Chapter 301: Helping Ling Chen Relieve His Frustrations

Name:Immortal of the Ages Author:
Chapter 301: Helping Ling Chen Relieve His Frustrations

In a pitch black abyss within the Endless Netherworld was a chilly pool. The pool, swirling with a vortex, served as the gateway to the Demon Continent.

Near this portal stood two groups. One lurked in the shadows, their numbers unclear, and their tall, eerie figures exuded an air of profound mystery.

The other group comprised five humansfour old men and a middle-aged woman in a cyan dress. The woman, Qingzan, stood at the center of the group. She wore an icy expression on her face, her eyes a pair of frosty pools brimming with deadly intent.

As for the group lurking in the shadows, they were devils from the Endless Netherworld, tasked with keeping an eye on the Inscription Cultivators and awaiting news from the Heavenly Land.

After having exchanged pleasantries, both groups had long since settled into silence, only glancing at the pool's swirling vortex every now and then.

At this moment, the vortex in the chilly pool stirred slightly.

"Madame, someone's coming out," an elder whispered.

"Mhm." Qingzan nodded calmly. Her steady gaze indicated her faith in the expedition party, which included her son, Fu Longxiang.

As everyone watched, the activity in the pool intensified.

BUZZ! Two figures emerged, seemingly with a spherical object, bursting forth from the pool.

"Feng You, Gongyang Xue!"

Both the Inscription Cultivators and devils immediately recognized the two visitors! One was a prodigy of the Endless Netherworld, the other, a Supreme Adjudicator from the Calamity Seal Purgatory.

Gongyang Xue was also the little sister of Gongyang Sheng.

"Madame!" Gongyang Xue, pale and trembling, knelt before Qingzan as she emerged, tears streaming down her face.

"What are you crying for..." Qingzan began, slightly irritated, but then she saw itwhat Gongyang Xue brought wasn't a sphere at all! It was a limbless, disfigured person! Even with a face marred beyond recognition, how could a mother not recognize her own son, the pride of her life?

For Qingzan, it was as if a thunderbolt had struck her head-on. Her mind exploded, her insides shattered into dust. She spat out a mouthful of black blood, staggering back, crashing against the mountain wall, her head a bloody mess.

"Longxiang..." she uttered tremulously painfully, squeezing out the name in the most heart-wrenching tone.

"Madame!" Gongyang Xue sobbed. Even an Immortal could not heal such terrible wounds. It was clear Fu Longxiang had no future. From here on out, every living moment would be a spectacle of utter misery.

Fu Longxiang had no clue where he was, trembling, muttering incoherently, still struggling in the abyss of fear.

"What happened, Feng You?" a deep voice boomed from the shadows.

Feng You glanced sympathetically at Fu Longxiang, explaining, "Fu Longxiang, along with Old Chu, strayed from the group. They unfortunately encountered Exile Ling, Ku Qinglian, and Feng Xuxu. A fierce conflict ensued. Old Chu perished, the Calamity Seal Sword was taken, and the Talisman Prince... ended up like this."

"Are you certain?" the shadowy voice asked.

"Let Adjudicator Gongyang speak," Feng You deferred, his gaze lowered. He wasnt an Inscription Cultivator; Qingzan would never take his word for it.

Gongyang Xue raised her trembling head. Qingzan, still reeling from the shock, was making her way to her son. When her quivering hand touched Fu Longxiang, he recoiled in fright.

"Speak!!!" Qingzans voice, almost tearing her throat, pierced the air, her eyes filled with sword-like intensity fixed on Gongyang Xue.

"Madame, the young master did indeed leave with Old Chu. As for the clash with Exile Ling, there are some doubts. It was the War Princess who witnessed the fight... Of course, we're certain it wasn't the devils, as their elites were beside us at the time It must have been those two Exiled Sword Immortals; if not Exile Ling, then Exile Yun," Gongyang Xue managed through her sobs.

This was a devastating blow for the Calamity Seal Purgatory. Losing Fu Longxiang was a greater loss than losing the rest of the top six of the Divine Sigil Rankings. Coupled with the loss of the Calamity Seal Sword, it was an unspeakable national tragedy.

"You said it was my little princess who saw this?" the voice from the darkness asked.

At this moment, Ling Chen stood inside a cave in the valley, surrounded by Sword Cultivators led by Ku Qinglian and Feng Xuxu.

"Exile Ling, have you found the core of the Heavenly Land yet?" Ku Qinglian asked anxiously.

".." Ling Chen frowned and did not respond. He had blasted several openings in the cave with the Heavenly Mirror, reaching the violet crystals, but to no avail.

"Considering the shape of the Demon Continent, if there is a core, it should be here. Why isn't it?" Ling Chen pondered over all the mysteries from his past life but couldn't solve this one.

In his previous life, he had thousands of adventures and treasure hunts, usually coming out on top. He was an expert in layouts, formations, and the structure of treasures. The Nine Hells shouldn't contain any surprises beyond his expectations.

According to his original plan, he should have already secured the mythical core of the Heavenly Land. But now, not even a shadow of it was found.

Surrounded by skeptical Sword Cultivators, some of whom occasionally shot him doubtful glances, Ling Chen felt increasingly irritated.

"Since losing to Yun Xiao, even these mere mortals dare look at me with such eyes."

The Heavenly Land was his last opportunity. If there was no hope, he'd be relegated to being a sword slave for life!

Reborn into this life, to be reduced to a slave The resentment that Ling Chen harbored, once soaring to the skies, was now stuck in his throat, slowly turning into a raging anger that burned him from within.

"This world, how could it harbor someone with such a talent? Who is he, really..." The more he thought about it, the darker Ling Chen's gaze became, his mindset gradually warping.

"Leave!" Ling Chen suddenly ordered the group of Sword Cultivators.

"Yes." The thirty Sword Cultivators nodded, stepping back slowly.

"Ku Qinglian, Feng Xuxu, stay," Ling Chen suddenly said.

At the front of the crowd, two captivating female Sword Cultivators stopped in their tracks. Behind them, the two men gave them a glance. They were their husbandsQin Cheng and Sun Yuanhai, both Supreme Adjudicators, experts of the Fate Ocean Realm.

"Leave," Ku Qinglian signaled to her husband, Qin Cheng, with her eyes.

"Hmm..." Biting his lip, Qin Cheng bowed his head and left.

Once they were far enough, only Ling Chen and the two women remained in the cave.

Ling Chen sat down on a rock and turned to look at them.

"Does Exile Ling have something troubling him?" Ku Qinglian moved forward gracefully, her voice soft.

Seeing this, Feng Xuxu silently followed.

"Its not so much trouble, just a bit of boredom, needing some inspiration." Ling Chen's gaze was intense as he looked at them, starting from their faces, moving down past their peaks, settling in the valleys.

Such a fiery look, those experienced in such matters would understand.

"Exile Ling, we" Ku Qinglian and Feng Xuxu exchanged a glance, their voices trembling slightly.

In fact, since entering the Demon Continent, as experienced women, they had already sensed Exile Ling's subtle hints.

"Undress for me," Ling Chen commanded authoritatively.

Both women bowed their heads, a blush creeping onto their cheeks, whispering, "Yes."

Only then did Ling Chen let out a laugh. The frustration of failing to find the core of the Heavenly Land was instantly swept away. "Zi Xuan, I owe thanks to my sister-in-law. Without her, how would I have known... women, the ones belonging to others always seem better!"