Chapter 294: For My People, Eternal Prosperity Through the Ages!

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:
Chapter 294: For My People, Eternal Prosperity Through the Ages!

In the Demon Continent, at the entrance to the Endless Netherworld, stood a group led by the War Princess and Feng You, waiting in silent anticipation under the swirling vortex.

Suddenly, the portal flickered with devilish light.

"It must have widened, someone is coming through," someone observed.

Feng You, standing behind the War Princess, gazed at her profile, his eyes brimming with unspoken affection. But the War Princess, her face a mask of cool indifference, paid him no mind.

Then, with a violent flash, the portal shuddered!

Out stepped a towering figure, a man head and shoulders above Feng You. His arms alone were thicker than the War Princesss waist. Dressed in black and gold battle armor, his thick black hair resembled a lion's mane. His face bore animalistic features, emanating a fierce and commanding aura. A horn-like spike, wrapped in blood-red markings, adorned his forehead, adding to his intimidating presence.

Greetings to the Lion Duke," Feng You bowed, with the others following suit.

The War Princess merely raised an eyebrow, her chin tilted up as she regarded the man.

Stand up, the Lion Duke boomed. His beast-like eyes fixed on the War Princess. "We haven't seen each other in so long. Are you not going to greet your uncle?"

Why bother? You never tried to cozy up to me before, the War Princess retorted.

The Lion Duke pursed his lips, then chuckled. Fair enough. I underestimated you in the past. Im here to formally apologize. Honestly, Im happy for you.

Happy for what? If I hadnt unlocked the Nine-Tiered Bloodline, youd be next in line for my position, she scoffed.

The Lion Duke was taken aback by her forthrightness. His smile faded slightly as he replied seriously, Dont be absurd. The Nine-Tiered Bloodline is the hope of our races rise. Whats my position compared to that?

Sure, just keep your actions consistent with your words. Im not interested in playing games with you. Its pointless, the War Princess declared.

Alright. The Lion Duke nodded. But, your father sent me to tell you its dangerous here. He wants you to return.

Let him come and ask me himself, the War Princess challenged.

"..." The Lion Duke was left speechless. Once, the favoritism towards her sparked much criticism and dissatisfaction. But now, her audacity seemed boundless, and even he didn't dare to utter a word against it.

"Hah Big Brother is a madman for doting on his daughter. Now, it seems she's set her sights on the skies." The Lion Duke sighed inwardly. He finally spoke to the War Princess with gravity, "You can stay, but let me handle the matters of the Heavenly Land. Don't create a mess."

The War Princess just chuckled. The Lion Duke was at a loss with her.

Soon after, over 60 Fate Ocean Realm devils from the Endless Netherworld emerged from the portal.

"Greetings, War Princess!" They bowed respectfully, one by one.

The War Princess felt a wave of satisfaction seeing these once contemptuous devils now obediently at her feet.

"Once I sort out the Heavenly Land and return to the Endless Netherworld, there will be more tongues wagging... Wait for me!" She relished this feeling of turning the tables.

Yun Xiao gave her more than power; he was like a poison to her soul, and she was thoroughly addicted.

"Didn't you say Inscription Cultivators were coming?" the War Princess asked.

"They're here," the Lion Duke gestured towards the swirling portal.

"How many?" she asked, hand on her heart.

"According to the agreement, 30 Inscription Cultivators will be arriving. Including Fu Longxiang, it will be 31 people total," the Lion Duke replied.

"And the Calamity Seal Sword?"

"When it comes to the strongest in the Nine Hells, it's naturally you devils!" Fu Longxiang complimented in return. But in his mind, he added, "Unfortunately, not you devils of the Endless Netherworld."

"Stay here. I'll be back shortly." Yun Xiao turned to the 75 Sword Cultivators.

"Should we follow, Exile Yun?" Mu Daxiong and Du Zhongyuan were about to join him.

"No need," Yun Xiao said.

"Are you sure?" They hesitated, as their orders were to protect him closely, and now Yun Xiao was leaving alone...

"Don't worry." With a smile, Yun Xiao flew off on his Sovereign Sword, vanishing in an instant.

"It's fine, this is Exile Yun's territory. He must have a plan," Mu Daxiong reassured the others.

In this realm, the Sword Cultivators came to realize just how absurd the rumors about him being a demon spawn were. Yun Xiao wasn't even from the Nine Hells. Yet, the depth of scrutiny into his fake ancestry showed that to smear someone, the truth was unnecessary; fabrication would do!

As long as there was a hint of scandal, there would be believers.

After leaving them, Yun Xiao stood on a lone peak, slipping a Bag of Holding into a crevice.

"The number one Demon Emperor of the Demon Continent is about to go on a rampage," he said with a smile, then vanished in a blink.

Soon, a silver fox darted through the night to this spot. It snatched the Bag of Holding and disappeared into the darkness.

Meanwhile, Yun Xiao soared through the sky on his Sovereign Sword, descending from above the Demon Continent.

Before him soon appeared a spherical worldthe Heavenly Realm. Looking down, although only five days had passed, the Heavenly Realm had regained its former prosperity.

A peaceful new world was being born. This beauty, born of a girl's belief, was something Yun Xiao would not allow anyone to destroy. Silently, he descended, transforming into a streak of sword light, drifting into an imperial palace in the dead of night.

There, in the flickering candlelight of the palace, stood Yun Xiao, clad in white, a solitary figure amidst the shadows.

Before him stood a golden dragon throne, empty and imposing. Yun Xiao stared at it, his mind filled with memories of the girl and their tender moments shared on this very throne.

"Lil Xi..." Yun Xiao whispered, a stone materializing in his hand. Gazing at the vacant palace, his heart mirrored its emptiness. "Where can I find you again?" he wondered, clutching the stone as if it held her warmth.

"No matter what, wait for me," he resolved, taking a deep breath. The scenes of their brief yet intense love replayed in his heart, the memory of that piercing sword thrust etched indelibly in his mind.

"You're back?" came a deep voice from behind.

Turning, Yun Xiao saw the Supreme Marshal entering with a jug of wine. "Have you found my daughter?" he inquired.

"It's only been a few days. You're less patient than I am," Yun Xiao replied.

"Useless," the Supreme Marshal scoffed, settling himself on the steps of the dragon throne. "Care for a drink?"

"I have something better." Yun Xiao joined him, producing a bottle of Golden Springs Wine from the Eternal Sword Prison. Its rich aroma filled the palace.

After three rounds of drinks, the Supreme Marshal asked, "What brings you back this time?"

Yun Xiao lay back on the ground, arms under his head, staring at the ceiling. "To fulfill her heart's desire completely, to remove the shadow over the Divine Continent's sky, and to secure eternal prosperity for our people," he said slowly.

JustLivingJL's Thoughts