon Tree can beat Su Yan, this place will be completely destroyed!

This is completely in Su Yan's grasp. The so-called grasping the battle situation refers to grasping from multiple dimensions of the enemy and the enemy and the battlefield environment.

In order to avoid destroying itself with huge power, the immortal demon tree can only gradually weaken the power of this coercion.

Su Yan said with a long sword arrogantly: "It must be me, the Immortal Demon Tree, who will win the victory."