Chapter 3060: Imperial palace

The third thousand and sixtieth chapter imperial palace

Said that the imperial palace was below, but Songhe was flying towards the top. These people were a little confused in their hearts, but they didn't show it.

Flew over the clouds to reach the top of the mountain.

After reaching the top of the mountain, only three old trees were seen.

These three old trees just look lifelike. All the iron horns are made of metal. Because of the unknown existence, it is impossible for plants to survive here.

These three old trees faintly formed a formation, which seemed simple but was actually very complicated. Even Su Yan didn't notice the clue in a short time.

The real person Songhe fell to the top of the mountain and directly knocked down one of the old trees, while the other two old trees were fiddled with completely different shapes.

Then there was the sound of organ movement in the center of the mountain, and then the door of the mountain opened directly, only to see a pitch-black tunnel leading into the pure darkness below.

This series of operations made everyone stunned, and Song He triumphantly said: "I also spent three hundred years on this mountain to understand the formations of these institutions. Hey, if my old man is not leading the way, I am afraid it will be there. Baoshan is not allowed to enter either."

This is true, not only Songhe's complacency. If it were not for him to open the mechanism, it would take a long time and a lot of manpower and material resources to find the entrance to the imperial palace.

Songhe Zhen said: "Continue to go down to the outskirts of the imperial palace."

There was wind blowing from this dark tunnel, and at the same time it brought a very strong and unknown breath!

The source of all the unknowns in the hill of Emperor Xin is on the other side of the tunnel.

Sweat beads appeared on the palm of Fu Yuechi's palm and asked, "Shall we go down and check it?"

Su Yan said, "It's not us, but I go down and take a look alone. If something is wrong, I will return immediately."

"Will it be too dangerous for you to go down alone?" Fu Yuechi asked.

"No, if there is no one to follow, I will not be restrained."

Songhe Zhenren said: "Su Yan's strength is very powerful. If you just wander around the imperial palace, there should be no danger. As long as you don't try to enter the core area of ​​the imperial palace, there will be no major problems. However, as long as you have seen the formation outside the imperial palace, it is estimated that you will basically cut off the idea of ​​entering the core area of ​​the imperial palace."

When the rest of the people heard the words of Master Songhe, they couldn't help becoming very curious about what unknown fear lurked in the deepest part of the darkness.

Su Yan didn't care about this, he jumped straight into the tunnel, and then started to fall directly below!

The surrounding wind was whistling, and the unknown power was getting stronger and stronger, which showed that Su Yan was gradually approaching the source of this unknown power.

Earlier, the real Songhe said that this black mountain was part of the Heavenly Scourge, and that it was God who suppressed the mountain on the imperial palace in order to suppress the Emperor.

This statement is simply wrong. After Su Yan came here to see this mountain with his own eyes, he already knew that this mountain was moved here by powerful monks in ancient times.

This is exactly the top five magical powers in Jiujiao-moving mountains and filling the sea!

Su Yan also used this powerful supernatural power to frighten Great Sage Tianpeng and almost suppressed Great Sage Tianpeng!

And this monk who also used the great supernatural powers of moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, I am afraid that the strength is still higher than that of Su Yan. The weight of this mountain is an astronomical figure. To carry it in the air and then smash it here, the mana required is very vast, absolutely It is not something that ordinary monks can do.

Who is it that, at the expense of the emperor, will crush a mountain on the imperial palace?

Su Yan couldn't get any useful clues, after all, too long had passed since that era.

Twenty thousand years is enough time for the ocean to become a sacred field, and the heavens and worlds do not know how many civilizations were born and destroyed.

Su Yan landed extremely fast, almost at the limit of free fall, and quickly reached the bottom of the tunnel.

The corridor was very narrow when it was above it, and could only allow seven or eight people to pass through, and the wider it went below it.

When Su Yan landed, it was almost a huge square.

There is darkness here, but from Su Yan's eyesight, this darkness has no effect at all, and he can easily see everything around him.

He could see that the huge Miyagi was well preserved at the bottom of this big mountain, almost without any erosion, even if 20,000 years have passed, everything here is very intact!

The reason for this situation is probably because the imperial palace originally had a very powerful guardian array.

And at the moment when the mountain was pressed down, the guardian circle was also activated. The reason why the mountain body appeared such a huge cavity was because the mountain and the imperial guardian circle clash with each other, and finally appeared wear and tear, resulting in space.

This space is almost isolated from the outside, and the mountain seems to be a cover to protect the existence of the imperial palace, so Miyagi can survive this long time and still be so completely preserved.

Miyagi is full of amazing aura, and the feeling of the emperor sitting in town is almost overwhelming!

The palace of the emperor is exactly the same as in Su Yan's memory, and Su Yan has been to the vicinity of Emperor Xin's Hill in previous generations.

The hill of Emperor Xin was not so desolate back then. There are countless star picking platforms here, and many powerful families also have mansions here, just because it is closest to the core of power.

Su Yan took a deep breath and walked directly into the palace.

When outside, the unknown power was already very powerful, but the moment Su Yan crossed the threshold, the unknown power instantly increased by more than ten times!

Even Su Yan can feel the pressure between breathing!

Unknown power is everywhere, and naturally will enter Su Yan's body through breathing.

If it is an ordinary monk, there is no way to resolve it, it will be very dangerous!

True person Songhe is absolutely right. This ghost place is definitely not a place that ordinary monks can set foot on. Even the strong in the third region will struggle here!

There was only Su Yan here, so he didn't have to worry about using "Nine Heavens in Chaos". He converted the true essence in his body several times, and this became the true essence nature that could fight against this unknown.

It's so unusual just to cross a threshold. How about entering the core area of ​​the imperial palace?

Wouldn't it be like diving into the deep sea, and even breathing is very difficult?

After Su Yan walked a few steps, he saw a loft on the left and right sides. The windows of the loft on the left were slightly opened. I don't know what ghosts are hidden inside, so that Su Yan's mind can generate the most direct warning!

There was absolute silence here, not only the sound of Su Yan's footsteps, but even the sound of breathing seemed much heavier than outside.

Of course, Su Yan understood that this was just a self-psychological suggestion, but the environment here combined with the pervasive ominous force can indeed make the Taoist heart of many monks tremble!