Chapter 3605: Four horizontal four vertical sixteen worlds

Chapter 3605, Four Horizontal Four Vertical Sixteen Worlds

The Star Array is not far from the Demon Palace, just near the middle palace of the ancient star school.

Su Yan's Royal Sword flew extremely fast, and it soon reached the vicinity of the Star Array.

During the flight, Su Yan did not linger on the scenery behind him, because he knew that the EQ Demon was a very smart woman, and she should have fully understood the meaning of some words here.

Associating with smart people has such a little benefit. You don't have to say everything, the other person will already understand what you mean.

Su Yan flew into the empty universe, all his eyes were colorful nebulae.

These nebulae are superimposed on each other, dyeing the otherwise empty space with magnificent colors.

These colorful nebulae represent the four horizontal four vertical sixteen grids of the sky star array.

The Great Emperor Xingchen is recognized as one of the five ancient emperors. His reputation in the immortal world ran up to Su Yan, and his strength was also very impressive.

The Great Emperor Xingchen has mastered some of the secrets of the great cosmos, can re-turn the universe and many worlds into chaos, and can refine the heavens and stars as magical tools!

Many worlds and galaxies were in his eyes, but they were just brilliant flashes of neon light, which could be extinct with a single thought.

It is precisely because of such terrifying strength that the formations he arranged can travel through a long time and have been passed down to this era...

For mortals, stars are things that have never changed since ancient times.

But from the eyes of the emperor, the stars are the most drastic changes in this world, and extremely drastic changes are taking place almost every moment.

This cosmic space is the same. It seems that it has been so cold and silent since the beginning of the world, but in fact it is full of endless changes.

After experiencing such a long period of time in many epochs, the Star Array in front of you must have been different from the time when it was just set up. I am afraid that the Star Great Array will be resurrected, and it is impossible to calculate the direction in which this array will change.

At least a thousand stars were bound within the four horizontal and four vertical lines of the sky star array.

Taking the stars in the universe as the eyes, this kind of thing is very exaggerated, but for the great emperor back then, it was a piece of cake.

If you don't have such an ability, how can you dominate such a huge world of the star realm?

The vastness of the star realm is worthy of the three thousand mortal worlds. It's just that this vast expanse is full of boundless desolation, and there are no mortal civilizations and ethnicities.

Thousands of stars in the formation have gone through many epochs, and now I am afraid that an unbreakable system has been formed. Only by searching for the changes in starlight and following this change, you can enter the formation of the stars without any effort.

But this formation is too huge, one horizontal and one vertical is almost equal to the size of a world.

In such a huge formation, it is impossible to distinguish the direction with the naked eye.

If you don't have enough knowledge, and you have a trivial understanding of the universe, you will inevitably get lost in this formation for a long time.

It is easy to get in, but it is very difficult to get out.

Su Yan gradually closed his eyes, and it was definitely not enough to observe everything with the naked eye when he reached such a place.

The space of the universe is vast, no matter how strong your eyesight is, how far you can look at it.

When the naked eye doesn't work, you can only look at it with your heart.

After Su Yan closed his eyes, his heart opened at this time.

In Su Yan's mind, this silent universe seemed to become active all at once, no longer a cold, empty and silent place, but a place full of energy jumps.

And the energy of these jumps all come from the stars in the universe.

Su Yan felt the rush of starlight in the galaxy, as if the tide was surging, it was a natural phenomenon that could be followed regularly.

It's just that the scale of this throughput is very large, which has completely exceeded the scope of Su Yan's spiritual perception.

I am afraid that even if the immortal king spreads all his spiritual sensations, he can't get a glimpse of the whole picture of the sky star array!

The operation of this sky star array is like a real galaxy, in which countless starlight energy flows slowly.

At this time, Su Yan seemed to have obtained the perspective of God, and jumped out of the boundless universe above the galaxy, where you can see a huge grinding wheel slowly spinning!

This huge and infinite millstone contains thousands of stars, which is the whole picture of the sky star array!

The sky star array is not a normal array, but has long been integrated into the star realm, becoming one of many galaxies in the star realm.

In terms of the size of this array, I'm afraid it far exceeds any array that Su Yan has seen before.

Or it can be said that all the formations that Su Yan has seen before are not worthy of the shoes of this sky star formation!

If a mortal world is used as the unit, the sky star magic array can hold at least three thousand worlds in it!

Such a huge formation can even more prove that the Star Great Emperor indeed possessed the powerful strength to manipulate Galaxy!

However, Su Yan did not have much overlap with the former Star Emperor, and Su Yan's several opponents did not include the Star Emperor.

After seeing through this galaxy with his heart, Su Yan understood that the Sky Star Array could no longer be regarded as an Array, and it would be fine to regard it as a real galaxy.

After finding the change in the tide of starlight, Su Yan blended into the starlight with his sword light, and his flight speed suddenly reached its extreme!

In a short period of time, I followed the starlight and crossed a distance of tens of thousands of miles!

Countless rays of sunlight passed by Su Yan, as if he was traveling through ancient and modern time and space.

Su Yan's thoughts flew for a while, and gradually, Su Yan could also see the pale green starlight in front of him that was constantly breaking through with powerful sword energy!

He was entering the inside of the Star Array, but he didn't know which of the four horizontal and four vertical directions he had entered.

If it is very far away from the unicorn, it will take a long distance to travel through mountains and rivers.

Under the light green starlight, many stars appear to be connected to each other, but the actual distance is very far away.

Within this magic circle, in the world of many stars and countless nebulae, it is impossible to use ordinary methods to distinguish the direction.

Here, the most reliable one is his own powerful spiritual consciousness.

If one goes to Buddhism and talks about the seventh consciousness, the mind will not confuse the soul in any external environment, and will naturally find the direction.

This is a profound and profound method. Even within Buddhism, there is no way to use words to spread the method. Like Nianhua Smile, it belongs to the real superior method.

In this lonely star field, Su Yan doesn't have to worry about being seen through by others. He directly uses the spiritual consciousness of the immortal emperor, and he can naturally discern the law of starlight changes!

And a star map naturally formed in Su Yan's heart.

It is really easy to tell where the four horizontal, four vertical and sixteen worlds belong to, and where you are.