Chapter 028 - Dream of the Azure Spirit Cauldron!

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:

Chapter 028 - Dream of the Azure Spirit Cauldron!

In a venomous glare, Wu Wu bore into Yun Xiao, the biting coldness of his fury palpable. "The rewards of the Eight Swords Conclave will be distributed together, after the conclusion of the event—tomorrow!" he growled, his voice ringing with a kind of restrained fury that threatened to spill over at any moment.

The Sword Debate was the event of today, but tomorrow was the Grand Conclave—a team battle of monumental significance. It was the event that would dictate the resources allocated to a sword lineage, including the all-important Azure Spirit Cauldron. The possession of this cauldron would not only attract a vibrant crowd to the Sword Pavilion but also revitalize it, ushering in a new era of growth and prosperity. It was the catalyst that could bring back those who had abandoned the Pavilion, having lost hope over the last two years.

Yun Xiao furrowed his brows at Wu Wu's announcement. "Can't it be handed over today?" he questioned, a glint of impatience in his eyes.

"Nonsense! Absolutely not!" Wu Wu replied, his voice thick with anger.

It was indeed unfortunate. Yun Xiao had harbored hopes of acquiring the thousand-year-old demon bone and Dragon Spring Pills today, further bolstering his strength for tomorrow's challenges—perhaps even pushing his limits to new heights. Time was of the essence, and there were still several top disciples he hadn't faced, including the Top Swords of the First and Third Sword Peaks, who were undoubtedly stronger than Yao Zijin. He hadn't fully enjoyed the thrill of the battle, but rules were rules, and the prizes were to be awarded tomorrow.

With a cold, commanding tone, Wu Wu said, "Yun Xiao, release her."

Expecting further argument from Yun Xiao, the crowd was taken aback when he complied readily. Turning to Jiang Yue, whose face he held firmly in his grasp, he asked, "Do you have anything to say?"

Jiang Yue shook her head vigorously, fear dancing wildly in her evasive eyes. "N-no..."

"Do you know why you're still alive today?" Yun Xiao continued, his voice echoing with an eerie resonance.

She shook her head again, her inner voice screaming that she was spared because she faced an unparalleled Immortal genius—a figure so monumental that opposing him meant certain death. But fear choked her, the words dying in her throat, replaced by an apprehensive silence that feared retribution.

Yun Xiao chuckled, a sound tinged with a dark amusement. "I bet you're thinking that in not too long, I'll be nothing more than dust in your eyes."

"No, I wouldn't dare..." Jiang Yue's voice trembled, the tears welling up once again as she faced the raw, unbridled power that was Yun Xiao.

He shrugged nonchalantly. "No matter, preserve that mindset of yours, continue to drift in your delusions." With a flick of his wrist, he flung her from the dueling platform, her figure tumbling gracelessly down the steps.

In his heart, a cold laughter echoed ominously. "During tomorrow's Sword Soul assessment, you'll be no better than a dog, living only till the day I slaughter Ye Guying." Yun Xiao reveled in the thought of watching her continue to play the fool, anticipating the day her lofty illusions would shatter, revealing the cruel reality.

"If you don't die a tragic death, having experienced the harshest cruelties of the human realm, then my resurrection would have been meaningless!" He mused to himself, his only worry being that Ye Guying's return would be delayed, rendering Jiang Yue's head rotten and unfit for offering to his people in the Cloud Nation.

After all, making two trips back just to make an offering was simply too repugnant, even for him, considering his three-month journey to the Azure Spirit Sword Sect. Emerging from n0v@lbin☆, this material harbors clandestine details.

"Master!" The moment Jiang Yue escaped Yun Xiao's grasp, a tidal wave of suppressed fury erupted within her, engulfing her heart in a roaring torrent of rage and indignation. She ran off to see the First Sword Venerable!

Yun Xiao spared her no more than a passing glance, his interest already waning as he made his way towards the group of Sword Pavilion members..

"Halt!" Wu Wu commanded once more, his voice echoing across the dueling ground.

Yun Xiao paused, an eerie calm settled over him. "Yes, Sword Venerable?" he asked nonchalantly.

"Prepare yourself for tomorrow's Grand Conclave. The Azure Spirit Cauldron originally belonged to the Sword Pavilion. Reclaiming it could restore your Sword Pavilion's former glory, enticing many to return..." Wu Wu said insipidly, not even bothering to hide his real intentions.

A cold, dismissive voice cut through Wu Wu's words. It was Zhao Xuanran from the sidelines, her disdain palpable. "You're getting ahead of yourself. The Sword Pavilion has no intention of participating in the Grand Conclave this year."

Wu Wu scoffed, the sound echoing like a sharp knife across a grinding stone. "Oh, and why's that? Afraid of repeating last year's miserable defeat? Where's the backbone that the Sword Pavilion was once known for, Zhao Xuanran?"

Zhao Xuanran's response was tinged with biting sarcasm, "Oh, it's simple, really. Why don't you try taking on a hundred and twenty competitors by yourself?"

Grandpa Qin hurriedly pulled Yun Xiao aside. His voice was a quiet, urgent whisper in Yun Xiao's ear. "Know when to quit, young one. Don't fall into their trap."

The Grand Conclave, a tournament of the eight sword factions, loomed ominously over them. Yun Xiao glanced over his shoulder, where Cai Maomao and only six others stood. The grim reality hung heavily in the air. They were painfully outnumbered, a glaring truth that needed no verbal acknowledgment.

"Given today's events, should you choose to participate in the Grand Conclave, you'll be targeted by the First Sword Peak right from the outset. They've been dreaming of your downfall. Should you meet your end, even the first-place prize from today's duel would go to the second-place, Ye Tianyuan" Grandpa Qin warned.

A puzzled furrow appeared on Yun Xiao's brow. "Who is this Ye Tianyuan?"

"He is the biological son of Ye Tiance and also his fifth disciple, leading the First Sword Peak this year. A formidable adversary, already in the Mid Divine Sea Realm. He carved a path of victory on the other side of the Conclave Mountain today," Grandpa Qin explained, his voice heavy with caution.

A moment of understanding flashed in Yun Xiao's eyes, followed by a firm nod. "Got it!"

Grandpa Qin turned his gaze towards the colossal azure cauldron stationed at the center of the arena. The sorrow in his eyes was almost tangible as he let out a deep, burdened sigh. It was more than just an artifact. It was a symbol of the Sword Pavilion's century-old glory, holding countless tales within its enigmatic depths.

Sadly, that source of pride had been seized, a gaping wound in the honor of the Sword Pavilion. The cauldron was a beacon of youthful zest, ambitions, and dreams, a part of Grandpa Qin's very soul, a fragment of what was once an era of brilliance. Yet, now it stood there, unreachable, a constant reminder of their shame and humiliation.

"Child, surviving and growing stronger is what truly matters. You bear no obligation to carry the weight of Sword Pavilion's past or future. Focus on your path forward," Grandpa Qin said, his voice tinged with an enduring warmth and wisdom.

Yun Xiao nodded solemnly. "As you say, Grandpa Qin."

A sudden voice chimed in, stirring them from their somber reflections. It was Zhao Xuanran, declaring, "Time to return home."

Yun Xiao lifted his eyes, settling them on a woman dressed in a flowing black gown. Under the gentle caress of the sun, her eyes seemed to have softened considerably, transforming into pools of tender compassion.

"Senior Sister Zhao?"


"Do you have any wine?"

"Huh?" Zhao Xuanran stared at him, stunned. Then, a thick vein popped on her forehead. Like hell she was going to answer that in public!

"But his Sword Soul..."

"Nine layers of Sword Aura, indeed quite astonishing. Even the weakest Sword Soul, with a powerful Sword Aura, possesses immense destructive power. Coupled with his experience as a seasoned warrior forged by the Sword Pavilion, rising from mountains of corpses, his combat style is extremely ruthless and his sword skills formidable. Your senior brothers and sisters, despite being in the Divine Sea Realm, were caught off guard." The First Sword Venerable sighed slightly, his eyes reflecting a firm resolution. "It seems I must intensify your training in life-and-death battles. Realms are realms, combat is combat, they are two different matters."

The conversation enlightened Jiang Yue, allowing her to realize why her Ice Moon Sword Soul couldn't overpower his. It was the sheer layers of Sword Aura and superior swordsmanship that were the culprits.

A flicker of resentment sparked in her eyes. On this day, she found a peculiar resemblance between him and another person—Yun Xiao. It was an unsettling observation, one that drenched her in a sudden pool of unease.

No, it couldn't be! Jiang Yue swiftly dismissed the thought. How could that Yun Xiao be this terrifying?

The Sword Venerable couldn't contain a sardonic smile, the cold moonlight glinting off his indifferent demeanor. "I just didn't expect the Sword Pavilion to have amassed such a trove of demon bones. In just a few days, they've constructed a nine-layer Sword Aura."

Ye Tiance clenched his teeth, a bitter undertone coloring his voice. "The five hundred-year-old demon bone must have been the key."

"Master, not only is he the champion of the Sword Debate now, but he's also won the thousand-year-old demon bone..." Jiang Yue said on the verge of tears, overwhelmed by her humiliation.

The loss of the five-hundred-year-old demon bone was disgraceful enough. Now, the coveted thousand-year-old demon bone was stolen right from under her nose. Anyone else would have died of rage by now.

"Don't worry, Junior Sister. Their numbers at the Sword Pavilion are scant. I will help you exact revenge at tomorrow's Grand Conclave. Once I retrieve the demon bone, I will personally hand them to you," Ye Tianyuan assured, his eyes burning with fierce determination.

"He's attending the Grand Conclave?" Jiang Yue couldn't quite fathom the thought.

"This brash young man thinks highly of himself, dismissing others as beneath him. There's a good chance he'll show up," Ye Tianyuan speculated.

"But even if he intends to, Zhao Xuanran will not permit it," the Sword Venerable interjected.

"Then what do we do, Father?" Ye Tianyuan clenched his teeth, his voice filled with venom. "We cannot let a thousand-year-old demon bone go to waste in the hands of a worthless person!" It was an affront, a slap to the faces of those who revered ancient treasures, to see it being desecrated by someone he considered a mere thug. It was a wound to his pride, a sight too pitiful to bear.

The Sword Venerable brought a calm to the rising storm, his voice resonating with a seasoned pragmatism that settled over them like a warm cloak in the chilling night. "You need not interfere any further. Wu Wu will handle it. That youngster won't make it to tomorrow's award ceremony."

Understanding dawned on Ye Tianyuan and Jiang Yue, their eyes illuminating with a shared realization. Assassination—it was the only logical conclusion.

"That greenhorn has no inkling of the deep waters he was wading into. Does he truly believe a single Sword Heart and a dying Zhao Jianxing would suffice to protect him?" Ye Tianyuan shook his head.

"He might be protected momentarily, but surely not for a lifetime. Everyone has moments of vulnerability, don't they?" Jiang Yue chimed in, feeling a tad safer now, the situation appearing almost laughable in hindsight.

With a deep breath that seemed to cleanse the anguish from her soul, her gaze turned somber, her voice echoing the deep-seated desire for vengeance that lay within her. "I only regret not being able to behead him personally, to avenge our Seventh Senior Brother and Ninth Senior Sister."

"Lil Yue, there's no need to harbor such thoughts,' the Sword Venerable said.

"Please enlighten me, Master," Jiang Yue requested, bowing slightly.

He spoke with the serenity of a still pond, untouched by the troubles of the world. "I know you suffered humiliation today, but in the grand scheme of the Immortal Path, this is nothing. The journey to ascension is fraught with powerful adversaries. Who can remain undefeated forever? So, there's no need to cling to the past. As cultivators, we must keep our Dao Hearts steadfast, focusing solely on the path ahead."

"How can one grow without conquering their inner demons?" Jiang Yue asked. His words resonated with her, but confusion still marred her understanding.

With a gentle smile that held the warmth of a comforting embrace, the Sword Venerable spoke, "Those who have passed will eventually be forgotten. Even your Senior Brother Ye was once oppressed by the seven prodigies of the Sword Pavilion, unable to catch a breath. And now? He's soared to new heights, leaving the corpses of the Sword Pavilion Seven as nothing but a joke. Even I was once trampled underfoot by Sect Master Zhao Jianxing. But now, he can only watch helplessly as I dismantle his Sword Pavilion and slaughter his disciples. So, the one who laughs last, laughs the best. When you truly attain an unparalleled mastery, you'll realize that those past demons were nothing but a joke."

As the Sword Venerable's words settled, a fire reignited in Jiang Yue, a flame of resolve and newfound determination. Her spirit was ablaze once more, the darkness that clouded her vision dissipating like morning mist before the rising sun.

"I understand now, thank you, master!" A genuine smile blossomed on her face, a reflection of the enlightenment that now bathed her soul. She had found her clarity.

"He's nothing more than a fly doomed to perish tonight!" Jiang Yue proclaimed defiantly. "Why should I even wait to defeat him myself? Just like the Sword Pavilion Seven, no matter how remarkable they were, once life deserted them, they were cast into oblivion, weren't they?

"My ultimate journey is toward the Sea of Swords! I should not be felled by someone of his ilk!" She avowed, her spirit radiating with an unmistakable vigor that danced within the dimly lit pavilion, painting shadows that seemed to cheer her on in a spirited ballet.

Jiang Yue's newfound resolve spurred her forward, and she asked, "Master, is Elder Fan still at the Azure Spirit Sword Sect?"

"Indeed, he is. The real spectacle is tomorrow's Grand Conclave," the Sword Venerable replied.

With her teeth gritted in anticipation, Jiang Yue asked, "Can I test my Sword Soul now? I am getting a little impatient."

The Sword Venerable patted her shoulder gently, his chuckle warm and hearty, yet infused with wisdom. "See? You're still feeling suppressed, hence the haste to prove yourself."

Jiang Yue looked up, puzzled, "What do you mean, Master?"

"As it has already been announced that the Sword Soul testing will take place tomorrow, it's best not to alter the plan," the Sword Venerable said.

"But what's the difference?" Jiang Yue inquired, a hint of confusion coloring her features.

"Today, you're perceived as being in a weaker position. I understand your eagerness to salvage your pride through the strength of your Sword Soul. However, people will still say, despite your remarkable talent, didn't you still lose to Yun Xiao?" The Sword Venerable outlined.

"And what about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow, allow your Fifth Senior Brother and the other disciples of my First Sword Peak to dominate the Grand Conclave, reclaiming our towering prestige, intimidating all the heroes gathered there. At that time, you can seize the momentum to soar even higher, creating a greater sensation!" the Sword Venerable explained.

"I understand, Master!" Jiang Yue's gaze shifted outward, where the canvas of the night sky was unfurling, stars twinkling like watchful eyes, bearing witness to her fiery resolve.

"Tomorrow, news of Yun Xiao's demise will reach us. His complete annihilation will allow me to fully reverse the tides, becoming an unstoppable force!" Her eyes shimmered with an electrifying luminescence, portraying a vivid tapestry of her deepest desires and aspirations—the moment she would shake the Azure Spirit Sword Sect with her results on the Rank Four Sword Inheritance Stone!

"Tomorrow, I will ascend, stepping over his corpse, thriving amidst adversity!" As she clenched her fists, her demeanor bore a peculiar mix of fierceness and adorable determination, like a young tigress preparing to stake her claim in the untamed wilderness.

"Ha ha!" Both the Sword Venerable and Ye Tianyuan couldn't help but join in her infectious laughter, the sound mingling with the nocturnal symphony, as if the night itself was echoing their hearty laughte