Chapter 140: The Heavens Have Laws, All Beings Have Destined Fates

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:
Chapter 140: The Heavens Have Laws, All Beings Have Destined Fates

Deep into the night, Yun Xiao was on his way to the Dawn Pavilion when he finally had a moment to pull out the Cosmic Pagoda. "Have you figured it out?" he asked Blue Star.

"Long ago." A small black creature popped out from his embrace, its two deep blue eyes shimmering faintly.

"Tell me." Yun Xiao held the Cosmic Pagoda up, its light shining on his face, illuminating his eyes, making his tipsy expression gleam.

"It's an ancient Immortal artifact. It contains nine Cosmic Stars and comes with the Nine Heavens Star Technique. With each level of the pagoda advanced, one Cosmic Star is activated. Once all nine stars are aligned, one can become a peak Cosmic Immortal. They can traverse realms with just their physical body, annihilate wastelands with a mere wave, stand tall touching the heavens, sweep across galaxies with just a thought, live as long as the heavens, and possess a destiny as eternal as the sun and moon. It's considered a top-tier Immortal technique to enhance one's physical strength!" Blue Star casually remarked.

"Fantastic!" Yun Xiao's eyes sparkled. "When can I start cultivating?"

At the moment, he only practiced the Primordial Void Technique and felt that his physical body was slightly weaker compared to his body double, Moon Fairy, who practiced the Will of Divine Desolation.

"You must be yanking my tail!" Blue Star sneered.

"Don't even think about it!" Red Moon chimed in.

Yun Xiao blinked in surprise. "Such a gem, why wouldn't I cultivate it?"

"A gem?" Blue Star rolled his eyes, unreservedly retorting, "It's trash!"


To cultivate it and become a peak Cosmic Immortal... and it was junk?

"Yes! It will lower your potential, like cow dung. Once it gets into your system, you're done for!" Blue Star chuckled.

"..." Yun Xiao was speechless. This analogy was quite the mood killer. But soon, he had an idea. "If I can't use it, I can give it to my Senior Sister Zhao!" Having spoken, he turned to leave.

"My heavenly brother, it's your wedding night!" Blue Star grabbed at his robes.

"I'll return to it later." Yun Xiao shifted from a walk to a sprint.

"Damn it!" Blue Star's eyes widened. "Coward! You're backing out at the last moment, your resolve isn't straight!"

The Divine Dawn Empress was waiting in their bridal chamber. Was he really thinking of visiting the mortal realm to gift something to Zhao Xuanran? That'd drive anyone up the wall!

Blue Star, with his gut feeling, knew Yun Xiao was avoiding consummating the marriage with the Empress.

"My resolve is straight! But I choose its direction." In a flash, Yun Xiao slipped out of the Chen Heavenly Mansion, darting through the midnight Heavenly Realm.

"Halt!" Blue Star, clutching his robes, fumed. "Idiot! By just sharing the night with her, you'd gain a tenth of her magic power, enough to firmly establish yourself in the Heavenly Realm! Why would you pass on such an opportunity? Don’t tell me you have some complex. You certainly didn’t hold back when you were an Emperor in the mortal world..."

"Ever since she met you, she's had her eyes on you," Red Moon chimed in, grinning from ear to ear. "Like I said, you can't escape her, no matter where you go!"

Yun Xiao paused, taking a deep breath, his gaze calm. "I'm not running. I just need more time to think it through."

"Think what through?" Blue Star was perplexed. "Is this the time to let your main head control your actions?"

The damn opportunity was right in front of him, and he was pondering?

With utmost sincerity, Yun Xiao said, "From our time together today, she seems... decent. Most crucially, she plans to participate in the War of Immortals under the identity of Chen Xi. Clearly, it's a strategic move to surprise and capture all the prodigies in the Demon Continent."

And that's why she made the identity of Chen Xi believable, so no one would suspect she was the Divine Dawn Empress.

"And your point? How does that relate to your wedding night?" Blue Star was impatient. With every day Yun Xiao didn't progress, Blue Star grew anxious.

"Starting the dual cultivation of the Primordial Void Technique means there’s no turning back. She and I are on the same path, and she’s been decent to me..." Yun Xiao explained.

Blue Star chuckled, "Sure, you're both on the same path. But the moment she makes the first move, she isn't being nice anymore. She has ulterior motives."

"I'm aware," Yun Xiao replied, gazing towards the direction of the Grand Temple. "That's why I'm giving her one last chance tonight. If she understands my intentions and chooses to rein herself in, we can be comrades. But if she remains headstrong, then no more Mr. Nice Guy."

"Fine," Blue Star rolled his eyes. "Being the Creator Immortal, you sure make things complicated. If it were up to me, any male in sight—dead; any female—well, push them down."

"I drink from the bosom of demons," Red Moon chimed in.

Yun Xiao just stared, speechless. He was a human. They weren't.

Blue Star, eyes twinkling mischievously, remarked, "You know, you don't have to drain all her magic power on your third attempt. Leave her with about seventy to eighty percent. It won't hinder her from protecting the human race."

"You're not tricking me?" Yun Xiao raised an eyebrow.

"Do I look like the kind to trick my own brother?" Blue Star retorted with feigned dignity.

"Reddy, is he lying to me?" Yun Xiao's piercing gaze settled on Red Moon.

"Nope!" Red Moon responded quickly, wagging his tongue.

"Tell the truth. I'll take you to a cow right now," Yun Xiao threatened.

"He's lying!" Red Moon's eyes lit up.

Blue Star was left speechless, "You traitor! So easily tempted..."

"And why's that?"

"Because you're a grand Immortal. Jealousy's a luxury I can't afford." Zhao Xuanran chuckled softly, adding, "Besides, in all my life, the only things I've ever loved are you and wine. What's this jealousy you speak of?"

"Well, aren't I honored! To think I rank up there with wine," Yun Xiao remarked.

Zhao Xuanran, ever the clever and free spirit, gently laid her finger on Yun Xiao's face and murmured, "You should head back soon. Wouldn't want to upset the bride."

By her emphasis on the word bride, Yun Xiao knew exactly who she referred to.

"She'll manage," Yun Xiao said, sitting up straighter. He stretched languidly, then reached into his robe to produce the Cosmic Pagoda.

"What's this?" Zhao Xuanran asked, slightly taken aback.

The starlight reflected off her face, making her appear even more enchanting.

"It's a grand treasure," Yun Xiao said, handing it to her. "One that can elevate you to the status of a great Immortal."

"Compared to your friends in the Heavenly Realm, I'm lacking in potential. Why give it to me? Seems a waste," Zhao Xuanran remarked, shaking her head.

"Oh, it's just some rubbish I couldn't use, so I thought I'd pass it on to you. If you don't want it, I'll give it to Cai Maomao," Yun Xiao retorted, rising to his feet.

"Give it to him?" Zhao Xuanran exclaimed in alarm. "Then again, maybe I'll take it!"

Yun Xiao couldn't help but chuckle.

Blue Star and Red Moon consumed that old grandpa within the Cosmic Pagoda, then spat out a small, multicolored pill. This was a reformed soul tool, lacking its own consciousness, but it would aid Zhao Xuanran in her cultivation.

With Yun Xiao's help, she merged this pill with her soul, and from that moment, the Cosmic Pagoda was hers!

"Are you sure this is junk?" Zhao Xuanran asked, a hint of bewilderment in her voice.

"Trust me, it's pure garbage. Just a regular cultivation tool for the overprivileged," Yun Xiao replied nonchalantly.

"Alright then!" Zhao Xuanran tried to sound enlightened, but deep down she still grappled with the idea that she'd been given trash.

"I'll show you the basics of the Nine Heavens Star Technique," Yun Xiao said, taking her hand and guiding her. Soon, seemingly with a master's touch, he led her to harness and absorb the cosmic starlight.

"If she absorbs the first Cosmic Star, will her magic power drop?" Yun Xiao asked.

"Not at all! That old man was useless, but with the Heavenly Dao Sariras, she'll be just fine," Blue Star assured confidently.

"That's awesome! Amazing as always!"

Yun Xiao thought this would go smoothly. However, he soon faced a challenge.

"Senior Sister Zhao, why are you so clumsy? The channeling starts from this meridian point, why did you go off track?" he said, pointing at a specific location and glaring at Zhao Xuanran

"I can't control it," she replied with a pout, resembling a junior sister more than a senior sister.

"Start over!"


Yun Xiao initially believed the beginning was the hardest part. Yet, as they proceeded, he felt like tearing his hair out with every step she stumbled on.

"Why are you this inept? Don't you have all that sharp intuition?

"Focus here! Push the energy here!

"Zhao Xuanran, are you blockheaded or what?"

It seemed as if a top student had met his match in the form of the ultimate underachiever. Yun Xiao was on the brink of madness.

"You wanted to make a mortal ascend, didn't you? Feeling foolish now?" Blue Star mocked.

"Shut up! Even if she's as dumb as a rock, I'll polish her into a gem!" Yun Xiao retorted fiercely.

No spiritual roots, no path to cultivation? Born average and destined to remain so? Yun Xiao wouldn't accept such fate.

"Every being has its destiny. She's probably fated for a mere blink of existence while you seek eternity," Blue Star mused.

Yun Xiao's eyes reddened, veins bulging. "Who decided that?"

"The Creator Immortal," Blue Star replied.

"Well, isn't that me? From today, I'm changing that rule!" Yun Xiao declared.

"..." Blue Star just stared, speechless.

JustLivingJL's Thoughts

You better be grateful I didn't add cutesy anime eyes, hair and a big set of melons to Patrick too...