Chapter 138 - Killing and Avenging the Heart!

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:

Chapter 138 - Killing and Avenging the Heart!

As Yun Xiao's words fell, the sky-piercing might of the sword dissipated entirely, melting into the fabric of the world.

"Damn, he really left without me," Yun Xiao muttered, clearly at a loss. Had he caught that express ride, wouldn't he have saved a ton of effort? Now, everything returned to normalcy, as if the colossal sword in the sky and the towering giants had never appeared.

Surveying the Heavenly Realm, the ruptured land was mending itself, and crumbled palace towers were rising as if time were flowing backward, with the tears in the sky healing perfectly.

"If these didn't heal, wouldn't all the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Realm dissipate?" Yun Xiao asked the little black creature in his arms.

"No duh! Ever seen a punctured ball inflate?" Blue Star replied, his voice whiny and irritable.

"Well, then, this being is quite benevolent." Yun Xiao reached out, grasping the small black sword left for him. "He called this a strand of sword intent. What's it for?" It felt like a small iron dagger, tangible and slightly rigid.

Blue Star caught the strand of sword intent with his little paw and placed it in Red Moon's mouth. With a snap of its sharp teeth, Red Moon cried out, "That's hard!"

"You can't use it now. Just keep it. When you're ready to unlock the Sword Dao's divine intent, it might come in handy," Blue Star said dismissively, tossing the strand of sword intent back to Yun Xiao.

"So, this big shot gave me something I can't even use?" Yun Xiao said, slightly frustrated.

"Well, if you could use it now, wouldn't that mean it's junk? Where's he supposed to find junk to give you?" Blue Star chuckled.

"Well, when you put it that way..."

After this mind-boggling turn of events, Yun Xiao fully grasped the vastness of this boundless world.

"The Creator Immortal created the Dao Realm! Now, the Dao Realm, with the teachings from the Six Ancestral Gods, has birthed countless worlds and stars. The Divine and Demon Continent are part of it, with the Heavenly Realm being the core of the Divine Continent, its very sky!"

The Divine Pillar of the Divine Continent and Demon Continent, these two unique entities, represented the very sources of the Dao Realm. They were mere world embryos, yet with potential to evolve into vast cosmoses as limitless as the Dao Realm itself.

At that moment, they were mere inception points.

Surprisingly, that very Divine Pillar of the Divine Continent had merged with the Heaven Burial Primordial Coffin and became Yun Xiao's Sword Soul.

Having witnessed the Cosmic Immortals and a Sword Soul with over a billion layers of Sword Aura, Yun Xiao's conviction in achieving the ultimate enlightenment grew even more intense. A profound breath surged within him, ascending to the high heavens.

“However,” Yun Xiao mused, “while one gazes at the stars, it's equally vital to stay grounded and tread the earth beneath.” Glancing around, he noted the once-confused looks in the eyes of the people within the Chen Heavenly Mansion dissipating. Their consciousness was returning.

"Time's ticking!" he thought. This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

Without hesitation, Yun Xiao once again harnessed Ye Xingchen’s remains, extracting the Seed of Creation from his Immortal meridians.

Streams of starlight flowed into Yun Xiao, connecting with his Nine Dragons Dantian and integrating within his meridians.

"The Creator Immortal transformed into the Rain of Creation, sprinkling across the Dao Realm, giving birth to bone, flesh, blood, core, and other types of Seed of Creation talents. Among them, the core talent refers to the Dantian, meridians, acupoints, and so on directly linked to the containment and channeling of magic power. This Nine Heavens Star Meridians is one such core talent!" Yun Xiao recounted.

With the addition of the Nine Heavens Star Meridians, the speed and volume at which Yun Xiao's Dantian magic power coursed through his body would increase dramatically, making his combative prowess even more lethal. So, within two days, he had acquired both the Nine Dragons Dantian and the Nine Heavens Star Meridians!

"Now that you have the Nine Heavens Star Meridians," Blue Star commented with a smirk, "the path to break through the Sovereign Dragon Realm and enter the Immortal Meridian Realm has been paved for you."

"Immortal Meridian Realm? Is that the next level after the Sovereign Dragon Realm?" Yun Xiao asked.

"Exactly! When the Dantian magic power of the Sovereign Dragon is perfected, one must develop the Immortal Meridians, circulating the magic power throughout the body, allowing one to fly through the manipulation of air. For most cultivators, ascending to the sky with Immortal Meridians is a hallmark phase. When that Ye Xingchen's Immortal Meridians became useless, he was basically crippled since he couldn't fly," Blue Star explained with a chuckle.

"No wonder Chen Mo got slapped around so much and still had the guts to mock him," Yun Xiao paused, digesting. "So, before reaching the Immortal Meridian Realm, only Sword Cultivators can ride their swords through the skies?"

Holding their heads as if struck by a sudden headache, many groaned in pain.

"What just happened?"

"My head's splitting!"

"What on earth was that..."

Their dazed eyes darted towards the sealing formation of the daoist magic. There, a groom in a red robe stood. With a long sword, he was prodding pieces of a dismembered corpse into a luxurious double crystal coffin.

SLAM! The coffin's lid closed. With a swift kick from Yun Xiao, the crystal coffin slid towards Mu Tianshi, Ye Qingli, and the ravishing young lady. Blood splattered across the hall again.

"Always make the best out of what you've got," Yun Xiao remarked, a stark difference from the thoughtless villain he had just pretended to be. His eyes were cold, his demeanor elegant and dashing, and his presence ethereal, as if a true Immortal. He looked at Mu Lingyi and the others, "Although Chen Xi and I have favorable fates and our wedding isn't cursed by death, we can't let a corpse mar this festive moment for our guests, can we? So, let's get rid of it quickly." His chilling words felt like a stab in the heart.

Many were left with a cold feeling, the scene and his words pulling them back to reality. They remembered. Yun Xiao had slain Ye Xingchen with a single sword strike.

BANG! The gliding crystal coffin crashed into the kneeling Mu Lingyi. Transparent as it was, a dead face with unblinking eyes rolled to the front, meeting her gaze.

"Brother Xingchen!" Mu Lingyi let out a heart-wrenching scream, tears pouring like a river.

When her gaze shifted from the coffin to Yun Xiao, her eyes were filled with blood-red rage.

WHOOSH! Standing up with eyes ablaze and tears streaming, a vast wave of magic power emanated from her, pressing down on Yun Xiao.

"Die..." She growled. With a hum, the magic power swirled into a storm, concentrating at her fingertips. An artifact, shaped like a disc, materialized in her hand.

"Another genius of the Heavenly Realm at the Wind Fire Tribulation Realm?" Yun Xiao could clearly feel that this woman was far stronger than Ye Xingchen had been. This was what the famed disciples of the Heavenly Realm's Grand Temple were capable of!

In a heartbeat, Yun Xiao's red robes seemed on the verge of igniting. He felt an immense pressure, but it only fueled his resolve.

Yun Xiao didn't fear strong opponents; he dreaded the lack of them. What was the thrill in slaughtering chickens?

However, it was clear that today wouldn't grant Mu Lingyi the chance to cross swords with him.

Sure enough, before the members of the Chen Clan could make a move, Mu Tianshi urgently reached out, pulling his daughter back.

“Father...” Mu Lingyi's face was etched with despair and desolation.

Mu Tianshi's eyes were bloodshot, filled with murderous intent. But he could only shake his head at his daughter.

"The act of sending a coffin as a wedding gift was an insult. Initiating combat and wishing for a life-or-death duel, only to be slain with one strike... We are not in the right," Mu Tianshi's voice trembled.

"It's more than just not being in the right. It's downright laughable!" Chen Mo burst out laughing, "The grand prodigy of the Ye Royal Family, boasting and bragging all the way, and meeting such an end. Aren't our friends from all over the Heavenly Realm going to laugh for decades?"

"Ha-ha!" The members of the Chen Clan, who had been oppressed for a year, erupted into laughter at this moment. They had previously blamed Chen Xi and looked down on Yun Xiao. But the reveal of Chen Xi at the pinnacle of the Wind Fire Tribulation Realm, the reveal of Yun Xiao as a Sword Emperor, and the one-strike kill were like hammers hitting them in the face. They were dumbstruck.

Led by Chen Mo, the fifth uncle of Chen Xi, the cohesion among the Chen Clan was unparalleled. They gathered around Yun Xiao and Chen Xi, heads held high, laughing heartily.

Each laugh was like a poisoned dagger stabbing into the hearts of Mu Lingyi and her parents. And the details of this event, when spread, would cause endless shame for years to come for every member of the Ye Royal Family and the central forces of the Grand Temple.

Losing wasn't the worst part. Provoking without reason and being killed with a single strike? That was disgraceful beyond words! The laughter of the Chen Clan and the peculiar expressions of their fellow Heavenly Realm inhabitants pierced Mu Lingyi's heart, leaving deep wounds. This wasn't momentary pain. It was eternal shame.

"Yun Xiao!" Mu Lingyi looked at him with unwavering determination. "As per the Immortal Empire's rules, any individual under twenty years of age from the Heavenly Realm who reaches the Sovereign Dragon Realm must enroll in the Grand Temple."

"And?" Yun Xiao asked calmly.

"I'll be waiting for you at the Grand Temple for your studies. There are over a thousand arenas of life and death there," Mu Lingyi said with veiled threats.