Chapter 142: Who Will Seek Justice For Us?

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:
Chapter 142: Who Will Seek Justice For Us?

Dawn broke, painting the world in hues of gold! The early morning sun glistened upon Yun Xiao, making his raven hair dance like a rebellious black flame. A radiant glow played on his features.

Behind him, a fair-skinned maiden had swapped her attire for a shimmering white short dress. With bent knees, she perched on the divine vessel, her deep-set eyes fixated on the young man, as she nibbled her lip.

“Whew!” After a while, Yun Xiao took a deep, centering breath. With a satisfied grin, he exclaimed, "Three stages shattered in one go. I soared straight from the Early to the Perfect Sovereign Dragon Realm!"

Inside his Nine Dragons Dantian, his magic power swelled several times over, each expansion accompanied by the roaring chant of true dragons, sending tremors through Yun Xiao's entire being.

"That's just one-tenth of the Yin Void's magic power!" Blue Star remarked, clearly pleased.

"Just one-tenth? And it's this potent?" Yun Xiao raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Potent? You've barely begun absorbing it. The next couple of days are set for explosive growth. I reckon you won't even need the Heavenly Dao Sariras to step into the Immortal Meridian Realm." Blue Star chuckled mischievously.

This was precisely the rush behind Blue Star's urgency for Yun Xiao to taste the divine essence. Yun Xiao had truly hitched a ride on the express train.

Now, at the Perfect Sovereign Dragon Realm, he could, at least, hold his own amongst the prodigies of the Heavenly Realm.

"The results are impressive," Yun Xiao mused, his mind drifting to the previous night's encounter with the haughty Divine Dawn Empress. Her melodious whining and coy twists... definitely a night to remember.

"I wanted to give you a chance, but since you insisted on coming forth to face my sword, well, you can't blame me." With that thought, Yun Xiao stood up and turned around.

Before him, the girl in the white dress still had eyes that roared like thunderstorms, imperious and dominant. But a faint blush painted her porcelain cheeks, betraying her innermost feelings. She was truly breathtaking! Her beauty differed drastically from that of Zhao Xuanran. It was loftier, ethereal, reminiscent of Yun Xiao himself. And she was so pale! Pale with a hint of rosy hue.

Through Yun Xiao's eyes, she seemed like a little white tiger—fierce, yes, but adorably fierce. The kind that could intimidate anyone... except him. With that, he took a few steps forward, closing the distance between them. While her expression remained icy, she inadvertently leaned back a bit.

"How curious," Yun Xiao whispered, gazing deeply into her eyes.

"What's so curious?" Chen Xi retorted coldly.

"I wonder why, after our intimate night, I advanced in my cultivation so rapidly?" Yun Xiao feigned ignorance, his face a mask of pure puzzlement. His theatrics were on full display again!

Chen Xi bit her lip, glaring at him. "Our cultivation methods aligned, creating a harmonious Yin-Yang balance."

"Oh? So, did you also make some gains? How many stages did you break through?" Yun Xiao asked, his curiosity piqued.

Chen Xi remained silent for a moment, internally cursing. I lost a tenth of my magic power! Despite the fact, she calmly responded, "Indeed! I gained quite a bit..."

"Really? Are you well-rested then?" There was a predatory gleam in Yun Xiao's eyes.

"What do you mean?" Chen Xi instinctively crossed her arms, her gaze wary.

"Since it's beneficial for both of us, why not continue our... practices a few more times before the War of Immortals starts in a few days?" Yun Xiao leaned closer, "I'm ready now."

"No way!" Chen Xi exclaimed quickly.

"Why not? Perhaps you're becoming bashful?" Yun Xiao teased.

"..." Chen Xi hung her head, fists clenched tightly.

"It appears, I've bested you," Yun Xiao mused, a hint of mischief in his voice.

"You'll pay for this!" Chen Xi retorted angrily.

There had to be intervals between their cultivation sessions, otherwise all the effort would be for naught. So, no matter how frustrated, she had to endure his taunts for now.

Seeing he'd ruffled her feathers enough, Yun Xiao decided to back off. Taking a seat beside her, he shifted topics. "Why were you so powerful yesterday?"

"That's the typical strength of the Establishment Wind Fire Tribulation Realm," she replied nonchalantly.

"That realm sounds quite formidable!" Yun Xiao raised an eyebrow, "If a Sword Emperor and the prospective son-in-law of the Chen Clan like me were to join the War of Immortals, I'd be doomed, wouldn't I?"

"You don't have to participate. I gave you the token just to get you on my side," Chen Xi admitted plainly.

"So, I'm basically your kept man now?" Yun Xiao said with a chuckle.

"Isn't that the truth?" Chen Xi responded, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Yun Xiao laughed, rendered speechless for a moment. He gazed at the young woman beside him and asked, "Are you still upset?" He was referring to Zhao Xuanran.

"I'm not angry," Chen Xi replied calmly.

"Good. If destiny ties me with Senior Sister Zhao again, you'll have to bear the title of the interloper. Just remember, you can't harm her," Yun Xiao said earnestly.

"Try venturing to the lower realms again, and see what happens," Chen Xi shot back, her gaze icy.

Yun Xiao was at a loss for words. He didn't quite understand the woman's jealousy. After all, what was there to be jealous about when there weren't any real emotions involved? So, he didn't feel like discussing it further.

"Why aren't you riding on your sword?" Yun Xiao inquired.

"My boy! Haven't you heard? Today marks the beginning of the War of Immortals. Starting first thing at dawn, flying on swords is prohibited in the Heavenly Realm," Old Man Sun explained with a sigh.

"Why?" Yun Xiao pressed.

"In the coming days, demons from the Demon Continent will continuously enter the Heavenly Realm. If they see our Sword Auras and Sword Rings, it might incite many conflicts. To avoid unnecessary confrontations, we must tread lightly," Old Man Sun replied, with a bit of sheepishness.

"So, outsiders come to our turf, and we're the ones who can't use our swords?" Yun Xiao's tone turned icy.

"Such is the way! Our Sword Cultivators' influence has waned; we must heed the Immortal Empire's orders. Take it easy; it adds years to your life! Look at me, I hardly ever grumble and have lived to ninety-nine," Old Man Sun boasted with a grin.

"Hmm." Yun Xiao glanced at the elderly man. His face, when he smiled, was full of wrinkles—warm and approachable, a gentle old soul. Yun Xiao didn't press further and continued walking alongside them.

The Heavenly Realm was shrouded in a mystical mist. The streets were bustling at daybreak, and pairs of eyes—each unique—sized up Yun Xiao from the shadows.

"Old Man Sun, are you taking him to pay respects at the Sword Dao Monument?" someone asked as they passed by.

"Yes, indeed!" Old Man Sun, always pleasant, greeted everyone with a smile and responded to every question.

"Don't bother. With the demons arriving today, there might be some ruckus at the monument," the passerby remarked casually.

"In that case, we'll offer our respects quickly and leave, making space for them," Old Man Sun replied with a touch of anxiety.

"That's more like it! This is a critical time. You Sword Cultivators should keep a low profile and avoid trouble, got it?" the pot-bellied passerby advised.

"Don't you worry! I'll remind our group once we return," Old Man Sun replied, his eyes twinkling merrily.

Yun Xiao glanced at the pot-bellied man. He was only at the Sovereign Dragon Realm level, hardly a significant figure. Why was Old Man Sun so polite? But noticing that Nangong Xu remained silent, Yun Xiao refrained from questioning further.

Throughout their journey, several individuals continued to offer unsolicited advice, and to each, Old Man Sun responded with graciousness.

"Old Man Sun sure has a heart of gold," Yun Xiao mused to himself.

It wasn't a typical trait for a Sword Cultivator. As he strolled through the bustling streets of the Heavenly Realm, a sudden inspiration seized him. Looking up, he discerned a colossal sword, piercing the heavens, its silhouette emerging from the thick white mist ahead.

"That must be the Sword Dao Monument.." Yun Xiao surmised. This very monument was engraved with sword scars from the Sword Souls of a billion Sword Cultivators from the ancient Sword Realm, who had all perished defending the Divine Continent.

But as the saying went, time had a way of eroding even the heaviest burdens of history. As it marched on, the present reaped the sorrows of the past, and it became harder for the future to be touched by it.

Once Yun Xiao's gaze locked onto the monument, he couldn't tear it away. He became oblivious to the market, the passersby, the shops. There was only a deep reverence, held closely to his heart.

The closer he got, the more the divine mist dissipated, revealing the weathered and ancient monument even clearer to him. Ten more miles and he could discern the crisscrossing sword scars upon it. Time had worn down many of them, but the anguish and fury of the moment they were engraved remained eternal upon the monument.

Yun Xiao felt it deeply. All things had a spirit. The emotions left behind by a single individual were fleeting. But the collective grief and resentment of a billion souls, concentrated on this Sword Dao Monument, was enough to transform it into a monument drenched in spiritual sorrow. Were it not for the righteous energy guiding it, it might very well have turned into a stone demon!

Yun Xiao felt as if a gong had sounded directly in his ears after just a few lingering glances.

The essence of the Sword Dao surged into his mind, unveiling a scene that was both gruesome and grand, like a scroll of history slowly unrolling before him. There were men, swords, demons, bodies strewn everywhere, rivers of blood, and sky-piercing screams.

Soft, sorrowful whimpers echoed in Yun Xiao's ears, as if the lamentations of a billion souls whispered endlessly, refusing to fade.

Suddenly, a sharp smack to his head broke his trance. "Enough gawking, my boy," Old Man Sun said, his voice tinged with gravitas.

"Strange..." Yun Xiao murmured, the prior feelings of outrage slowly fading, but a lingering desolation clung to his heart.

"It's not strange," a raspy voice interjected. "Resentment from a man might last years. But the resentment of a billion? That's eternal. How can later generations not feel anger?" The speaker was Nangong Xu.

Another smack. This time, Old Man Sun slapped Nangong Xu's head, muttering, "Anger, schmanger. Resentment, schmesentment. Talk less, cultivate more. Draw your sword less, stay alive more."

"Yes..." Nangong Xu looked momentarily conflicted before lowering his gaze.

"There are three Sword Tombs behind this monument," Old Man Sun chuckled, "We've all gathered today to welcome you."

"Thank you," Yun Xiao replied.

The massive monument cast a large shadow. As Yun Xiao walked within it, he felt trapped in a never-ending gloom. Looking down, he saw countless faded faces silently observing him, their eyes brimming with sorrow.

"You died, but were reborn because of the grace of an Immortal. But what about us...? As we curse the heavens and resent the earth, who will stand up for us?"

"What?" Yun Xiao halted, gazing at the tear-streaked faces under the shadow of the Sword Dao Monument. Words failed him. For a brief moment, he looked up to see blood seeping from the countless sword scars on the monument. It pooled into a vast sea, engulfing him completely.

"Who will seek justice for us?" Bloody hands reached out, grabbing Yun Xiao, and he struggled to breathe amidst the overwhelming weight of their despair.

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