Chapter 4896: The reason for the betrayal

Chapter 4896 The reason for the betrayal

The blond man kept talking like this, reminiscing about his solid past with Su Yan.

There are many things that Su Yan has long forgotten, but he can say it clearly. It seems that he has been living in memories all these years.

When the blond man was talking, Su Yan didn't bother him, just looked at him silently.

After he had talked for a long time and finally stopped, Su Yan said, "Do you remember all this?"

The blond man smiled, and then said to Su Yan, "These are my everything. Without these things, there would be no me today. How can these things be forgotten?"

The smile on the blond man's face gradually became more and more cheerful. It seemed that he was very happy to see Su Yan, and even wanted to rush over and hug Su Yan tightly.

But Su Yan said something very unpleasant: "You betrayed me with Hongmeng back then. This is something you never thought of. When you and Hongmeng besieged me together, you probably didn't think there would be today, right?"

Su Yan's words sounded very calm, and it seemed that the emotional waves had long since disappeared.

But in fact, Su Yan's heart is not calm at all!

The man in front of him can be regarded as Su Yan's entrepreneurial hero, and he was once one of Su Yan's most trusted brothers. Everyone can say that it is a life-threatening friendship, the kind that has saved each other's life!

But Su Yan never imagined that this man would be betrayed by him!

This kind of feeling of being stabbed in the back by a brother is not bad at all!

Today Su Yan is here to take revenge!

Let these former brothers who betrayed him pay the price they should pay!

The blond man said to Su Yan, "Are you going to fight me now?"

Su Yan asked, "Is there anything else we can talk about? I don't like to reminisce about the past. Whether it is a person or a thing, it is better to be more decisive. If you keep procrastinating and immersing yourself in memories, what you give up is the future. already."

The blond man praised: "As expected of you, you can really do it without any fuss, no wonder you can throw us far away."

Su Yan said: "Wen Gu, why did you follow Hongmeng and betray me back then? I can understand Hongmeng's words, he already has ambitions, and it is in line with his idea to want to replace me. What about you? You have no ambition at all, why? Do you want to do the same?"

Wen Gu rotated the long knife in his hand a few times and said, "If I tell you that if you don't die, the world will be destroyed, do you believe it?"

"Interesting answer."

Although Wen Gu's words were outrageous, Su Yan did not refute immediately, but gave an ambiguous answer, which made Wen Gu a little surprised.

Su Yan said: "I have already been to the Sea of ​​Stars and Buddha, and I have already solved the mystery of fate. I already know almost how you were bewitched. But even if I know the reason, it does not mean that I can forgive you who have been Brother, cut me with a knife and want to put me to death!"

"Wen Gu, Xiaoya has always regarded you as her own younger brother... When I went to attack the ancient emperor Niu Shi, she used to worry about your safety and wouldn't let me send you with me. What about you? How did you repay us?" Su Yan's eyes had already turned red.

Wen Gu said: "The deadline for sister Xiaoya has come, you want to change your life for sister Xiaoya and go to the sea of ​​stars and Buddha... We don't know what happened to you in the sea of ​​stars and Buddha, but At that time, Immortal Emperor Hongmeng brought a very mysterious person to us..."

"This man is wearing a black robe and hides his entire body in the black robe. He doesn't even show his hair at all. He looks like he can't hide it. He claims to be the angel of the world of God. The so-called world of God is ours. The Creator, and he is the unshakable servant of the Creator in order to maintain the existence of the heavens and the world. Do you know what he said to us?"

Su Yan said: "God's envoy of the world, he asked you to kill me. I already knew this. Did he promise any benefits to make you waver?"

"No, how could our brothers betray you for the sake of mere benefits, but... some Immortal Emperors were really bought by Hongmeng for their benefit." Wen Gu said, "The envoy told us that you are doing what you are doing now. The matter is very dangerous and will threaten the legal balance of the heavens and the world."

"The so-called balance of mana means that the world is like black and white gossip, and black and white should be the corresponding quantities, five to five, no more and no less. If there is a little more black or white suddenly, then the balance of the law in this world will be lost. There will be problems. It may be a small problem at first, but the point of collapse will get bigger and bigger, until the whole world collapses with it!”

Su Yan smiled: "This theory is just nonsense, are you betraying me for such a stupid reason?"

Wen Gu was not angry because of Su Yan's ridicule, he still said seriously: "It is of course impossible for an immortal emperor to believe this theory and to sacrifice his life. But the envoy showed us something. …”

"What is it?"

"The remnants of the world that was destroyed because of the imbalance of legal principles, the divine envoy told us that the Creator created not only one world, but many many worlds, and the number of these worlds is so great that he can't even know them all... When I When I knew this, I was really surprised! It turns out that our world was really created, and there are countless worlds like us, and there is a higher latitude world above the fairyland!"

Wen Gu's expression was very surprised, he should have been even more surprised at that time.

After knowing this, it is equivalent to completely smashing the previous mythical worldview of Pangu!

At the same time, it is also necessary to accept that the Immortal Emperor is just a pseudo-god that will fall... Originally, the Immortal Emperor was a supreme being, but after the existence of the world of God, the Immortal Emperor has become mediocre.

Although the Immortal Emperor is at the apex of all living beings, in the end, he is still all living beings.

Su Yan said slowly: "I know no less than you about things in the heavens, so I'm not surprised."

"Sure enough... You have already had contact with the world of God, haven't you?"

Su Yan said: "My contact with the existence of the world of the gods is also a matter of this life. In the Eternal Era, I really didn't know the existence of the world of gods."

Wen Gu said again: "We didn't believe what the gods of the heavens said at the time. He also took our soul and flew to another dimension, a higher dimension that can gaze at the entire heavens and the world! What we see there makes us Have to believe."