Chapter 282: Ling Chen Seething in the Background!

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:
Chapter 282: Ling Chen Seething in the Background!

Anyone with half a brain knew that Qingzan wouldn't openly declare allegiance to the Calamity Seal Purgatory, not in a million years! That would've slammed shut her chances of ever controlling the Eternal Sword Prison.

You want to be the Sword Warden? Then kneel, simple as that. That's what Yun Xiao demanded, a no-nonsense approach. You try to intimidate me? Well, I'll show you intimidation!

But the idea of the Sword Warden killing Qingzan? Now, that was never going to happen. "My dear grandchild, apologize to Exile Yun," came the voice of the Withered Bone Keeper from a distant tower. His clout and authority as the old Sword Warden dwarfed even that of Ku Xuan.

This tomb guardian, though not on the level of a Sword Warden or Exiled Sword Immortal, was still a figure to be respected. When he spoke up, the tens of thousands of young Sword Cultivators felt like they'd swallowed fliestheir insides churned in turmoil.

And then, they saw her! Qingzan, the unparalleled female sword goddess, who had just stirred the heavens with her sword energy, now walked step by step towards Yun Xiao.

She stopped a mere three feet away from hima distance a powerful being could use to obliterate a genius in an instant. Her approach was a silent pressure, an attempt to intimidate him with her presence. Even making Yun Xiao step back would have salvaged some of her dignity.

But disappointingly for her, Yun Xiao didn't flinch. Instead, he gave her a sly look and quipped, Arent you a good girl?

This flippant remark pierced Qingzan's heart like a sword. The crowd fell deathly silent. Then, as if they were all struck dumb, a million onlookers gaped as the sword goddess knelt before Yun Xiao. She prostrated, her hands touching the ground, and bowed her head thrice.

THUD! THUD! THUD! Those soft sounds echoed like thunder in the ears of the million witnesses.

Qingzan actually did it; she bowed her head! She couldn't bear to lose her identity as a member of the Sword Ruins, to become an outsider. So, she endured the humiliation. That was the price of underestimating the resolve of a youngster!

Qingzan had many titles attached to her name. She was the heiress of the Ku Family, hailed as the strongest upcoming Sword Cultivator. She was also the esteemed lady of the Calamity Seal Purgatory. Yet, she had to bow her head on her return to the Sword Ruins!

The news would rock the Nine Hellsa sensational story, a stinging embarrassment for the Calamity Seal Purgatory.New novel chapters are published on

However, if Qingzan still claimed to be from the Sword Ruins, it would still salvage some of her reputation. That was the trap Yun Xiao set for her. Don't want to leave? Then jump into the pit!

After bowing thrice, Qingzan stood up, her eyes frosty as she stared at Yun Xiao, so close yet so far, with a heart full of murderous intent.

"I thank Exile Yun for your unexpected mercy," she said, forcing a smile at Yun Xiao. But the killing intent in her smile was unmistakable.

"No need to thank me," Yun Xiao replied with a slight smirk. "When you were bowing, I realized the ruler of the Calamity Seal Purgatory doesn't have much luck in his tastes, poor fellow."

Qingzan was stunned. It took her a full ten breaths to comprehend his meaning. Being mocked so publicly by someone so young, she was furious, her chest exploding with rage multiple times. Yet, she had to forcibly suppress it, nearly tearing her apart.

Her usually serene blue eyes turned red in an instant. Never in her life had she been this infuriated!

Even the Sword Warden and Overseers of the Sword Ruins, including Mu Dalong, heard his words, all wearing expressions of disbelief. Who would have thought Yun Xiao, with his good looks, could speak with such deadly venom!

"Your look of wanting to kill me but not daring to is quite amusing," Yun Xiao observed, peering into her soul, then waved her off, "Alright, you can leave. Be more careful next time."

And all this, just three feet apart!

In such close quarters, Qingzan was confident she could end Yun Xiao with a single strike, a feat not even the Sword Warden could undo. Yet, Yun Xiao didn't back down; instead, his audacious provocations exerted an immense pressure on her.

And just as expected, Qingzan backed down. With a quiet hum, she slowly retreated, rejoining the ranks of the Calamity Seal Purgatory under the stunned gazes of many.

Her daughter, clad in a green dress, was near hysterics. "Mother!" she cried, her eyes bloodshot and brimming with tears, "You were so close, why didnt you just kill him?"

"What's happening?"

"The top talent of the Sword Ruins, scared witless by Exile Yun..."

"Qingfan, my once idol, though he didn't reach seven resonances of the Eternal Sword, he had the true talent of an Emperor Star Child."

"The Sword Dao, it's been shattered!"

"A genius has fallen, alas..."

Each sigh, sharp as a sword, pierced through Yi Qingfan's heart.

In that moment, his pride, his lifetime of arrogance, evaporated into nothing, leaving him as nothing more than a backdrop for Yun Xiao.

"Oh?" Yun Xiao heard Yi Qingfan's declaration of forfeiture. Even Sikong Yan had dared to face him without backing down.

"Yi Qingfan?" Yun Xiao turned to him. "I find you quite agreeable. You don't have to forfeit. I won't kill you. You could show a bit more courage and save some face for yourself."

Yun Xiao had his own way of judging intentions. He could tell who truly wanted him dead. Like Sikong Yan, with her smiling face and polite words, but her heart full of hatred and murderous intent was clear to him. That's why he didn't hesitate to eliminate her.

But Yi Qingfan, not born into the powerful families of the Sword Ruins, might stand with the Ku Family in opposition to Yun Xiao, but it was clear he harbored a pure love for the sword. He was a different breed compared to Ku Xin.

"No, thank you. Congratulations to Exile Yun, on advancing to the final battle," Yi Qingfan said with a bow.

"How about this," Yun Xiao suddenly turned to the crowd behind Yi Qingfan, "I know many of you want to kill me. I'll give you a chance."

His words again captured the attention of the entire crowd.

"What chance?" Yi Qingfan asked, slightly startled.

"Those behind you, the Inscription Cultivators from the Calamity Seal Purgatory, right? You can ask them to join forces with you and attack me together. Anyone of the right age for the Immortal Sword Rankings can join," Yun Xiao offered.

"What..." The crowd of a million sword cultivators was shaken by his words. His proposal was made lightly, but it showed incredible boldness and confidence.

Sword cultivators and Inscription Cultivators! These two factions had been vying for supremacy since ancient times, and now the Sword Cultivators were under the thumb of the Inscription Cultivators. Every Sword Cultivator felt this oppression deeply.

And now, Yun Xiao, was challenging last year's champ of the Immortal Sword Rankings and several Inscription Cultivator prodigies who had come to the Sword Ruins as a show of force?

Everyone knew, including the girl in the green dress, that these young Inscription Cultivators were all notable figures in the Calamity Seal Purgatory, many of them ranking in the top five of the Divine Sigil Rankings.

"Exile Yun, are you serious?" Before Qingzan or Ku Xuan could respond, the girl in green stepped beside Yi Qingfan, her gaze fixed on Yun Xiao.

Yun Xiao looked at the sky and smiled faintly. "There's still two hours left. Call whoever you want. I'll take on as many that arrive."

JustLivingJL's Thoughts