Chapter 147: We're Not Afraid of Death!

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:
Chapter 147: We're Not Afraid of Death!

"You're here Ape Saint! My apologies for not greeting you sooner!" The eldest brother of the Chen Clan, Chen Zhao, stepped forward with a welcoming smile, representing the Chen Heavenly Mansion.

However, he had barely taken two steps when a red-haired brute, twice his height, suddenly appeared before him! The man had eyes as big as bells, arms thicker than most men's legs, a fierce blue face with sharp fangs, nostrils puffing smoke, and an aggressive glare. And that was his human form!

WHAM! As soon as the red-haired brute appeared, he slapped Chen Zhao square on the head.

"You!" Chen Zhao greeted him with a smile, utterly bewildered as to why this general of the Ape Saint would suddenly strike. In desperation, he used his magic power to deflect the blow. But caught off-guard, he couldn't withstand the brute's enormous strength.

BOOM! The force sent Chen Zhao flying, crashing into the crowd. His arms were bruised, and with a sweet taste in his throat, he spat out black blood. Without a word, the attacker had slapped the welcoming Chen Zhao. The wildness and arrogance of this demon was evident.

"Ghost Face Baboon!" Picking himself up, Chen Zhao glared at the red-haired giant. "I treated you as a guest, yet you harm me. What is the meaning of this?" Thousands of the Chen Clan shared his outrage, feeling as if they'd all been slapped in the face.

"What do I mean?" The red-haired brute sneered, "One of the sons of our Ape Saint was killed by your people! We've come for justice!"

"What?" The members of the Chen Clan exchanged glances, all turning their attention to the golden eyes amidst the demonic cloud. They all knew that this presence was far more terrifying than the red-haired brute.

"Give us the murderer in three breaths' time or else..." Before the brute could finish, the sky was suddenly lit with brilliant white light.

BOOM! A thick white bolt of lightning struck the red-haired giant squarely on his head. Electric currents swirled around him instantly.

CRACKLE CRACKLE CRACKLE! The giant convulsed and screamed, frothing at the mouth and collapsing to his knees. His red hair exploded into black, and bloody gashes appeared all over his body.

"Who?!" The red-haired giant's injuries were worse than Chen Zhao's. His face contorted in pain, and he looked up angrily.

At that moment, a man in white armor, surrounded by rolling thunder, descended from the heavens, landing beside Chen Zhao. The white tiger emblem on his chest plate looked fierce, and his eyes, shimmering with lightning, radiated an indomitable spirit.

"Supreme Marshal!"

"Clan King!"

The Chen Clan and the divisions of the Nine Heavens Immortal Army all felt a shadow lift from their faces upon recognizing the newcomer.

"Chen Xiao, you've got some nerve!" the Ghost Face Baboon bellowed, trying to rise, only to be pushed back by the barrage of white lightning. With a heavy thud, his knees met the ground.

"Ape Saint!" He looked desperately toward those golden eyes for aid.

By this point, the gold fiery eyes locked with the Supreme Marshal's electric gaze, tension crackling in the air like a storm about to break. With a thundering clash, the mood turned deadly serious.

Seeing this unfold, Yun Xiao felt a slight comfort. The hundred thousand Sword Cultivators were cornered, fighting a losing battle, but this Supreme Marshal of the Nine Heavens Immortal Army... was impressively dominant.

With a simple gesture, the Supreme Marshal pinned the red-haired giant to the ground. The horde of demons and demons erupted in anger.This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

Yet, the Supreme Marshal, with an unwavering calm, addressed the Ape Saint with a smile, "My old friend, this redhead doesn’t have the best manners. Assaulting my brother upon arrival. Doesn't he know of the bond we share, forged in the fires of life and death?”

"Life and death brothers?" The red-haired giant was flabbergasted. What bond was he talking about?

Glancing back, he saw the Ape Saint's golden eyes narrow just slightly, then in a tranquil tone, he replied, "He was indeed impolite. Thank you for the discipline, my friend."

"It's nothing," The Supreme Marshal replied with a bow and a grin. "Having traveled from afar, we've unfortunately been remiss in our greetings. It’s been too long since our last meeting. We've prepared some wine in your honor. Please, come in."

"Today, I won’t trouble you with hospitality. The Grand Temple has already prepared a feast, and I've accepted their invitation," the Ape Saint replied. His voice lowered, "However, there is a matter that brought me here. I seek justice for something done by your people."

"Oh? Do tell," the Supreme Marshal replied with a polite smile.

"Just moments ago, at the foot of the Sword Dao Monument, my son was brutally killed by someone from the Chen Clan." The Ape Saint’s voice remained eerily calm, like a still pond. The horde of monkey demons beside him leapt and screeched, baring their teeth in fury.

The myriad of demons present glared with dark expressions, their eyes filled with tears of blood, gritting their teeth, rage burning in their hearts.

"Lord, let's annihilate them," the burly ape with fiery red hair whispered, his eyes ablaze as he looked to the Ape Saint.

However, the Ape Saint didn't react. After gazing coolly at the Supreme Marshal for a moment, he chuckled, saying, "You know, I've got plenty of offspring."

The surrounding demons blinked in surprise.

"Brother Chen," The Ape Saint nodded. "I understand your position. Let's put this matter to rest."

"Thank you! You truly are a brother to me," the Supreme Marshal replied with a smile.

"My Monkey Clan and your Chen Clan have always been like siblings," the Ape Saint said with a faint smile. "I'll propose to the Grand Temple Sage to have our prodigies face each other more in the War of Immortals. We can deepen the bond between our two clans."

"Wonderful!" the Supreme Marshal exclaimed.

"Until then." With a wave of his hand, the Ape Saint took to the skies of the Heavenly Realm, leading his horde of demons, enveloped in a mystical cloud.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Marshal’s expression turned icy as he declared to the crowd, "It’s decreed. All members of the Chen Clan are to withdraw from the War of Immortals!"

The announcement left thousands in shock. Many from the Chen Clan had prepared for years, hoping to distinguish themselves in the War of Immortals.

"Silence!" The Supreme Marshal’s voice boomed, "You all should understand the reason."

"But, Clan King, we aren't afraid of death!" a young man declared passionately.

"Not fearing death doesn't mean we should march willingly to it." The Supreme Marshal glanced at his daughter, Chen Xi. "Rest assured, someone will stand up for our clan and seek the highest glory."

"Brother, didn't you just say we're all abstaining from the fight?" Chen Mo asked, puzzled.

"Are you thick in the head? Lil Xi represents the Sword Realm!" Chen Zhao snapped.

"Oh! Right," Chen Mo nodded.

"Big Brother, are you okay?" The Supreme Marshal asked with concern.

"I'm fine!" Chen Zhao gritted his teeth, "That red-haired beast has no sense of martial honor. If he did, I would've given him a good thrashing!"

Laughter rippled through the group.

From the side, Yun Xiao chuckled as well. "Although Chen Xi can be domineering and has questionable intentions towards me, I must admit, her family is a resilient bunch," he mused internally.

Turning to Chen Xi, he remarked, "That Ape Saint sure knows how to make an exit. He knows his son was refined into my Sword Ring, yet he didn't bat an eye? Doesn't he want to seize the moral high ground and challenge me?"

"All this tells us is that he knows that today, even if he threw a fit, he wouldn’t get much in return. It's clear he'll be planning a much grander retaliation. That scoundrel!" Chen Xi's frustration was evident. It was like she wanted to throttle him.

"It's okay," Yun Xiao said earnestly. "From here on out, I will join you in seeking glory for our clan. Our brothers can place their dreams upon my shoulders."

"..." Chen Xi just stared. She was a mighty Empress, and she'd never felt this level of exasperation. "Come on, let's head to the Grand Temple," she said, grabbing Yun Xiao's arm.

"They're holding a secret meeting between the human and demon elites at the Grand Temple now. You want to crash it?" Yun Xiao raised an eyebrow.

"With me there, what's there to fear?" Chen Xi responded confidently.

"I'm just worried your legs might give out."
