Chapter 162: You're a Real Fearless One, Aren't You?

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:
Chapter 162: You're a Real Fearless One, Aren't You?

The break of day sent a soft morning glow across the horizon. After bidding farewell to three beautiful ladies, Yun Xiao slipped into the immortal mist, heading straight for a resplendent golden tower at the heart of the Heavenly Realm. That tower was none other than the Spirit Treasure Palace.

Rumor had it that its master had spent a fortune to purchase this prime piece of golden land from the Immortal Empire. From there, a bustling immortal marketplace formed around the Spirit Treasure Palace, making it the most thriving place in the Heavenly Realm!

It was a district of dazzling lights and intoxicating delights, countless establishments beckoning mortals and spirits alike. Everyone seemed spellbound.

"Is this truly a place for Immortals to cultivate peacefully?" Yun Xiao mused to himself, shaking his head. To him, it bore a striking resemblance to the worldly nations, only the inhabitants here were mightier.

Not far from the Spirit Treasure Palace stood the most revered site in the Heavenly Realm—the majestic Divine Dawn Palace! It used to be called the Azure Leaf Palace, formerly the home to the Ye Royal Family. Nobles frequented it, and countless court ladies and eunuchs once bustled about.

But now, the Divine Dawn Palace had few permanent residents. All because the Divine Dawn Empress forbade entry! This young empress of the Immortal Empire exuded an air of enigma, making others tread carefully around her.

Emerging from the shadows, Yun Xiao was about to approach the Spirit Treasure Palace when a slender figure in white suddenly flashed before him, blocking his path. He looked up to see a young lady in a short skirt, her jade-like legs on display. Her long hair cascaded like a waterfall, and her gaze was icy cold.

"Where were you last night?" Chen Xi's figure shifted, and in the blink of an eye, she was right in front of him, an oppressive cold aura enveloping Yun Xiao.

"I had a drink," Yun Xiao replied calmly.

"I don't smell alcohol on you. But I do catch the scent of three women," Chen Xi stared deep into his eyes, a thunderstorm swirling within hers...

"You managed to sniff out all three scents? What are you, a little dog?" Yun Xiao teased.

"A tigress, more like," Red Moon muttered under its breath.

Chen Xi simply shot him a glance, neither angry nor amused. "Last night, a fair share of demons in the Heavenly Realm met their end. I assume you and the three Tomb Masters were behind it?"

"Yes," Yun Xiao admitted without hesitation.

Chen Xi stared at him incredulously. "You truly have a death wish, don't you? The Ye, Mu, and Han clans all want your head, and demons lurk at every corner. Yet here you are, flaunting yourself without a care in the world." In this realm where the mighty ruled, a mere cultivator at the Immortal Meridian Realm was as fragile as paper.

"Isn't that because I have you watching my back?" Yun Xiao replied with a smirk.The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.

"I don't have the time to keep tabs on you. I have my own matters," Chen Xi retorted, rolling her eyes at him. "Listen, head back to the Dawn Pavilion. Tomorrow marks the initiation ceremony for the War of Immortals. Don't mess things up."

"No." Yun Xiao shook his head firmly.

"You're defying me?" Chen Xi's eyes flared with irritation.

"And who might you be? Should I really heed the words of a mere damsel? Where's my pride in that?" Yun Xiao shot back.

Chen Xi was momentarily speechless. She extended a hand, half tempted to drag this brat back by force but thought better of it. "Here," she suddenly handed him a Pouch of Holding.

With reflexes as swift as lightning, Yun Xiao snatched the pouch.

Chen Xi gawked at the audacity exclaiming, "You really have some nerve. At least show some restraint!"

"Aren't you the one who hasn't settled her tab?" Yun Xiao opened the pouch, and a rich aroma of wine wafted out, instantly warming his heart. Inside were hundreds of wine flasks! To him, this was more valuable than any rare treasure the realm could offer.

"What kind of wine is this? It smells amazing," Yun Xiao remarked. To be honest, it smelled even better than the renowned Daughter's Red. Clearly, it was crafted from some exquisite ingredients.

"It's a gift from my father," Chen Xi responded with a hint of a peculiar expression on her face.

"What's it called?" Unable to resist, Yun Xiao uncorked a bottle and took a hearty swig. His face flushed almost instantly, and a warm heat surged through him, making him feel as if he were burning from the inside. This wine had effects similar to a pill, boosting one's magic power!

"It's brewed by my father, crafted with dozens of mystical herbs. It'll help elevate your cultivation," Chen Xi murmured, her cheeks tinting a shade pinker.

"Why does it taste slightly... meaty? What's the main ingredient?" Yun Xiao took another sip, savoring the lingering taste. He absolutely loved it!

"Stop asking. It's annoying," Chen Xi huffed, turning to leave.

"What's with the secrecy? If you don't tell me, it won't sit right," Yun Xiao quipped, grabbing her arm to press for an answer.

Losing patience, Chen Xi slapped his hand away and gritted out two words, "Tiger's... rod."

"Rod...?" Yun Xiao's eyes widened in realization. No wonder it felt so invigorating. "You really dared to give me this? You're truly bold!" He choked back a laugh.

"My father wants a grandson. It's none of my concern," she retorted. Not wanting to entertain his remarks any further, she vanished from Yun Xiao's sight with a swift movement.

"She's embarrassed," Yun Xiao mused, peeking into the Pouch of Holding again. "Such treasure!" Daughter's Red was as gentle as flowing water, whereas the Tiger's Rod Wine was fierce and fiery.

Both were absolutely splendid!


At the Divine Dawn Palace, nine shadows knelt beneath the grandeur of the Empress's hall, each cloaked in a weighty aura of deference.

With a resonating hum, a figure dressed in a golden-red dragon robe, its hem stretching ten yards behind, took her place upon the Dragon Throne. Amidst the swirling mists, this silhouette bore a golden dragon crown. Embedded within it were nine dazzling gems, crackling like lightning, exuding an aura that demanded respect without needing to assert it.

Zhao Xuanjian sprang to his feet, eyes wide. "Are you sure he sent you to buy that?"

Yun Xiao chuckled modestly, "Why would I dare misuse the Supreme Marshal's name, especially since I've just married into such prestige?"

Zhao Xuanjian grudgingly admitted, "Fair point." He leaned in, whispering, "What grade of Blood Crystal Sword Ring do you want?"

"My Chen Heavenly Mansion is a top-tier family in the Heavenly Realm, right? I need a Sword Ring worthy of my father-in-law's reputation," Yun Xiao declared.

Zhao Xuanjian's eyes widened in surprise, "You mean...?"

"Do you have a Saint Sword Ring'?" Yun Xiao asked. In his possession, he had several Sword Rings containing Wind Fire Tribulation Realm demons. Their embedded magic was impressive, but they were freshly slain, their souls still lingering. Displaying such a recent kill would be akin to admitting he was the murderer from the previous night.

Moreover, Yun Xiao had always lived by one rule. If he was to have something, it had to be the best. And why not? He had the means to afford it. A Saint Sword Ring was forged from the flesh and blood of demons in the Saint Demon Realm!

"A Saint grade Sword Ring?!" Zhao Xuanjian and Stray Dog exchanged wide-eyed glances.

"I mean, my father-in-law is quite audacious," Yun Xiao said with a chuckle. "He just wants to give me a better chance of surviving the upcoming War of Immortals. Uncle Zhao, rest assured, even if I get this Saint Sword Ring, I'd only use it as a last resort, a trump card when my life is on the line."

"I see," Zhao Xuanjian finally exhaled, "I must say, your father-in-law is rather thoughtful."

"So?" Yun Xiao looked at him expectantly.

"I'll find one for you. Not only are these Saint Sword Rings extremely rare, but no Sword Cultivator dares to use them openly. In this Heavenly Realm, probably only your father-in-law knows I still have them in stock. Considering the deep bond I share with him, I can offer you a 5% discount. How does that sound?" Zhao Xuanjian proposed.

"What...???" Yun Xiao's eyes widened in disbelief. "Didn't you just say you'd gift me what I wanted? And now it's a discount? Besides, since you can't sell it, why not just gift it to me anyway?"

"Wow. You really have quite the appetite, don't you?" Zhao Xuanjian responded, taken aback. "Just because it hasn't sold yet doesn't mean it won't. It's still a rare commodity."

"Bro," Stray Dog chimed in with a hearty laugh, "Our Spirit Treasure Palace's motto is, 'Blood brothers, clear accounts.'"

"I've already had a taste of that in the Sword Realm!" Yun Xiao paused before continuing, "So, just one Sword Ring, right? Uncle Zhao, do you have a Sword Ring from the Peacock Demon Clan?"

"Holy smokes, don't spout nonsense!" Zhao Xuanjian's face paled. "With the Eternal Joy Demon Emperor around, who would dare to keep a Sword Ring of the Peacock Demon Clan?"

"Oh? What about the Blood Crystal Ring of a Fox Demon Saint?" Yun Xiao asked.

"A Fox Demon Saint? I do have one," Zhao replied. "But the Fox Clan is skilled in illusions. In terms of destructive demon magic, it's the weakest one I have. Are you sure you want the Fox Clan's?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I want the Fox Clan's."

"Alright, wait here." Zhao Xuanjian returned after a short while, cradling a black jade box in his hands.

When the box was opened, it revealed a menacing Blood Crystal. On its surface was the imprint of a blood-red six-tailed fox. Despite the apparent age of the crystal, its ominous aura was still palpable. The six-tailed fox seemed almost alive, baring its teeth and sneering at Yun Xiao.

"This Saint Sword Ring has been around for a while. Its power might not rival the newer ones, but it's leagues above the Wind Fire Tribulation Sword Rings," Zhao Xuanjian cautioned, adding with a hint of awe, "I must say, your father-in-law has quite the guts."

Yun Xiao chuckled, a hint of resignation in his eyes. "I tried to dissuade him, but he insisted I come." Despite his words, his actions spoke louder. He quickly took the box, sneaking a peek at the price tag. His heart raced.

"Pay up," Zhao Xuanjian stretched out his hand.

"My father-in-law mentioned we could pay later," Yun Xiao replied, feigning seriousness.

"On credit?" Zhao looked stunned. "The Spirit Treasure Palace doesn't do credit!"

"Really? He didn’t mention that rule," Yun Xiao mused, adding, "No worries, he’ll probably come pay personally."

Stray Dog chimed in with a snort. "Come on, Old Zhao. The Chen Clan is loaded! Do you really think they'll haggle over this pocket change? Think bigger."

"That's because you don’t know the man! You have no idea how much he's swindled from me over the years," Zhao Xuanjian lamented, the thought of his past losses making his heart bleed.

"Well, Uncle Zhao, I should get going. I'll urge my father-in-law to come pay promptly," Yun Xiao said, preparing to leave.

"He better hurry!" Zhao Xuanjian shouted after him.

"Will do!" And with that, Yun Xiao dashed down the stairs, his departure almost a blur.

Zhao Xuanjian bit his lip, a feeling of being duped gnawing at him. He shot Stray Dog a glare. "What are you looking at? Go fetch those two girls for me. My feet still need a proper wash!"

JustLivingJL's Thoughts

Heya folks,

JL, your resident translator-cum-food-connoisseur, her—And HOLD IT! Before you guys even start typing what I think you're typing in the comments, it isn't that CUM! Get your minds out of the gutter!

As an ethnic Asian, I'm no stranger to weird food. I've eaten snake, hawk, turtle... you name it! But tiger penis is something I've never tried. Like have you guys actually seen images of it? It looks so spiky... and intimidating, like it could just jump out at any moment and suffocate me! But for you guys... and SCIENCE, I would be willing to try it out. And I am also going back to China within the next year... I mean, it can't be that bad. It's just another piece of meat, right?