Chapter 286: Dao Heart Phenomenon Descends!

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:
Chapter 286: Dao Heart Phenomenon Descends!

"I give up, I quit the fight!"

As Ling Chen descended from the skies, Mu Qinghuan, the plump youngster who placed second in last year's Immortal Sword Rankings, didn't even think twice before throwing in the towel.

Had Mu Qinghuan not witnessed Yi Qingfan's fate, he might have been bold enough to stand his ground, to prove his worth.

"As long as I surrender quick enough, my dao heart remains unscathed!" Mu Qinghuan chuckled to his father, Mu Daxiong, after stepping down.

"This is a battlefield for true Immortals. Us mortals shouldn't be up there, sticking our noses where they don't belong. Some folks just don't get that, and they pay with their lives," Mu Daxiong said, patting his son on the shoulder, proud of his frankness.

"Exile Ling has just broken through. He's in his show-off phase, and I've no intention of being a mere backdrop in his spectacle." Mu Qinghuan laughed. He wasn't arrogant, and that's why he's still alive.

The overly proud, however, were already queued up for reincarnation.

Yun Xiao had slain five with one strike; Ling Chen had manifested a Dao Heart Phenomenon! Both Exiled Sword Immortals had proven their exceptional talents. Right after the Sword Baptism Ceremony, the two dominated the prodigies of the Eternal Sword Prison, storming into the top two of the Immortal Sword Rankings!

Now with Mu Qinghuan conceding, only the biggest, most explosive question remained!

Which one of these reincarnations of a true Immortal would reign supreme?

The atmosphere in the Sword Ruins ignited once again!

Everyone's gaze, fervent and eager, fell upon Ling Chen, who stood unmoving in the arena, eyes closed, gripping his sword, immovable as a mountain. His demeanor alone conquered the crowd.

"In contrast, Exile Yun seems to be cramming at the last minute, doesn't he?"

Following the rules, indeed, the battle was set to commence two hours later.

"While that's true, if Exile Yun had the guts to start right away, why make everyone wait? This little detail shows that, at least for now, the emergence of that Dao Heart Phenomenon has him feeling pressured," someone commented.

"That makes sense," another agreed.

During that long, two hour wait, the hearts of many people in the crowd underwent silent changes. Under the weight of Ling Chen's demeanor, whispers of Yun Xiao being a demon spawn and possessing a Fiendish Sword Soul started floating around again, annoying as a fly buzzing in the ear.

Clearly, the Ku Family was laying the groundwork to make Yun Xiao's downfall go more smoothly.

"He killed four Inscription Cultivators, severely damaging the relationship between our two hells. Any future conflicts and losses among the Sword Cultivators will be on his head."

"The two Hells of the human race, having just started walking towards mutual prosperity, now face such a saboteur..."

Freshly minted accusations quietly sprouted like poison, spreading among the crowd. Although most didn't buy into it, the constant repetition had a brainwashing effect, grating on the nerves.New novel chapters are published on

"Exile Yun is too fierce, not sparing even a shred of mercy. If he continues like this, I fear the other eight hells will besiege the Sword Ruins."

Heavy sighs echoed, laden with worry for the future.

"Exile Ling isn't playing the hero, clearly showing more wisdom."

"If you ask me, in the path of cultivation, wisdom in dealing with people is sometimes more important than talent or strength."

People, looking at Ling Chen's jade-like figure, felt a growing fondness.

Mu Qinghuan, hearing this, scoffed with disdain. "Only the weak need to play politics. The strong crush all opposition! What do these mortals know about the path of a true Immortal? It's like beggars guessing how many buns an Emperor eatsutterly ridiculous!"

Despite Mu Qinhuan's simple appearance, his eyes twinkled with cunning. His words, though they silenced some, couldn't change the fact that Ling Chen, with the anomaly of his Dao Heart Phenomenon, was winning over more hearts.

"Do you know why?" Mu Daxiong asked.

"I don't understand."

"The weaker the heart, the less one can tolerate sharpness. The more one cowers, the weaker the spirit becomes, more susceptible to being wounded by sharpness. In a narrow path, the brave wins; a single killing intent can naturally strike fear in everyone," Mu Daxiong said, gazing towards one of the viewing towers, speaking profoundly, "Exile Yun doesn't seek the world's respect with false courtesies. In his eyes, there's only his path; everything else is mere illusion. He doesn't care."

"The time for the final battle is almost here, is he going to just keep waiting if he doesn't break through?"

During this time, those tens of thousands of young justice-seekers finally found their voice, whispering fervently. They were so engrossed in their discussions that they failed to notice how clownish they appeared.

"Exile Yun, stop dawdling, come out and fight!" Someone grew bolder, shouting at the top of their lungs, eliciting laughter from many. Just as they were jeering and laughing, a thunderous explosion resonated throughout the arena.

BOOM! The deafening sound, like a raging storm, swept through the air.

Hundreds of thousands of Sword Cultivators were blown away, scattering in all directions!

This startling upheaval originated from the viewing tower where Yun Xiao was located, causing an earthquake in the Sword Ruins!

"What's happening?" Everyone looked up, and millions of eyes were met with a scene that left them dumbstruck!

A colossal sword, embodying the will of a million swords, surged skyward! The brilliance of this gigantic sword lit up the Sword Ruins in an instant, casting its splendid light over the 999 sword-shaped peaks!

"The Eternal Sword?!" Everyone, including Ling Chen, the Sword Warden, and the Withered Bone Keeper, was utterly astounded.

Faces of amazement were painted in the colors of the Eternal Sword! Unseen by them, at the very heart of this Eternal Sword, there nestled a small black sword...

"How can the will of a million swords appear above Exile Yun?" Just as this peculiar thought crossed their minds, the age-old Eternal Sword underwent a transformation.

BOOM! This multicolored giant sword exploded!

It turned into millions of colorful lights, suddenly obscuring the sky!

POP! POP! POP! Countless colorful clouds appeared, condensing under the light of the shattered fragment of the Eternal Sword. In an instant, the entire sky above the Eternal Sword Prison was shrouded in colorful clouds! The sky seemed to blossom into a dazzling, colorful celestial lotus!

"Is this is this also a Dao Heart Phenomenon?" Mu Qinghuan asked, his voice trembling with excitement.

"Absolutely!!" Mu Daxiong's eyes blazed like torches as he grabbed his son's arm, exclaiming, "Exile Ling's Dao Heart Phenomenon covered just the Sword Ruins, and Exile Yun's covers the entire Eternal Sword Prison!"

"Dad, that's an area difference of more than 1,000 times" Mu Qinghuan felt numb all over.

"And it's triggered by the Eternal Sword? Has Exile Yun?" Mu Daxiong didn't dare to finish his thought.

A Dao Heart Phenomenon, spanning the entire Eternal Sword Prison!

This sight weighed down on everyone's heads like ten thousand mountains!

Ling Chen, the Withered Bone Keeper, Qingzan, and others seemed to be plunged into an icy abyss, motionless.

The tens of thousands of young justice-seekers, who were just excitedly chatting, now looked as if they had been slapped thousands of times. Their faces swollen, they nearly bit their tongues.

Even the ordinary Sword Cultivators, who kept their thoughts to themselves, were now baffled, unable to comprehend what was happening.

"Dad!" Mu Qinghuan suddenly shouted, screaming, "The Dao Heart Phenomenon anomaly is still expanding!"


Countless people, already numb, looked up in shock! They couldn't see how far this colorful celestial lotus had expanded, only that it was still growing! And if it was growing, didn't that mean it was still expanding? Remember, the skies of the Nine Hells were all interconnected!


The world changed colors!

They had no idea that, at this moment, the entire sky of the Nine Hells was blooming with a dazzling, colorful, sky-burying lotus

JustLivingJL's Thoughts