Chapter 4154: Forbidden door

The fourth thousand one hundred and fifty-four chapters forbidden door

The Star Gate is the unique space transmission technology of Xingchen Ancient School.

And this huge star gate is the secret of the ancient star school.

But the ancient star sect has been dead for many years, and these secrets have long been buried in the long river of time.

Even the Light Merchant Demon King, the only orthodox heir of the ancient star school, doesn't know how to build the star gate...

How could this star gate suddenly stand up between the chaos and the fairy world?

Esoteric Buddhism must not sit idly by when this star gate appears.

And when this star gate appears, the power of the star realm will definitely explore the star gate.

At that time, the Esoteric Buddhism hiding in the chaos might be exposed to the fairy world...

Su Yan never believed that there was anything accidental in this world, and all changes in this world could not escape the law of cause and effect.

What's more, it is such a huge star gate, its appearance is definitely not accidental!

Who on earth created such a star gate behind the scenes? What exactly does this mysterious man have?

Everyone showed a worried expression, only Ni Qingshang showed a puzzled expression, and asked: "If the power of the Great Chaos is comparable to that of Su Yan at his peak, those immortals will enter the place where the Great Chaos retreats. Isn't that just to die?"

No one made a sound, but looked at her with a weird expression.

Ni Qingshang didn't understand that the Esoteric Buddhism said that the Great Chaos retreat was actually an excuse. In fact, everyone knew that more than 90% of the Great Chaos had fallen.

Su Yan didn't know this from the beginning, but only after listening to Jin Shiya's words.

Shi Cang was indecisive about this matter, he wondered if he wanted him to take action personally, to shape the galaxy behind the star gate, and cut off the powerhouses in the immortal world from the chaos.

Today's esoteric religion needs to use all the mind and strength to deal with the vicious chaos, it is difficult to be distracted to deal with the challenge from the fairy world.

But Su Yan said, "I can go and see what happened. Well, I am not a member of Tantra. Even if I expose my whereabouts, I will not be discovered by the fairy world. Secondly, I want to see what it is. People dare to erect a star gate in that place!"

Shi Cang is already the head of the esoteric religion, and his status is different from that of the past. The head of the sect cannot easily leave the holy city.

It would be ideal for Su Yan to do this for him. After all, Su Yan had a magical artifact to protect him, and the average powerhouse couldn't help him at all.

Frankly speaking, Shi Cang only wanted to stay in the holy city and continue to domesticate the chaos with the emblem of the ancient emperor. Hearing Su Yan volunteering for his courage was naturally hard to ask for.

Then Su Yan said again: "Light business, you also go with me. With your Starry Eye, we can go freely. Maybe there will be some unexpected gains."

Ni Qingshang nodded, then glanced at Jin Shiya, his mouth turned up, as if he was the winner.

But Jin Shiya has a dignified face. Ni Qingshang thinks carefully about how she can't see through it, but she doesn't break it. She was a **** queen worshipped by hundreds of millions of creatures, if she didn't even have this concentration. , Wouldn't it be reduced to a joke?

After the closed-door meeting, Su Yan pulled Ni Qingshang aside and said, "Since you have followed me, you will no longer be the demon king of the demon world. Don't provoke it everywhere, otherwise it will be difficult for me to do it. ."

Ni Qingshang pretended to be innocent and said: "I don't understand what you are talking about, where am I provoking?"

Su Yan showed a helpless smile and said, "You are a wise man. I will only tell you until there are many things. You should understand what I mean. In other words, light business, the Great Primordial Chaos should no longer be that star. The door is near."

"You mean that the Great Primal Chaos has fallen, right?" Ni Qingshang said, "No wonder the eyes of those esotericists were weird when I talked about this just now, and I felt that I had said something wrong."

"You are really Bingxue smart, but the Great Chaos is not necessarily a fall... You might as well listen to me tell you a story."

Ni Qingshang smiled, his eyes full of interest, and said: "Okay, my king...Bah! I like listening to your stories the most."

Then Su Yan slowly said: I have reached the top of this world. At that time, I used to ask myself if I could go further? The immortal king can cultivate into the quasi emperor, and the quasi emperor can be the immortal emperor. What about the immortal emperor? Can there be a more powerful state? As long as the monks have thought about this kind of thing, right? "

"Yes, I did think about this question, whether there is a more powerful existence above the immortal emperor, and whether there is a more powerful high-dimensional world above the immortal world!"

Su Yan said, "Thinking is one thing, and doing is another thing. There are always very few people in this world who are qualified to explore this summit. I was qualified back then, and Chaos Great Emperor also has the same qualification. He must have been. I touched the ceiling of this world just like me...maybe it's a barrier to this world."

"You mean that the immortal world, like the mortal world, has a barrier that prevents stronger beings from entering a more powerful world? If the immortal emperor breaks through the barrier, he can also rise into a more powerful world?"

Su Yan smiled: "You are wrong. The immortal world is already at the culmination of the convergence of thousands of worlds. I can only become immortal once. How can I even ascend again? If there is a layer on top of the world that has ascended to a higher level, wouldn't it? Isn't it possible to loop indefinitely, so what's the point of cultivating immortals like this?"

Ni Qingshang showed a thoughtful expression, and said, "Then what is the barrier you are going to talk about?"

"Thousands of worlds are gathered together, like a box, and this box has many partitions. The partition we are in is called the fairy world. It is at the top of this box. Have you ever thought about what will be outside the box? "

Ni Qingshang replied in a natural tone: "Of course there is endless chaos outside the box, aren't we outside the box now?"

Su Yan couldn't help laughing, and said, "What I want to express is not what I mean... But it is really difficult to say clearly in words, because you have never been to that realm. Only the monks who have been to that realm will understand... Only after reaching the top can the barrier be touched... and there is a forbidden door before the barrier."

"The Forbidden Door? What is that?"

Su Yan said: "Any existence that wants to explore the forbidden gate will fall...fall in various ways, not only me, but the existence that has reached the peak of this world, as long as you dare to think about that forbidden gate, the last The end of the game will be very tragic. With the strength of the Great Chaos, I must have already touched the forbidden door."