Chapter 4691: Which pot is not opened and which pot should be lifted

And above, when all the explosions were over, the original phoenix was the first to reveal its true body.

Behind the primordial phoenix, the twelve fire wings have turned into twelve feathers. These twelve feathers can be said to be the condensed product of the primordial phoenix's divine power!

When the Twelve Fire Wings changed from pure real fire to physical feathers, it can also be seen as the original phoenix entering serious mode.

In this serious mode, the power of the original phoenix will reach the highest point of human form!

Moreover, the primitive phoenix will temporarily suppress the violent emotions in his heart and enter a state of neither joy nor sorrow!

The original phoenix held a knife and a sword in his hands, awe-inspiring murderous aura, like a Valkyrie in ancient times!

The chariot had already disintegrated in the explosion, and even the three real dragons had already been smashed to pieces!

However, Tianlan Shenjun was not injured.

A layer of light blue divine light barrier condensed outside the body of Tianlan God. It was this divine light barrier that completely blocked the impact of the explosion just now and the lethality of the Phoenix divine fire!

Su Yan asked Ye Qingchen and said, "This God Monarch Tianlan can use the power of prayer, right?"

"How did you know?" Ye Qingchen had a surprised expression.

Su Yan smiled and said, "I saw Primitive Phoenix and his younger brother fight before, the bronze cauldron can store the power of prayer. Then as the master, he can definitely use the power of prayer, it's not surprising. ."

A relaxed smile gradually appeared on Su Yan's face, and said: "The power of prayer is very troublesome, even if I deal with it, it would be a little tricky, but he chose the wrong opponent. He chose the original phoenix as his opponent and prayed. Power is meaningless."

Ye Qingchen's face showed a very incomprehensible expression, not knowing why Su Yan said that.

Because judging from the current situation, the Primordial Phoenix and Tianlan Divine Sovereign are at most five-to-five, and no one has taken advantage.

The reason why Su Yan made such a judgment was based on that at the time, and he would never say empty words without evidence.

The original phoenix did not have a good solution for the power of prayer, because the power of prayer can modify reality and create many incredible miracles.

But looking at it the other way around, even if Tianlan Shenjun has the power to pray, what can he do?

Could he use the power of this wish to completely kill the Primordial Phoenix?

When both sides no longer have the power to kill, then this battle will inevitably become a protracted fight.

And once it becomes such a situation of a war of attrition, it will undoubtedly be more beneficial to the original Phoenix.

Because the Primordial Phoenix possessed almost infinite physical strength, even Su Yan would not be able to outlast the Primordial Phoenix.

Not to mention Tianlan Divine Monarch, in terms of physical strength, he may not be comparable to Su Yan, let alone compared to the original phoenix.

In addition, the Primitive Phoenix also possesses an ability that others absolutely do not possess—the Phoenix Divine Fire can make her reborn from the ashes!

And once the power of prayer is used up, it is almost impossible to recover in battle.

Although the power of prayer is stronger than divine power, it is very difficult to collect and restore.

This is the biggest weakness of the power of prayer.

This weakness should not be exposed when dealing with the old gods who are not very powerful.

Tianlan Shenjun can completely defeat these old gods before the power of prayer is exhausted.

But this time the opponent is the original phoenix, and the opponents of the old goddess are not at the same level!

After becoming a protracted war, this weakness will be magnified infinitely!

In the end, it will definitely become the battle between Tianlan Shenjun's younger brother and the original Phoenix, and one side will always be consumed to death.

God Sovereign Tianlan faced the primitive phoenix at this time, and said: "God King Ding has returned to my hands. If you say that, my brother should be killed by you, right?"

An extremely sarcastic expression appeared on Primitive Phoenix's face: "You used the power of prayer, so the fool who dared to provoke the loneliness is also your younger brother? It seems that your family are all hopeless fools. Dare to challenge Gu's authority! Do you know Gu's fame?"

Primitive Phoenix has become gnashing of teeth in the end. The most unbearable thing about her Primordial Phoenix is ​​naturally the challenge to her authority by others!

Divine Sovereign Tianlan stared at the primitive phoenix with resentment on his face, and the hatred for killing his younger brother can be said to be undying!

God Sovereign Tianlan said: "Although you are the God of Destruction Phoenix! But do you know that the ruler of the old world is the God of Creation! As long as the God of Creation arrives, he will definitely subdue you! How wild can you be? "

"Subdue? You actually think someone can subdue Gu?" Primordial Phoenix's killing intent was extremely fiery, and the fire energy rushed towards the sky!

After the terrifying fire raged in the air for a while, it turned into countless fire phoenixes and flew around in the sky!

These fire phoenixes are not spells, but the products of the primordial phoenix's anger.

That is to say, Primitive Phoenix is ​​indeed so angry at this time that her anger has been reflected in the real world!

This is something only a righteous God can do!

Even Su Yan had not seen such a scene for a long time.

God Tianlan still didn't know how much he had angered the Primordial Phoenix, he looked at the Primordial Phoenix and continued: "You can indeed be arrogant now, but when the God of Creation comes into the world, you will definitely not be the opponent of the Lord of God. The divine majesty of the Lord God is far above you, of course it is easy to surrender you!"

This is called the typical pot which cannot be opened without lifting.

Tianlan Shenjun said this kind of words will definitely not do him any good, it will only arouse the anger of the original phoenix more and more.

After some strong people get angry, they may become chaotic, lose their own statutes, and their strength and performance will be indecent.

But the original Phoenix will never have such troubles.

Because the original phoenix is ​​not using the spells and formations that read spells at all, what she uses can be regarded as her own talent.

When her anger is higher, the natural power will be stimulated.

Opponents who are familiar with Primordial Phoenix will wear high hats on Primal Phoenix. Once Primitive Phoenix wears those high hats and calls her an unparalleled existence, she will not be able to accumulate her anger, and her strength will be affected instead.

Tianlan Shenjun probably didn't know that his words would backfire.

At this time, he has not opened the distance between him and the original phoenix.

Relying on the power of prayer, the divine light enchantment was so arrogant in front of the primitive phoenix, I was afraid that I would suffer a big loss later.