Chapter 207: Divine Continent's Number One Sword!

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:
Chapter 207: Divine Continent's Number One Sword!

"You've struck gold!" Red Moon hollered with excitement, shattering the tranquility of the battlefield.

Yun Xiao, too, emerged from his musings on the mortal world and human nature. "True, humans have their flaws, but that's no reason for me to abandon my kin or twist my heart."

If his home and people were lacking, it was his responsibility to bring about change!

"Bluey, will I eventually become someone else? A different kind of person?" Yun Xiao asked, his eyes deep with thought.

"Someone else? What kind of person?" Blue Star said, cocking an eyebrow.

"One without sorrow or joy, without love or hate, indifferent to everything, without boundaries, solely focused on rebuilding the Seed of Creation..." Yun Xiao replied calmly.

"Isn't that just like the old Creator? A creation machine, what's the fun in that? Being human is much more interesting! At least we have passions and desires!" Blue Star said.

"Right, right! A human with greed, wrath, foolishness, and lust—especially that last one!" Red Moon grinned widely, laughing heartily.

"Really? Did you find the old Creator boring when you were with him?" Yun Xiao asked with a peculiar expression.

"It's been too long; I've forgotten! I only remember he might not speak a word in a million years," Blue Star said, looking down, a touch of sadness in its voice.

"That does sound pretty dull. If he were the protagonist, our story would have no dialogue," Yun Xiao chuckled, shaking his head.

"He is you, and you are him. Everything changes, and so have you," Blue Star remarked thoughtfully.

"Is that so?"

They were certain, but Yun Xiao didn't feel the same. He felt nothing of the Immortal of Creation, only memories from his sixteen years in the Cloud Nation.

"Enough talk, let's make a fortune first!" Yun Xiao stretched out his hands, and slowly, a body double emerged from him. That double was a silver fox! It gradually pulled itself out of Yun Xiao, condensing into a beautiful and cold young man!

After cultivating the Divine Desolation Physique, Moon Fairy's appearance and aura kept improving as well. This eerie duplicate stood beside the real Yun Xiao, creating a perfect combination.

Without a word, both the original and his body double started busying themselves.

The original absorbed the demon bones, using the Soul Ignition Art to refine the remains of the demons into Blood Crystal Sword Rings. The double extracted the Desolate Essence from their Wild Armors, devouring it all.

This was surely Moon Fairy's greatest moment of fortune! These two thousand talents from the Demon Continent nearly carried a third of the continent's top grade Desolate Essence with them.

Wind, fire, water, earth, thunder, blood, light, darkness, ice, metal, wood—every imaginable attribute of Desolate Essence was present, promising to forge the Moon Fairy's Divine Desolation Physique into the strongest of all, encompassing every attribute.

The foundation of the Divine Desolation Physique was already laid by Moon Fairy.

Moreover, the Demon Princes and Princesses like Bloody Wail possessed Dao Seed Talents bestowed by the Seed of Creation rain.

Five kinds of fleshly talents all merged into Moon Fairy's body. Each one was stronger than the Chalk Flesh Armor he'd gotten from the Peacock Prince. Now, his three-tailed fox form had undergone a complete transformation, becoming the Demon Continent's most elite bloodline!

For example, the Dao Seed Talent of Bloody Wail, Blood Sacrifice Life Origin, provided enough vitality to regrow limbs. With the absorption of this fleshly talent, Moon Fairy was granted rapid regeneration self-healing abilities. Not only had he become tougher, but he'd also become much harder to kill!

By now, the body double had surpassed the original in the number of Seeds of Creation absorbed.

Yun Xiao wasn't bothered by this. He'd come to appreciate the convenience of fusing back together and becoming one in the recent battle. A stronger Moon Fairy meant a stronger him.

It didn't matter that Yun Xiao's original body wasn't as tough. He had an arsenal of hundreds of all-encompassing daoist spells, and with Blue Star and Red Moon by his side, survival was almost guaranteed.

"You plan to refine all two thousand demons into Blood Crystal Sword Rings?" Blue Star asked, eyes wide.

"Of course. If I've already absorbed most of their bones, why waste the Sword Rings? War's coming, and I need to stock up for my fellow Sword Cultivators," Yun Xiao said, forging a Sword Ring with each step through the sea of corpses.Ñ00v€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

"Tsk tsk, just imagine the look on the faces of those Demon Emperors and Demon Saints when this battlefield opens back up, and all they find are two thousand Blood Crystal Sword Rings. The shock!" Blue Star grinned in anticipation.


As time neared its end, the heartbeats of millions quickened!

Even the demons ceased their howling!

It seemed as if all of the Heavenly Realm resonated only with the sound of beating hearts.

"The War of Immortals in the Heavenly Realm is about to conclude!" the Divine Dawn Empress announced majestically, sweeping across the realm and causing countless humans and demons to hold their breaths.

The millions of demons, with bloodshot eyes wide and teeth bared, stared intently at the dark sphere in the center.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" they roared, unable to contain their frenzy.

A countdown began.




And in that instant, as time ran out, the dark hemisphere of the battlefield shattered into black luminescence and dispersed.

For a moment, millions of eyeballs nearly popped out of their sockets in anticipation!

"Uh..." As the scene within the battlefield revealed itself, nearly everyone was stunned.

The imagined mountains of corpses and seas of blood were nowhere to be found! The ground was churned up, a mess indeed... but there was virtually no blood or bodies!

It was unsettlingly clean!

Aside from the dirt, there were only two focal points left in the vast battlefield.

The first was Yun Xiao, the youth who had died a million times over in the minds of the demons. He stood firmly on the battlefield, wielding an azure Sword Soul.

Beneath this azure Sword Soul, knelt a silver-haired man, covered in blood. His body was riddled with no less than ninety-nine gaping wounds, each piercing through him.

His face was ashen, barely clinging to life, teetering on the brink of death. He was none other than Moon Fairy!

And Yun Xiao, at this moment, had Moon Fairy underfoot, pressing the azure Sword Soul against the back of the Moon Fairy's head.

On this azure Sword Soul, it was clear to see, there were definitely more than five hundred layers of Sword Aura—a number that made the beings of the Demon Continent shudder!

Anyone who could forge 500 layers of Sword Aura was a nightmare in the minds of demons, likely a caliber of Sword Cultivator only seen in the ancient eras!

Then there was the second focal point! This point was a blatant critical hit! Two thousand Blood Crystal Sword Rings, piled up into a small blood-red mountain, struck the eyes of the masses

A demon soul was imprisoned within each Blood Crystal Sword Ring!

Wailing souls like Lil Bone, Bloody Wail, Angry Cauldron, and others, still howled pitifully within. The cries of two thousand Demon Continent talents were naturally a dismal chorus echoing across the battlefield!

Yun Xiao didn't let them wail for too long. After all, such treasures only needed a brief display! BUZZ! He reached out and pulled these Blood Crystal Sword Rings, which were being held in a net-like magic treasure, into his Pouch of Holding and swiftly pocketed them!

Seen and done—that was enough!

JustLivingJL's Thoughts