Chapter 121 - Im the Primordial Creator Immortal!

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:

Chapter 121 - I'm the Primordial Creator Immortal!

"Yun Xiao," Ye Guying took a deep breath, his voice dripping with disbelief and a hint of envy, "I have no earthly idea what kind of dumb luck you stumbled upon to find yourself in this position. And I don't particularly care how many shadowy allies helped you challenge Sword Heaven and the Forbidden Tower. But if you're so hell-bent on treating me as your archenemy and have chased me this far, then I say... let's fucking dance...!"

With the sword in his hand and the power of the Nine Dragons Dantian flowing within him, he felt invincible. It was this very confidence, this audacity, that defined Ye Guying.

"Thanks to my Nine Dragons Dantian, I soared to the skies after absorbing the power of a Rank 10 Azure Kite from the Sea of Swords. What can a mere mortal like you possibly have that matches my arsenal?" He gloated, his voice filled with pride.

Just ten days prior, his Sword Aura had already made him the unparalleled master of the Sea of Swords. He was the man of the hour, the talk of the town. His Dantian and his sword skills were unparalleled.

With a metallic twang, Ye Guying released his Sword Soul, a golden blade manifesting atop his palm, enveloped in a whirl of aura. His gaze fixed coldly on Yun Xiao, brimming with arrogance, "Sixty-six layers of Sword Aura, unmatched across the Sea of Swords. What could you possibly have to compare, huh?"

The Rank 10 Azure Kite was the crowning jewel of his achievements, the source of his pride.

Ye Guying was a man of unwavering conviction. However, what he hadn't anticipated was the ripples of laughter echoing through the sea of Sword Cultivators in response to his boast.

"Ha! The unrivaled master of the Sea of Swords?" Laughter rang out, impossible to suppress. Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

The mirth was palpable.

"Ye Guying..." Zhao Xuanran chuckled, one who knew Yun Xiao all too well and shared a mutual grudge against him, "In the end, aren't you the real insignificant mortal here?"

"What now...?" Ye Guying's face twisted, his pride wounded by the sea of jeers. Seeing this haughty woman still looking at him with such disdain inflamed his indignation.

"Didn't you send us two warning letters?" Yun Xiao hugged Zhao Xuanran tighter, a smirk playing on his lips. "Sorry, but on my first day at the Azure Spirit Sword Sect, I guzzled down all the vintage wine saved for Senior Sister Zhao's wedding. It was downright delicious. It kept me sipping all night!"

"You scoundrel!" Zhao Xuanran, unprepared for her so-called junior brother to spill the beans so publicly, blushed a deep shade of wine-red.

Of course, Ye Guying caught the implication. Over these ten days, he had been obsessing over Zhao Xuanran. He thought those two letters would serve as a deterrent, but now they were being turned into a joke?

Even the steadiest of men, ridiculed to this degree, would see red. Everything he aspired for during these soaring days had been stealthily snatched away by Yun Xiao.

"Merely a mortal..." Ye Guying's anger surged, clouding his judgment.

"Your Sword Soul," Yun Xiao's laughter vanished, his tone icy, "doesn't even have a Sword Ring, does it?"

Even without a physical altercation, the Sword Immortal Ye was already shattered, more so than Yun Xiao had been during his days in the Cloud Nation's imperial capital—probably tenfold.

Enough was enough. This game was losing its flavor.

"Sword Ring?" The mere mention of it deepened Ye Guying's resentment. Before entering the Forbidden Tower, he was at the Divine Sea Realm and naturally didn't possess a Sword Ring.

The Tower Lord had promised him that upon his exit, he would be gifted two six-thousand-year-old Demon Cores. He was eager for them. But when he came out, the Tower Lord was headless. Where were those Demon Cores?

"Even without a Sword Ring, my sixty-six layers of Sword Aura can rival any in the heavens! With my Nine Dragons Dantian powering me, I can vanquish..." Ye Guying's voice trailed off mid-sentence.

In that heart-stopping moment, his eyes bulged so much they seemed poised to pop from their sockets. Every fiber of his being trembled; his face contorted in shock. He had seen it.

In Yun Xiao's hand, a Sword Soul emerged. That azure Sword Soul was enveloped by a hundred layers of Sword Aura.

Surrounding it, the elements of water, fire, wind, and thunder, each represented by a nine-thousand-year-old Blood Crystal Sword Ring, twined around the Sword Soul like four majestic dragons, their presence overwhelming.

Any discerning eye could tell the difference in their Sword Souls with just a glance. While Yun Xiao's soared in the heavens, Ye Guying's lay trampled on the earth.

Within the pool of blood, Yun Xiao stepped on Ye Guying's head, prying open his mouth with the Heaven Burial Sword Soul.

"WHY...? AGGHHH! WHY DIDN'T YOU FINISH ME OFF IN ONE STROKE?" Ye Guying, his face twisted in agony and now at rock bottom, wailed at Yun Xiao.

"Why?" Yun Xiao, pulling out a bottle and sneering indifferently, retorted, "Even though I look down upon you, I always repay my debts. You jeopardized the lives of my Cloud Nation's people. Did you think I'd let you off easily?"

The moment he ground Ye Guying underfoot, the overwhelming righteousness in Yun Xiao's heart met no resistance and exploded forth.

Ye Guying might not have been his destiny, but he was definitely Yun Xiao's inner demon. Now, with this demon shattered as easily as one might crush an insect, who in this vast universe could stand against his sword?

His voice filled with terror, Ye Guying exclaimed, "W-What is that...?" His eyes trembled as they fixed on the jade bottle in Yun Xiao's hand.

"A delightful little present," Yun Xiao replied with a smirk. Without another word, he poured the Heart-Eating Gu, enough for ten people, straight into Ye Guying's mouth. He then patted him on the cheek nonchalantly, "You best hang in there. I plan to drag you back to my homeland, so you can apologize to my people."

The death of countless citizens, the disgrace brought upon the Yun's ancestors! Yun Xiao vowed to parade this once haughty sword riding Immortal in front of everyone, to clear the name of the mortal Emperor and atone for all past sins.

Seeing Yun Xiao effortlessly disable Ye Guying with a single sword strike, the tens of thousands of Sword Cultivators present were thoroughly convinced.

"True Immortal above the clouds, the Sword Emperor of our age!" Led by the Ning Family, they prostrated themselves, their foreheads dripping with sweat, voices hoarse from shouting. Fear within their hearts crawled like venomous insects.

The name Yun Xiao resonated across the Sword Realm. This was the true domination of the Sea of Swords by a lone individual.

Apart from the Sword Heart gifted by the Spirit Treasure Walk, Yun Xiao stood alone, effortlessly navigating between the two major overlords and overturning the Sea of Swords on his own.

"With a flip of his hand, he commands the clouds, with another, he brings forth the rain. A single sword that reigns supreme. Who can compare?" Ning Que, who had lost his son, had no choice but to push past his grief and rally behind Yun Xiao. That was the power of influence.

Despite their initial misguided alignment, the Ning Family had, through a shred of conscience, shifted their allegiance to Yun Xiao, proving that those who read the winds of change were indeed the wisest.

Now, with Yun Xiao triumphant and stepping on Ye Guying, he turned to Ning Yan and said, "From today, all the possessions of the deceased belong to me. You'll be in charge of collecting and organizing them."

"...Yes!" Ning Yan could never have imagined a day when she would be ordered around by Yun Xiao. But even more surprising was how willingly she accepted it.

"What's the future of the Sea of Swords? Me. No more Sword Heaven, no more Forbidden Tower! Any objections?" Yun Xiao's icy gaze swept over the crowd.

"To the Lord of the Sword Realm, we pledge our allegiance!" Tens of thousands cried out in unison, trembling.

Yun Xiao said no more. He grasped Ye Guying by the neck and hoisted him aloft. By then, Ye Guying's face was a sickly pale, foam dripped from his lips, and it felt like a million insects crawled beneath his skin. The worst torture imaginable had only just begun.

"Senior Sister Zhao, will you come home with me?" Yun Xiao asked the jade-like beauty beside him.

"Of course..." Zhao Xuanran was eager to witness the vindication of the so-called little despot.

Just then, Yun Xiao sensed the delicate fragrance of an approaching presence. Lifting his gaze, he saw a young girl in a white dress wearing a white tiger mask, as if she had emerged from the mists, standing before him.

"Leave for the Heavenly Realm tomorrow. Join the battle and carry the weight of all Sword Cultivators." The girl's voice was soft and tender.

"Got it." Yun Xiao nodded. The path of the Seeds of Creation was the journey of his life, and Ye Guying's Nine Dragons Dantian was the most crucial starting point.

The girl in the white dress looked deeply into his eyes and said, "Once you've finished with worldly matters, find me in the Divine Dawn Pavilion tonight. There's something crucial we need to address before heading to the Heavenly Realm."

"..." Yun Xiao was momentarily at a loss for words.

Blue Star lit up with excitement. "Can't hold back any longer! It's the first time!"

Red Moon was ecstatic. "Wonderful! Tonight, he'll get to taste a new delight!"