Chapter 4259: Jin Shiya's slumber

Chapter 4259: Jin Shiya's deep sleep

Therefore, Emperor Donghua proposed to cooperate with Su Yan, as long as they can get the Huntian Pagoda, for them, there is only good and no harm.

Although this proposal was very good, Su Yan almost rejected it without even thinking about it.

The reason Su Yan gave was also very simple.

First of all, the current Longevity Mountain is not firmly established, and there will definitely be many provocations!

But in the Wanshou Mountain today, there is not even a person who can be a major player except for Su Yan.

If Su Yan leaves, then no one can guard the Longevity Mountain, and the Wanshou Mountain line is very likely to be severed from now on!

Regarding this point, Emperor Donghua was willing to give a solution, which was to send several of his apprentices to help guard the Longevity Mountain.

Emperor Donghua received a total of seven apprentices, three of whom were in the realm of the Great Emperor.

If the three emperors guarded at the same time, the safety of Longevity Mountain should be guaranteed.

Moreover, a signboard of Emperor Donghua is placed here, which can at least dissuade many careerists.

Moreover, Emperor Donghua also said that he could act as a lobbyist in the Heavenly Court to ensure that the Heavenly Court would not attack Wanshou Mountain easily.

How many people dare not sell his Donghua Dijun's face?

Emperor Donghua said: "In this way, Emperor Su Xian will have no worries for you. If you and I join forces with supreme power, the Huntian Pagoda will definitely be captured."

In all fairness, Emperor Donghua is already full of sincerity.

But after Su Yan pondered for a moment, he said, "My enemies are not just the heavens. Hongmeng and the others must also gather their strength in secret. I dare not say that Hongmeng will come to attack me! Back then, Hongmeng could entangle dozens of people. The immortal emperor attacked me together, do you think he can't do what he did today?"

There was a **** feud between Emperor Hongmeng and Su Yan, and outsiders would definitely not be able to intervene.

Then Su Yan himself has no interest in the so-called Huntian Pagoda and the Forbidden Gate for the time being.

Su Yan returned to the immortal world from the mortal world, and the belief that supported him was revenge!

If it hadn't been for this belief, Su Yan wouldn't know how many times it would have been annihilated!

Why can we survive the difficulties every time?

Because as long as he thinks of those enemies and rebellious immortal realms that are still above the heavens, Su Yan feels so hateful in his heart! I feel that I shouldn't have fallen into this inexplicable place!

Before taking revenge, Su Yan absolutely didn't want to divide his energy to other places.

All the things Su Yan did after returning to the Immortal Realm could be said to be for the power to get revenge!

But soon, Emperor Donghua gave a reason that Su Yan could not refuse.

"If Gu tells you that the fate of Huntian Pagoda and Jin Shiya are disturbed together, she can't avoid it herself?"

If someone else said such a thing, then Su Yan must have been furious.

Because it sounds like a threat.

But Emperor Donghua didn't have a threatening tone in his words, and he had said so much before sincerely seeking to cooperate with Su Yan, and did not mean to threaten Su Yan.

It should be that there is something else in his words.

Su Yanqi said, "Why don't I know how Xiaoya is related to this Huntian Pagoda?"

Emperor Donghua asked in a calm tone: "Did Jin Shiya join Chaos Esoteric Buddhism?"

Emperor Donghua really surprises Su Yan every time he speaks, but that's right after thinking about it. Since he can even condense the power of the gods, it is reasonable to know the existence of Chaos Esoteric Buddhism.

"That Hundred Sky Pagoda fell into the hands of the Great Chaos Emperor for a short time. Jin Shiya should have joined the Chaos Esoteric Buddhism only then, not long after your initial fall." Donghua Emperor Jundao.

After hearing the name "Emperor Chaos", Su Yan's heart couldn't help but tensed, and an extremely strong question inevitably appeared in his mind: "Is it all arranged by the Emperor Chaos?"

Donghua Emperor Jundao: "After the Great Primordial Chaos got the Huntian Pagoda, no one knows what happened. You may ask Jin Shiya about the twists and turns in the middle, but her fate has long been tied to the Huntian Pagoda. NS."

Then the words of Emperor Donghua exploded even more: "Jin Shiya once conceived your bones and blood, but after your fall, she also gave birth... so that you did not leave an heir in the fairy world, have you ever thought about all this? Isn't it a coincidence, but a deal?"

Su Yan looked at Emperor Donghua and his eyes became a bit bitter: "Emperor, do you know something? If you know, you might as well just say it directly instead of saying half of it every time."

Emperor Donghua said: "These are other people's housework, how can you talk so much? If Emperor Su Xian is interested, you might as well ask Jin Shiya directly."

Having rebounded to this point, Emperor Donghua had already turned the situation around, and said to Su Yan in an anti-office approach: "If Emperor Su Xian has doubts, you might as well leave first. Just stay here and wait for Emperor Su Xian to come back."

Su Yan was not polite and gave a punch to Emperor Donghua, and then walked away from the living room.

Su Yan soon arrived at Jin Shiya's bedroom.

In the bedroom, two maids were gently shaking the fans, while Jin Shiya was resting on her side with her head resting on her side.

Jin Shiya's demeanor is very beautiful, even when she is asleep, she looks like a sculpture.

Su Yan waved his hand gently, and the two maids understood the meaning and went straight back.

Soon there were only Su Yan and Jin Shiya left here.

Su Yan had a lot of questions in his mind, especially the Chaos Great Emperor, what exactly he laid out in secret, but suddenly there were a lot of clues that he didn't know where to ask.

In the end, Su Yan could only sit directly in front of Jin Shiya.

Su Yan just stared at Jin Shiya, this woman's facial features were almost perfect, and her skin couldn't find any blemishes.

Jin Shiya was originally the kind of woman who was born with good looks. Not only was her appearance impeccable, but more importantly, Xiuwaihuizhong, her wisdom was not comparable to those women with empty brains.

Su Yan had been in the bedroom for a long time, but Jin Shiya had no sign of waking up for a long time, and even seemed to be sleeping more and more deeply.

Logically speaking, when Su Yan came to this palace, Jin Shiya should have been alarmed by Su Yan's breath, and then regained consciousness.

Su Yan stretched out a hand and reached Jin Shiya's wrist.

This exploration suddenly discovered something very remarkable. Jin Shiya's pulse rate at this time was at least twice as fast as usual!

The power of chaos in the body is also in fierce operation!