Chapter 204: My Brothers, Kill!

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:
Chapter 204: My Brothers, Kill!

"What the hell!?"

BOOM BOOM BOOM! Above the sky, the young man in white swelled up like a balloon, about to pop.

"God damn!" someone exclaimed, "What's his skin made out of! How has he not exploded yet?"

A massive magic power sphere, over 300 meters across, erupted around him. Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth—the five elements clashed with a thunderous roar at the heart of his being.

Sparks flew from the golden mist, wood melded with the elements, water framed it all, the fire blazed, and the earth added its weighty touch. No one, not even the ancient founders of the Grand Temple who conjured up the Elemental Scripture, could have foreseen such a terrifying transformation of their daoist spell. It was as if this one move completed the whole scripture!

"When did you cook up this trick? Never seen it before," Blue Star asked, eyes wide as saucers.

"Just a spur-of-the-moment idea," Yun Xiao replied coolly.

"..." Blue Star was speechless.

As Yun Xiao channeled all his magic power into the elemental sphere, his swollen form finally shrank back to normal, still as handsome as ever. His eyes, deep as the heavens, glanced at the demons below. With a casual flick of his finger, he set the sphere plummeting down.

BOOM! The sphere crashed with such speed that it blotted out the sky with elemental power.

"Run for the hills!" The talents of the Demon Continent felt the sphere's terrifying might, their faces ghostly pale. They had no choice; this appeared to be Yun Xiao's all-out attack. Without the haul from Ye Qingtian and the others, this battle would've been a real pickle.

The demon talents wanted to flee, but where could they go in their own battlefield?

BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! The sphere hit the ground, the five elements balancing and then erupting in a cataclysmic explosion. The resulting wave of light instantly engulfed the entire battlefield.

Even outside, the onlookers could hear the quake and see the brilliant flashes.

"What in blazes is going on?" The spectators were going mad with curiosity, itching to see what was happening just beyond their sight.

"Why'd they have to make it a Black Box Battle?" Everyone was in a state of panic!

Thunderous booms resounded! The devastating onslaught reduced countless Demon Continent prodigies to mere carcasses, visible to the naked eye. It was so fierce that even fashioning them into Blood Crystal Sword Rings was a tough call.

Fortunately, demon bones, usually the hardest and most intact, were spared.

PLOP PLOP PLOP! One after another, these demon talents, in utter despair, plummeted into the abyss of the netherworld. Wherever the elemental sphere wreaked havoc, mountains of corpses and seas of blood amassed.

Yun Xiao's aggressive opening onslaught had the two thousand demons bewildered and brains scrambled.

Beneath the might of the elemental sphere, countless demons below the Demon Saint Realm perished. This efficiency in mowing down the 'small fry' was comparable even to the Demon Emperor!

Normally, even Demon Saints couldn't achieve such a feat. The scene was utter chaos! Screams of agony, wails of sorrow, and roars of fury blended into a cacophony. In this moment of despair, something else plunged the demons into even deeper hopelessness.

"What's Moon Fairy doing?" The surviving demons looked in shock to see, amidst the fray, the three-tailed fox demon locked in combat with Angry Cauldron, one of the three great resentment demons!

With Yun Xiao so formidable, they were still vying for dominance?

"This fox demon's a traitor! He lured us here!" Bloody Wail's voice resonated among the demons, sending a chill down every spine.

A human spy in the Demon Continent? Now, that was a rare sight!

"This one man and one fox, do they think we're easy pickings?" Lil Bone's eyes blazed with murderous fire.

Yun Xiao's recent magical outbursts had slain thousands of Demon Continent talents, but those were mostly demons in the Mid or Late Wind Fire Tribulation Realm. The stronger demons, especially those in the Demon Saint Realm, were barely injured. Their fighting power was still fearsome.

At this point, figuring out why Moon Fairy was a traitor was pointless.

All the demons shuddered! They couldn't underestimate this monster anymore. He was a true monster! More monstrous than Divine Dawn!

"Attack!!" The remaining talents of the Demon Continent roared, suppressing their shock for a desperate fight.

Just as they cried out, Moon Fairy, ignoring the White Bone Spirit's burning flames, lunged at Angry Cauldron!

"You think to match me in strength?" Angry Cauldron sneered and morphed into his true form, a giant black cauldron ablaze with dark fire. The cauldron's eyes, red as blood, collided with the three-tailed fox demon!

BOOM BOOM BOOM! Inside the cauldron, a massive blaze of black, desolate fire roared to life!

This was Angry Cauldron's power, harnessing vast Desolate Essence flames for his use, his body a reservoir of this untamed force!

"Die!" With his iron-like body, Angry Cauldron slammed down onto Moon Fairy, pinning him to the ground, then spewed countless tongues of Desolate Essence Flames from the cauldron!

"No matter what monster you are, under the flames, you'll turn to ash!" Angry Cauldron's attack halted the other demons, who could only wait as he attempted to incinerate Moon Fairy alive!

The demons breathed a sigh of relief. But in the next instant, the blood-red eyes on Angry Cauldron trembled with unspeakable fear. A gaping maw appeared on the cauldron, emitting a scream of terror and agony!

BOOM BOOM BOOM! The giant cauldron shook and struggled, but couldn't move, as if glued to the ground.

"What's happening, Angry Cauldron?!" Lil Bone demanded with a snarl.

"My Desolate Flames! It's being devoured!" Angry Cauldron cried out in despair.

"What?" The demons were stunned anew.

BOOM! Angry Cauldron was flipped over, its once menacing form now dimmed. The next moment, a three-tailed fox demon, ablaze with endless fire, climbed out, standing atop the cauldron, gazing down at Lil Bone and the others with a commanding air.

WHOOSH! As Angry Cauldron screamed his last, his luminance faded, losing its flames. It became nothing more than a container. That so-called iron body was as fragile as tofu under Moon Fairy's claws!

BANG! Angry Cauldron, shattered and dead, perished in fear and confusion.

"He can directly consume Desolate Flames..." For all the demons, this was a nightmare come to life! In an instant, the will to fight of the remaining Demon Continent prodigies chilled considerably!

Moon Fairy, in both human and demon form, struck terror into their hearts! As a human, he was unparalleled in talent. As a demon, he was equally supreme. Such elegance and power shook the very souls of the demons.

On the other side, Yun Xiao, in human form, wielded the Heaven Burial Sword Soul. Alone, with just his sword, he charged towards the hundreds of demon talents led by Ghost Marriage and Bloody Wail.

"Brothers, let the slaughter begin!"

BOOM! From his embrace, Yun Xiao hurled a small black beast.

HUM! The beast, amidst swirling demon mist, transformed, growing larger with each crack and snap. An aura so deadly it sent shivers down every demon's spine enveloped the battlefield.

In the midst of the demonic maelstrom, the small black beast morphed into a terrifying creature! Its body was covered in black scales. Horns protruded from its head. Its eyes were a deep, mysterious blue. With strong limbs and sharp claws and teeth, it was like a perfect war machine.

Most horrifyingly, it had a pair of crimson eyes on its chest and a gaping maw with teeth sharper and denser than a shark's, complete with a barbed tongue!

What kind of monster was this? The demons' hearts twisted in fear!

"Heh, heh, heh..." Yun Xiao, Moon Fairy, and the black-scaled beast, like figures from a nightmare, plunged into the final battleground!

Meanwhile, outside, millions of demons pondered in question.

"Yun Xiao is just one person, how will our Demon Continent talents divide his body fairly?"

JustLivingJL's Thoughts