Chapter 036 - One Swordstroke, One Kill! White Robes Stained in Blood! (1)

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:

Chapter 036 - One Swordstroke, One Kill! White Robes Stained in Blood! (1)

"A hundred Divine Sea pills!" At the utterance of these words, a shockwave reverberated throughout the crowd. Within the entirety of the Azure Spirit Sword Sect, only a solitary Divine Sea pill had been gifted to Jiang Yue. Now, she brazenly proclaimed that within five years, she would reward the killer with a hundred of these esteemed pills. Anyone else uttering these words would have been dismissed as a braggart, but not when it came from Jiang Yue. No one doubted her. Embark on a quest to the commencement at n0v#lbin★

Outside the Sword Sealing Formation, thousands of Sword Cultivators engaged in heated discussions, their faces filled with envy and awe.

Inside the sealing formation, all of the disciples from the First Sword Peak turned in unison to gaze at the girl, who stood there as cold as frost, their eyes aflame with fervent admiration.

"Junior Sister Jiang..." Even Ye Tianyuan felt a burning sensation stirring within his heart at that moment. A hundred Divine Sea pills—such a bold and grand gesture was made without hesitation.

"Is this the confidence exhibited by an unparalleled immortal genius who surpasses the Comet grade?"

"I really want to know... just what grade is her Sword Soul at?"

The prodigies of the First Sword Peak felt a tempest raging within their hearts. Jiang Yue's words ignited the fires of slaughter instantly.

Outside, the crowd shouted at the top of their lungs. Inside, a murderous aura surged.

SWOOSH! One hundred and twenty pairs of eyes were fixed on the young man dressed in white, burning with an intensity akin to raging flames. Madness had enveloped them all!

BOOM In that split second, a hundred and twenty Sword Souls of varying attributes and colors burst forth, filling the Sword Sealing Formation with a dazzling display of sword rays.

"Kill!!" A hundred and twenty against one. Not a single one of them doubted that Yun Xiao would perish. Their only concern was who would become the next lucky individual to obtain a hundred Divine Sea pills in the blink of an eye.

BUZZ! All hundred and twenty of them, save for the smirking Jiang Yue, rushed towards Yun Xiao, eager to seize the glory for themselves.

Jiang Yue retreated into the back of the group, standing aloft like a deity amidst the clouds, her contemptuous laughter scrutinizing Yun Xiao. Her confidence in her own influence soared to unprecedented heights.

Was this the Immortal Path of a peerless genius? It was absolutely exhilarating! She couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Farewell, Yun Xiao! You really are an ordinary yet overconfident one! Truly absurd!"

As Jiang Yue laughed, she suddenly noticed the young man's gaze piercing through the throng of people, stabbing into her eyes. A surge of piercing pain assaulted her pupils!

Jiang Yue was taken aback, a storm raging within her at the audacity displayed by Yun Xiao. Even at the brink of death, he had the gall to look at her with that gaze, one that regarded her as nothing more than a pathetic, lowly worm.

"Why does he look at me like that? Just like the last two times?" She raged inwardly, feeling a ridicule that seemed to transcend time, emanating from his unwavering eyes.

“Kill him! Kill him now!” Jiang Yue screamed, her voice echoing like a tempest across the Conclave Mountain, fueling the wildfire that threatened to consume Yun Xiao.

The Azure Spirit Sword Sect was a furnace of fury, a roaring sea of voices from the First, Third, and Sixth Sword Peaks joined hers, resonating with vengeance, crashing against Yun Xiao like a cataclysmic wave. It was a deluge of murderous intent, a tide threatening to engulf him whole.

But Yun Xiao stood firm, an unyielding figure amidst the storm, his spirit as immovable as the mountains that surrounded them. His eyes glowed with a fierce and cold sword light, a harbinger of the storm that was about to erupt from within him.

Three months ago, standing before you pretentious Sword Immortals I could only brace myself for death! Yun Xiao steeled his resolve, a will honed through experiencing death and rebirth. But today, even if the heavens were to unleash all manner of Immortals and demons, none shall halt my advance!

Back facing the elders and fellow disciples of the Sword Pavilion, Yun Xiao squared up against the one hundred and twenty Sword Cultivators before him. His figure became a living sword, piercing into the very soil of the vast mountain range, a manifestation of a spirit that could shake the heavens themselves.

With a flourish, a brilliant azure blade manifested from his palm, a harbinger of death that carried the wails of the damned, swirling in an endless loop of destruction, the fifteen layers of Sword Aura resembling the layers of hell that awaited the damned.

Dressed in white, wielding an azure sword, the fearless young man transformed into a grim reaper. His Flying Sword shot through the air, performing a waltz of death, a symphony of destruction that sought to claim the lives of those who stood against him.

"Die!" Standing opposite of Yun Xiao, the disciples of the First Sword Peak roared. A chaotic symphony of anger and vengeance surged forth like a tidal wave, Sword Souls materializing and charging towards him with fatal intent.

The air was thick with the scent of death, an orchestra of Flying Swords whizzing through the air, seeking to claim Yun Xiao's life.

But Yun Xiao was a storm unto himself, a cataclysm that refused to be restrained. With a furious roar, he unleashed his full might, his Sword Soul resonating with the heavens as he charged forward, his sword singing a song of death and destruction.

“I'm not going to die. You all are!” His voice was a thunderclap, a pronouncement of doom as he wielded the power of the Divine Sea Realm, unleashing a sword technique that threatened to rend the heavens asunder.

They all knew that the young man before them was no longer a lamb waiting for slaughter.

"To take down this desperate criminal, I'm afraid we might have to sacrifice some!" Xia Huai shouted.

"Everyone, give it your all! Otherwise, the loss of our brothers will be in vain!" Tao Liang yelled loudly.

"Spread out and kill him with your flying swords!" Qi Yuxuan ordered sternly.

Armed with a hundred Flying Swords, who needed to engage in close combat? With a larger number of Sword Cultivators, they held a significant advantage, capable of killing from a distance with their Flying Swords!

BUZZ BUZZ! In a flash, the remaining hundred Sword Cultivators spread out, surrounding Yun Xiao, their eyes filled with murderous intent and renewed confidence.

"Junior Sister Jiang, hide behind me!" Ye Tianyuan shouted.

"Yes, Fifth Senior Brother..." Jiang Yue, no longer pretending, hurriedly scrambled behind Ye Tianyuan, secretly wishing for Yun Xiao's swift demise. She was thoroughly terrified!

"Form a sword array with the Flying Swords!" Ye Tianyuan, guarding Jiang Yue, yelled again. Hundreds of prodigies were already prepared.

"Together, attack!" At Ye Tianyuan's command, under the control of these prodigious Sword Cultivators, a hundred Flying Swords formed an array, like a colorful torrential downpour of sword ray, attacking Yun Xiao from all directions!

Such concentrated firepower could potentially even turn someone at the Late Divine Sea Realm into a sieve.

Last year, Zhao Xuanran was defeated with the same tactic. She was continually worn down from a distance, no one daring to engage her in close combat. Now, the familiar scene played out once again. Gasps shook the Conclave Mountain. Yet again, most people felt that Yun Xiao was doomed.

Jiang Yue was no exception. However, her gaze brimming with murderous intent once again met Yun Xiao's eyes. There it was again, that same look of fearlessness and mocking disdain. A pang of realization struck her heart.

VROOM! What Jiang Yue witnessed was nothing short of astonishing. The young man in white flicked his wrist nonchalantly, transforming the azure Flying Sword into a six-foot long, palm-wide Sovereign Sword. With a casual leap, he stepped onto his ride.

Then, a streak of azure sped through the air. Yun Xiao maneuvered his Sovereign Sword with an unmatched ease! KLANG KLANG KLANG! Hundreds of Flying Swords darted viciously towards him. But the youth in white seemed like a fish weaving through a net of cyan and white, leisurely drifting through the dense rain of swords.

WHOOSH WHOOSH WHOOSH! The swords managed to pierce through his white robes but miraculously missed his skin entirely!

Sovereign Sword Technique—Leisurely Wander!

Yun Xiao gilded amidst a forest of swords, not a single one touching him! He wasn't just a man anymore, but a fish in the ocean, swimming freely and cheerfully without any constraint, the epitome of freedom and joy!

"Holy shit!" A collective gasp echoed from the spectators at the Conclave Mountain.

"What the hell is this?"

"Dodging Flying Swords with a Sovereign Sword? Is that Leisurely Wander, the Mid Comet grade Sovereign Sword Technique?"

"I'm freaking impressed!"

"What the-?"

"How can someone master the Sovereign Sword to this extent?"

It was akin to dodging arrows while riding a horse-drawn carriage, utterly extravagant.

"Old Wang!" Grandpa Qin turned to the chubby Elder Wang with a question on his face.

"I won't lie to you, that lad learned everything in just half a day. He drained me dry; I simply couldn't keep up..." Elder Wang confessed, his face flushed with embarrassment.

"What?" Elder Zhou looked awkward, "I thought I was the only one who got scammed by him."

"Me too!" Elder Zheng shamefully hung her head.

As the three exchanged glances, they realized they all had similar embarrassing encounters with this prodigy.